
My Sweet Prince

A half werewolf half vampire lives and goes against and teases the very timid alpha until they need to work together...

Jeanne_Writes · Fantasy
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Hey, I'm Annette, I'm a half-wolf half-vampire hybrid. I look to be 18 years old, but in reality, I'm over 600. I live alone in the middle of the woods. I made sure I wasn't on any pack lands and made sure I wasn't on coven lands. I don't answer to the head vampire or any alpha wolf, and I never will.

*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* "ugh," I groan as I roll over and turn my alarm off. I get up and get ready for my first day of online school. "Why did I want to go to school again?" I mumbled to myself. I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth as well as my hair. After I'm done in the bathroom, I walk back to my room and sit at my desk, and open up my laptop. I go to the virtual classroom, where all my assignments are, looked at what i had to do for today and i got started.

As I was in the middle of doing my algebra work I got an email from one of my classmates that said, "hey anne whatcha doing loser?" 'why is this fucker emailing me???' i think to myself. Instead of emailing him back I just call his dumbass "what do you want Danny boy," I say to Dean to start our conversation. "Oh ya know just wanna bother you and ask if you wanna go hunting later?Pleaseeeee?" he asks. "Dean, you know I don't hunt, I just take blood bags from the hospital and eat meat from the store." "Come on Anne pleaseee I don't wanna go alone." 'Why is he begging me fine I'll tell him i'll go' "okay FINE i'll go but i am NOT hunting i will just be there okay?" I tell him with hopes he'll shut up. "Ugh fine i'll take it but one of these days you'll hunt with me, but anyways I have to go and do work byeeee loser" he said right before he hung up the phone, i then thought to myself, '" bye loser," yeah, yeah, you're the loser you lonely wolf'

I continue working on assignments for school until I'm done for the day. "Finally i'm done and i got some work for tomorrow done too, wow i'm a good student," i say as i stretch and laugh a bit to myself. 'I probably need to get my stuff ready to hunt or rather just watch, and run with dean while he hunts' i walked to my closet and grabbed a nice fitted black tank top and my black skinny jeans that were a bitch stretchy, as well as some black combat boots and put my long navy blue hair into a strong ponytail. After I put all the clothes I picked out on, I went ahead and called Dean, "hey douchebag you ready yet?" i asked him and before he could reply i heard a knock on the door "wait one sec someone's at my door" i told him, so he didn't reply. I walked downstairs and to the front door opened it and Dean was outside, I rolled my eyes and I hung up the phone. "Really dean you were already here you know you can just come in," i said, then proceeded to punch him in the arm. "OW anne calm down you called me as i was pulling up and i didn't get a chance to say anything" he winces then laughs. "shut up dumbass, let's go. I already regret agreeing to this in the first place," I told him as I walked out of my house and towards the woods which were relatively safe as long as you don't go onto a pack's land or a covens land.

Dean follows me into the woods and he strips "ew gross" i gagged. "hey i don't want to rip these clothes," he responded to me right before he changed to wolf form and started running, i ran along with him using my vampire speed because i didn't want to lose control in my wolf form. I saw him catch a deer and i just stood back and played on my phone while he ate it "are you done yet i wanna go home" i asked him, he then proceeded to look at me annoyed but started to jog then run in the direction of my house and he looked back at me and i knew he wanted to race so i started sprinting towards my house and made it back right before him "HA whos the real loser danny boy" i laughed and he started growling seemingly at me but i knew as soon as i smelt the other person he was growling at them not me. "WHO are you and what the hell are you doing on my property" i ask the stranger as i turn towards her, she starts growling and growls lowly but loudly, "MINE" i jump back in surprise "I'M SORRY WHAT i am not even close to being yours you ass" she tries to walk towards me but i bare my fangs and she immediately backs away and runs "ha that will teach her" i said though as soon as she left i could feel my wolf begin to sadden, 'was that stranger actually my mate?'

im just starting with fiction writing and will take any construstive critisim!

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