
My System Academy

Eluard Kai found himself transmigrated to a magical world. A steward came over and declared that he was now the academy master of the school in front of him before disappearing to nothingness. "That damn steward said I am now the owner of this place then left me all alone! What the hell am I supposed to teach them anyway?!” He feared that some prodigious arrogant young master would come over and enroll when he himself didn’t know what he was supposed to do. "But this is a deserted academy, right? No one should come over here, right?" Unfortunately, his nightmare came about. "Academy Master, I am here to enroll in the Heavenly Magic Academy. Please allow my request in behalf of my lackluster talent." Eluard Kai almost blacked out until he heard a prompt in his head. [ A student requests to enter the Heavenly Magic Academy. ] [ Accept the request? ] --- Check out my other story, I'm Not An NPC!

Mister_Writer · Fantasy
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124 Chs

Past Untold (2/?)

'Whe… where am I?'

Eluard's head was buzzing, and he could not understand what was going on. 

Everything around him was fuzzy and his balance was so poor that he fell on the ground way too many times for him to remember.

Helpless, he laid down on his back and waited for that uncomfortable feeling to vanish.

'This is like… exercising in a special military camp…', he thought while slowly catching his hurried breath.

'I remember being trapped inside the northern glacial continent… and that strange rift in the sky… Was it eventually closed?'

'Were the demonic creatures defeated? Did those five students make it in one piece?'

He tried to call the system, but nothing happened, 'It didn't work? I must be exhausted. I need to calm myself first.'

The strange sensation went away after a while, and he regained his usual composure. His eyes fluttered a few times and realized something different.