
She did not believe that Elder Wu could not see that this person was the mastermind behind Wu Jingzhong's scheme. However, since Elder Wu was being so nice to him, it was obvious that this Orchid District governor had a powerful background.

Nuannuan opened a hidden window on the laptop, one that no one else could see. With quick fingers, she searched for any relevant information regarding this Orchid District governor.

She suddenly received a text message from Wu Jingcheng on her phone.

She opened the message. It read, 'Lan Weisong, related to the Shi family.'

The corners of Nangong Nuannuan's lips curled up.

She had been wondering who this person was. He turned out to be someone from the Shi family.

No wonder Elder Wu had been so surprised upon seeing him.

Even her grandfather, uncle, and brothers in the Nangong family were not aware of her relationship with the Shi family, let alone the Wu family of Sea District.