
My System Turns Anime Bloodlines Into Cultivation Technique

reborn in a new world with a lottery system that can give many anime abilities, but I have to collect people's rage... this is going to be troublesome

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

an annoying monkey

How strong was a half-step Golden immortal? a peak heavenly immortal had the power of at least 1 quintillion greater Dao, and a half step Golden Immortal had the power of at least 10 septillions greater, which was 10 million times stronger, Sora was at a huge disadvantage as with his power-ups, 375 quadrillion

what can Sora do? of course he had his ways, for the first time in Sora's life, he will fight with everything he had. of course, Sora was not in any danger, he this had his war god armor which was as strong as him. and that would be him Sun Dip, and that armor could block this strongest attack, and even 50% more.

Fu Bo sent a rocketing fist towards Sora, a fist so powerful that fist shattered space wherever it passed, time and space couldn't handle this fist. although Fu Bo had strength at half step golden immortal, he had gained those power through rage and couldn't control it. it he could at the moment only show a small amount of this form's power. which was only 100 sextillions

even So. this was enough to shatter Sora Sage's shield shattering on connect, followed by the Susanoo. Sora roared as he went all out to defeat, but his hands were shattered on contact and he was sent smalling into the planet straight into the core.

Sora's body was badly injured, but he eat the lava quickly recovering his strength, with a flash, he appeared back in space as he entered the Susanoo, Fu Bo punched him once more, and Sora roared as he punched forward with the dragon fist.


Sora was sent flying onto the moon of the planet while coughing up blood, but he shockingly he rushed back towards Fu Bo with another fist. Sora's durability was just off the charts, fists landed on Sora, sometimes making him look like a pancake, and sending him flying far away, but Sora would come back and again and again.

"How does it feel to be completely looked down upon? you are weak, trash and all you were was a stepping stone. you will lose, but I will not kill you. death is too good for you" Fu Bo yelled angrily as his fingers dug into the planet and his other hand grabbed a nearby planet, while watching Sora he was rushing forward


He suddenly slammed the two planets together, using space and times to shatter when the impact happened. Fu Bo snorted as he watched Ling Han who was knocked out of his base form, turn back to base form floating

"Look at you. you sad piece of shit. I see your karma, you have a family. Haha, I will be sure to find them, and like..." Fu Bo slowly stopped speaking as he noticed Sora was calmly looking at him, and when Sora heard him speak of family his eyes turned cold.

Fu Bo's heart shook slightly, but he snorted as he punched forward with everything he had, He couldn't allow Sora to grow or even have a breakthrough at his moment, So, he punched forward with everything. he had already gained some level of control of this new power, this punch was countless times stronger than anything he had lunched before,

But something happened which shocked not Just Fu Bo, but everyone who was watching even Sora. The war god armor began growing, and when on to that the form of a golden armor which made Sora look similar to his Susanoo,

{congregation of evolving the war god armor and also fusing it with the gold from the from frost demon cultivation art. due to the new evolution to the war god armor, the host has gained a few new abilities.

the first ability. the Susanoo has compressed down to the size of normal armor. the Susanoo boosted the host power by 1,000 times. but that increase in power has increased with it being so compressed. it's now 20 times stronger, making it so it gives the host 20,000 times more power.

the second ability. the armor has gained the ability to increase the host size. this increase in size will not affect the power gained from the Susanoo.

The third ability. the host can now though the armor help evolves new other weapons, the weapons must have a soul and wish to grow stronger. the stronger the weapon, the more energy it would require.

the fourth ability. every 1 million years. the host can now fuse two bloodlines together. the fusion with not be a simple bloodline plus bloodline equal stronger bloodline. it would be Bloodline times bloodline equal a much stronger bloodline. you will still keep all the bloodline abilities to have, and they may or may not be stronger.

the 5th ability. the armor can low absorb Dao Crystals, and slowly transform the Dao from those crystals into the host. the host would still need to comprehend the Dao on his own, but this would be feedback to the host in a way that even a child would understand it

the last improvement through this would be the monkey king staff was gained a spiritual hundred of thousands of years ago and wishes to grow stronger. it's seeing the host growing stronger that made it break its own limits, but it's up to the Monkey King staff if it's willing to give its newfound power to the host.}

{new form has been gained. the golden form of the frost demon realm. a form that greatly boosts a person's power but at a huge cost of energy, the power this form gives is 1 million times to base form, it has 4 grades, and the 4th grade is its mastered state. and could give one 100 million times one the power to base form.

since this form was fused with the host armor, the power boost it gives had fused with the war god armor. current boost of power... 50 billion}

Sora caught the fist with one arm as his eyes began growing, quickly matching the size of Fu Bo and growing given bigger

"you looking down upon me? oh please have you ever seen an ant looking down upon a god? that would have to be a clone among all ants." Sora said calmly

"you're calling yourself a god?" Fu Bo said with a sneer as he tried to pull his hands back, but he found he could move even in the slightly, which made his heart drop as he had a bad feeling

"don't lock me in with such ants. you said I was weak? I am quite confused about where you got that idea. you said I'm trash? I don't remember carrying around a mirror for you to look at yourself. I'm a steppingstone? you really make me feel as if I'm carrying around a mirror." Sora said coldly as he put some force in his hand, but he wasn't strong enough to break Fu Bo's arms. this showed they were about equal in power, but Fu Bo hasn't drawn out his full power

"the holy thing you said that was true was that death is too good for me. such a sad thing can't touch me, now die." Sora said coldly as he began raining blows on Fu Bo, each blow had 1.8 septillion forces of power, yet they couldn't damage Fu Bo. although he did suffer internal damage, it only went on to help him get used to his newfound power

Soon Fu Bo began fighting back as Sora's attacks were helping him get used to his power, in no time Sora fell at a disadvantage and began to rely on his superior level of come, but soon Fu Bo's power reached a level where they seemed to be equal in power. shockingly Fu Bo had 92 septillions greater Dao of power, he was 3 times stronger than the average half-step immortal. this level of power was shocking, but it was more shocking that Sora could still fight, although Sora was on the defensive 95% of the time, his every movement was profound to the point even beings like the heavenly emperor had to admit Sora was a master of combat

But Fu Bo seeing Sora's power was enraged, Sora was just a peak level 10 gold rank expert, right now Sora was fighting almost 4 ranks above his cultivation, he let out an enraged Sora, his power suddenly skyrocketed as he used the souls within him to boost his power. a 3rd eye slowly opened on his forehead, revealing the eye of the sovereign demon


Sora was sent shooting backward with a simple punch, although he used his arms to block, the power was something above the current level of the self-movement technique. how do you fight someone extremely faster than you? one could say use lower less to counter, but how? even with all his senses, Sora could only see hints of the current Fu Bo


Sora slammed through many planets, destroying the killing countless, Fu Bo appeared before him once more, punching Sora with even more power than the arms he used to block cracked as he was sent flying at such a fast steep that space-time hardens, making Sora shatter it and making him fly into the void.

there were many forms of barriers, sound barriers, light, space, and space-time. most experts could travel at a fast speed without barring any of these, but those unskilled would end up breaking these barriers. for example, Sora could fly at a speed faster than light, yet he never broke the sound or space barrier, that's skilled. but being punched so hard that you fly at a speed that space becomes a sold, that's what would happen if someone moved without a good movement technique.

Sora fell towards one of the few lower realms which have not been destroyed during the calamity, 99% of the countless lower realms have been destroyed, some through battles such as this. or others were destroyed by the demon beast or demons using them to force the heavenly court to step back, but in the end, the heavenly court had to cut all karma with the lower realm as it didn't have the power to defend the lower realms

Sora quickly caught himself before he landed on a lower realm, as with his power and size. the lower realm was the size of a palm to him. if he fell on it, it would be like a moon falling on a human, the lower realm would be a goner. but Sora quickly frowned as he sensed an immortal within the many lower realms, his heart skipped a beat for a moment as a thought entered his mind, but now he had to force on the battle ahead of him


Fu Bo flashed as they clashed within the mortal realm, but it was a clash more like Sora being punched around. just the shock wave alone caused the lower realms near them to explode, Sora formed seeing Fu Bo didn't care to hold back and would fly into lower realms, destroying them and all within without a second thought.

Sora flashed as he teleported back to the immortal realm, the space within the lower realm was not as 'tough' as the immortal realm, allowing Sora to teleport. for the immortal realm, Sora could teleport, but the distance was not going to be far without any technique

Fu Bo didn't let Sora run away and quickly followed, Sora was sent flying across the whole immortal realms. yet Fu Bo could not land a killing blow as Sora took no time to think, all movements were instant, allowing him to block more attacks, to use the Sage shield to block most of the incoming damage. but even Sora, Sora was injured countless times.

the super Saiyan God form improved Sora's healing, and so did the golden form, the war god armor also improved Sora's healing ability. and most importantly the solar energy and the combat angel cultivation art gave Sora the greatest level of healing capability. Sora also used an item from his treasury to help with his healing speed, and destroy the intents within his body, or else she would not be able to recover

"Sora really improved." Ling Han said with a laugh as he stepped out of an inheritance ground. Ling Han felt the power rushing through his body, and thanks to the technique the tower of 3 realms had given him, people will not be able to tell he is the son of creation

"go and collect that god demon Cultivation art, it will benefit your demon bloodline greatly." the tower of 3 realms said, Ling Han, nodded as he was already thinking of this.

plus Sora seemed like he needed some help, although he knew Sora was holding back, this fight was a fight in which Sora couldn't simply use his trump cards. plus, what if a powerful expert appeared to attack Sora, they would need to run away if needed.

With a jump, Ling Han turned into a golden dragon. in just base form Ling Han could now fight those at the peak of the 7th level of the earth immortals, although in his demon buddha dragon form he only had 10 septillions, it was more than Sora, but that was just his raw power. he gained many things within the time he was gone.

how did he grow so strong in such a short amount of time you asked? he inheritances ground he just came from beloved to the dragon sovereign, a being standing on equal footing with beings like the demon sovereign and so on. he was in there for millions of years, but on the outside, only a few hundreds of years have passed.

Ling Han was at this moment close to a breakthrough into the void-shattering realm, he only needed to master two more Dao. the Dao of creation and destruction. so, it was clear his luck over shattered Sora. his father is the god of creation, so it kind of makes sense was he was favored by the heavens but... this level of luck is just cheating.

"Just die." Fu Bo Yelled seeing how he couldn't kill Sora, Sora healed just too fast. and he seemed to grow weaker but he was absorbing energy from his pocket space to keep fighting. plus that ring on Sora's finger was of a powerful healing capability, even able to bring one back to life. a power heavenly immortal grade item. he no longer wanted to make Sora suffer, he was truly scared of Sora staying alive.

Sora's chest caved in from his punch, but flames covered the chest, and in a blink of an eye, sora was back to his peak, although Sora was slightly pale. he regained his color as he absorbed that powerful energy from the magical tree gathered.

"brother in Law, you need a hand?" Ling Han laughed as he flew towards them, Sora who had his eyes closed smiled slightly,

"no need, give me 10 minutes and he will have died," Sora said with a smile as he opened his eyes to look at Sora, his eyes twitched madly the movement he saw Ling Han. his eyes could see Ling Han's abilities and stuff, although nothing related to his bloodline, he could see that Ling Han's age, and his current power, that alone was enough for Sora to tell Ling Han had suppressed him.

"No... I will not be left behind." Sora yelled as his hair suddenly stood straight up, Fu Bo suddenly flew back but he quickly caught himself as he saw Sora's hair turn blue. Ling Han was his rival, Sora was already close to reaching super Saiyan Blue, the feeling of being something like a side character that will always be in second place hit Sora hard, pushing him to finally reach super Saiyan blue

"... impossible." Fu Bo yelled as memories flashed across his head of that day. Super Saiyan Blue was just Sora going Super Saiyan on top of Super Saiyan God, Sora just went super Saiyan again and he already could feel he was no match.

he had 300 septillions Greater Dao of power, yet Sora had 900 septillions, the power gap was too great, before he was having a hard time even with Sora weaker, and now Sora was 3 times stronger than him

"Why are you running?" Sora asked with a cold sneer as he flashed before Fu Bo, he a palm to his back, Sora sent energy into his body, destroying his cultivation art once more, and sealing away his ability to use those souls to recover. he couldn't even think, everything about him was sealed off. Sora even used the ice crystal to freeze him. before throwing him into his pocket space.

IF he killed him, someone can just bring him back to life. even if he destroyed his soul and stuff, those powerful experts had the power to recreate him. Sora no longer wanted to take risks with this guy, so he will remain with him until Sora had the power to completely destroy him

"You came at a perfect time," Sora said with a smile, Ling Han was confused, but once Sora relaxed, his body suddenly shook before he coughed blood. Sora's eyes rolled backward, as Ling Han flashed to feed him a pale, yet the backlash this time was too great for the pill to help out. Sora used 2 new forms together, which he just got.

Sora would be crippled if he was any normal person, lucky for him he cultivated the solar energy cultivation art, because of which his cultivation was not just gathered in his dantian but every part of his being. every cell in his Sora acted as his dantian, so to truly cripple Sora. you have to make sure he had no energy within his cells, and his dantian was destroyed.

Ling Han who was about to fly off suddenly froze as he felt countless powerful auras within the void, space began cracking as battles were taking place. demonic Qi filled the aura. Ling Han now realized many powerful experts were watching this battle, and since Fu Bo lost, the demons were not just going to sit back and watch him be taken away by Sora

Ling Han couldn't run anywhere; space was sealed off. he seemed trapped and hopeless, but Ling Han's vision suddenly shook before he found himself far away. looking around in confusion, he smelled the alcohol. looking around, he saw a one-armed man fishing with his one arm.

"No need to be on guard, master told me to keep junior brother safe. I'm sword emperor, the first disciple of the sword sovereign. Sora has become the 9th and the last disciple, come. sit. I see you have mastered all the Dao and only missing two. come fish, it will clear your mind." He said with a smile, Ling Han hesitated as he looked around before looking at Ling Han who was out cold

"Put him inside, he will not wake up for some time. he will be able to improve within there." He said calmly, Ling Han looked at the wooden house which looked normal, he didn't want to be disrespectful towards a powerful expert who just saved him. but he also was on guard, so he entered the wooden house,

as soon as he entered, he felt his mind clear up. this place truly was a place for cultivation, if he remained there for a few thousands of years, he could master all the remaining Dao. but he placed Sora down and went on to go fish with the one-arm man.

meanwhile, within Sora's mind space. Sora walking around in a dense forest. he was confused as he didn't know how he got here, or how to leave. suddenly an apple was thrown toward Sora, but Sora quickly caught it.

Looking at who threw it. Sora saw a golden monkey looking at him with a smile as he hung from a tree.

"I'm guessing you are the monkey king staff?" Sora asked calmly, the monkey let out a monkey sound as he jumped sitting straight up a branch.

"That you are right. I have watched you grow, and I too have broken my limits and grown stronger. but if you want my power. you must first catch me. if not, then, you can give up. but you would never be able to get my power." the monkey king staff said calmly, Sora smiled as he flashed, but the monkey disappeared as Sora appeared at where it was

"You really are stupid. you thought it was going to be that easy?" the monkey said with a laugh, Sora frowned as he rushed forward, but the monkey was too fast. the monkey never got out of his sight, but Sora could never get close enough to touch it.

Years went by as Sora tried many tricks to catch the monkey, from using through projection to attacking the monkey. for years, Sora could not even get within arm's reach of the monkey.

in the end, Sora sat down and closed his eyes. this caused the monkey to stop and look at him and go to sleep, never bothered him even after 10 years, Sora was annoyed as he looked at the monkey. he thought it would get bored and do something, but it completely ignored him and went to sleep.

'I can't do acceptance, I can't catch it, and I can't get it to come to me... I got it.' Sora thought as he closed his eyes and held his hands out. the sleeping monkey suddenly opened one eye as it saw the monkey king staff appear in Sora's hands,

"What are you doing?" it asked curiously

"This staff is you, and you are me. so why have I been running around trying to catch myself?" Sora asked with a smile, the monkey suddenly began to laugh

"You are not as stupid as I thought, I made a bet with Zanno that it will take you over 100 years. Haha, it only took you 30. so, how does it feel to know for 30 years, you were a dog trying to catch itself?" The Monkey said mockingly, a vein slowly grew on Sora's forehead, this monkey was... unlikeable