
My system keeps failing me

The nearly dying experience gave me a system that provides me missions but doesn't give me the success or completion of the mission even after completing it rather shows it as failure and gives participation rewards and punishment if not completed in the given time. After so many missions I really want to complete the mission and get the success rewards and give peace to my mind but participation rewards are not bad, it made me rich and strong and granted some of my wishes but I want to see what the completion reward is so I still do missions.

Kiritodrakoon · Urban
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2 Chs

Mission System

[Wake up and complete the missions of the system and rise to the top. You are selected to be the best, because you are not handsome and the moment of creation took pity on you.]

First mission- wake up within 2 hours and get home.

(Reward for success- The Respect of all people in the world.)

(Participation reward/ Failure- Healing all injuries and adding 5 points to health.)

(Not accepting this mission- Bed rest 2 days before healing all injuries and being stuck in bed.)

Accepting time 5 minutes.

Timer begins....

I could only feel my head ringing and some PINGS! and then silence except the heart monitor that showed that I was alive at least.

"Theo, oh my god please wake up!! Mom is here 😭😭"

My mom burst in screaming and everyone started glancing towards her direction, and then looked back, as it was common for people to do so in hospital.

Theo's mom began shaking him to wake up,


I began to feel annoyed and groggy because I didn't get to rest fully before being forcefully woken up.

But before I opened my eyes, I saw the panel in my mind that was twinkling and going in and out of perspective.

I read it and didn't understand what it was and after reading it I felt like cursing but held myself back instead read it fully and accepted the mission.

It was close call seeing that only two minutes were left before time was up.

"Don't shout mom I am waking up, don't worry, I didn't get that hurt, I can go home now-"

"No you will rest and get tests done before getting doctor advice then we will see", my mom interrupted and didn't listen to me no matter how much I persuaded.

After what felt like eternity I was discharged because, after 2 hours, I healed up suddenly and nothing showed up on tests and doctor did the tests again but the reports came out normal and healthy.

This helped me realise that the system was not just a haux and truly powerful, even it's reward for participation were powerful because the reward healed him and added 5 points to health.

Oh, there was an attribute board which showed his situation-

Name- Theo Tale

Age- 21

Health- 7 (normally 10)

Mind- 7 (normally 10)

Items- N/A

This board covered his situation pretty well, and he was not doing good according to the standards of the system.

Because of the accident he had a drop in the attribute of health but recovered and even had upgraded considering, he was a little healthy(fat), now a little more slim. Originally 2 now 7 that was good.