
My Sweet Mother

#R18 #Milfs #Revenge #Devils #Supernatural Being a high school bully Lowy was a scoundrel. his biggest victim Gren pachis now again makes a comeback, now much more bigger and stronger. his mom seems to like him a lot. ' There is something strange and different about him ' Lots of R18 scenes in the beginning, later will be only once in a while. Novice writer so expect vocabulary and grammar to be bad. make sure to comment, any suggestions will be appreciated. patreon.com/LittleFishinPond

Golden_Starfish · Realistic
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6 Chs

chapter 4- An Acceptable karen

Returning to his home, he quickly tossed his ruined shorts into the washing machine then ran inside his room.

Not wanting to think but he couldn't help getting a hard on again when imagining his mom's slutty face devouring ravenously pachis's cock.

Finishing his usual glass of milk from the fridge, he forced himself into the sleep. Waking up in the morning he found his head hurt a little bit.

Recalling what happened the previous night his face grew bitter. Getting of his bed, he went downstair his face grew odd once more when he realised his mom hasn't woken up yet.

His footsteps were making a loud creaking sound on the wooden floor as he went ahead to his mom's room.

As he was about to open the door julie came out of bathroom, wearing a black bath robe wrapped around her voluptous body.

" Hey lowy, you woke up quite late today. You can have toast and milk for your breakfast go wash up soon "

Lowy frowned but didn't said anything else, he went inside the bathroom and quickly relieved his previous days load. Looking around he found something strange.

The walls were moist as though someone has through a bucket of water on them.

His heart grew uneasy as he searched around the room, inside the washing machine he found something which made his mind fune with extreme rage.

" So you are fucking around in our own house now huh "

Inside it along with his own shorts were his mom's last night dress, her underwear along with some other man's clothes.

He pulled out julies underwear and saw white fluid smeared across it.

He nearly puked quickly throwing it back and washing his hands he went outside the room.

On one side he wanted to strike fear in his mom's heart and on other side he didn't wanted to be kicked out.

Shooking his head he finished his cheap breakfast then went for his job.

He worked in an Mr Rick's icecream shop. It was unusally good, the pay was not bad, shop was pretty much cool ventilated and there were always some hot chicks here to get some icecream.

This day was lowy's mood was lower than ever. He rubbed his temple.

"Damn it my head hurts even though I had a good sleep. "

Suddenly his phone rang out as a notification popped out.

It was from someone name Gwen pachis, she had sent a picture

"Gwen pachis? Have i heard that name before "

Lowy got a wierd feeling in his heart. Failing to hold his curiosity he opened the message and saw a picture that made him tremble slightly.

" it was from when he was peeking at his mom sucking off gren "

" What the fuck. Who sent it? Is it that woman. "

Not able to control himself he asked

" who are you? What do you want? "

A reply came instantly,

" Don't you remember the mom of your high school friend lowy "

'So that woman was really her. Damn it how much have they changed. In high school both of them were like skinny bumpkins.

When Gren was forced to leave tge school all of this was a huge burden on gwen shoulder but it seems they have won some sort of lottery'

He forced himself to calm down then wrote,

" What do you want then, do you want me to say i am sorry. I guess that's not what you really want "

Along with the message, he sent a semi naked picture of himself clenching every muscle on his body. His biceps, triceps, all six abs and leg muscles were perfectly toned. Wearing a thin underwear his manhood was well hidden but the bulge was something that woman can't help but keep peeking on.

' Hehe that gotta make her moist enough. I have won countless single woman with this one .....'

Just as he was thinking how he can conquer any woman, another message came from Gwen instantly, along with a picture.

" hahaha you overestimate yourself kid "

Was the message tagged along with a pic of a smoking hot woman.

She was Gwen lying in a bed with a extremely sexy pose.

Her crimson hair were slightly curled at the end, hands stretched open as if embracing a lucky fellow, her big eyes and smooth red lips that could melt anyone heart.

She was wearing a thin red nightie, tight at her huge bossoms it couldn't conceal the shape of those firm round breasts.

Under the thin nightie one could see her sexy red underwear and her chubby white thighs.

Lowy got a hard on that he never had just by looking at a picture of this woman.

Another message popped up when he was still in a daze.

" Come meet me today in the backyard at 8:00pm. If you interested me you might get lucky."

With that before he could reply she turned offline.

Lowy was still somewhat lost in his mind.

' Damn what a smoking hot body '

Even Julie sexiness would pale in comparison to Gwen.

As he pondered if he should go or not he saw a fifty something old woman trip down the wet floor next to him.

He quickly went ahead and grabbed her by her chubby waist.

The next thing he felt was his hard on making its way into some soft and thick valley. It was that womans fatty ass.

" Aghhhhhh " the woman screamed her lungs out. She quickly grabbed gren's hard bulging member and squeezed it.

" Aghh! God da*n it, Woman i was just helping you "

he backed off with a hand on his lower abdomen. His face was filled with extreme pain.

" Security! Security! Your staff member is sexually harassing me. "

The woman yelled her wrinkled face growing red yet no one came. She quickly turned to look at lowy and said

" I want to see your manager "

He looked at this irritating karen and said in cold voice,

" The manager is out of town, he only comes in the weekend. "

The karen rebutted

" A store this big doesn't have a manager in it amd he has hired sexual predators like you. I am caling 911 "

She quickly put out his phone and started dialing.

Lowy hurried to apologize in ashamed manner.

" Ohh please good lady. Don't be offended, i didn't meant to harass you like that. I originally just wanted to help you out to prevent a beautiful woman like you from getting hurt "

He said with eyes full of shame and rage as he made a wierd pose which he thought was manly.

" Please is there any way you can let it slide "

The woman looked at his body for a moment, her lips curled up into a lustful smile.

She grabbed his arm and pulled him into a empty room in the cold storage. Lowy slowly followed her thinking

" God i was about to have sex with the most beautifull woman and now i am gonna get fucked by this ugly wretch "

When they entered the room the woman loosened her grip and closed the door.

" Aren't you worried that someone might come inside the shop when you aren't there "

Lowy replied without so much any emotion,

" i have locked the door already, so unless they have a key and the next shift is in the evening. "

He looked at that woman's back even though she was somewhat old and irritating her body wasn't the worst. Her breasts were still bountifull and the curvy ass outline inside her tight leggings made him somewhat comfortable for doing it.

The woman noticed his gaze and chuckled

" You can call me Aunt Molly "

Lowy mumbled

" Okay Aunt molly lets get on with it "

With that he grabbed molly by her waist and shoved his tongue inside her mouth.

Molly somewhat surprised also started slurping his tongue like a ferocious beast deep inside her throat, then her own tongue made its way inside lowy's mouth.

Touching every corner of his mouth, teeth , lips and ears.

Lowy kept undressing himself and molly, he didn't knew why but she had the most sexy smell of all the woman he had tasted. He was extremely excited.

When he was about to open her bra, molly hurriedly moved her hands into his underwear and grabbed his hard cock.

She kept stroking it and squeezing it in a rythm. Lowy let out a loud moan, he hurriedly torn off her bra.

Squeezing her heavy and a little saggy breasts they started kissing one another again. Kissing each others neck, lowy grabbed one of her tit and sucked its nipple.

There was faint scent of milk on them and a few drops were leaking out, his mind was filled with ecstasy.

Molly hand was also filled with his precum which she used as lubricant and stroked it once more.

Lowy quickly removed her hands from his pants and tore of her wet panties. A strong scent of pheromones filled his mind as he took a whiff of her love juice drenched panties.

He was about to start eating when the woman stopped him and giggled,

" Wait .."

She quickly turned around and opened a box of choclate icecream. Smearing it across lowy's legs and his hard on cock, she pushed him down and started slurping with delight.

Her soft tongue made its way across lowy's inner thigh as she licked off all the choclate off them.

His cock was throbbing as it prepared to explode, but before it could molly squeezed its tip and stopped it.

Lowy moaned in pain and ecstasy.

Molly licked her lips and sat down in a cowgirl position, smashing her self up and down.

They moaned and kept switching position while thumping hard.

After 1 hour when her pussy was filled with lowy's love juice, she chuckled as she pushed his mouth and smeared it with it.

" Lick it clean "

Lowy was somewhat embarrassed but still followed the order quietly.

After they were done, they quickly dressed up and prepared to leave the room.

Lowy asked with a flushed face,

" Can you give me your number "

Molly laughed out loud then said

" If i want to i will find you anytime soon "

With that she went outside, lowy followed her but soon his expression was frozen on the spot.

Mr Erikson the manager and the owner of the shop was standing outside, his face filled with anger and fury as he looked at the two shameless people.

He said in a heavy voice.

" If not for your mom begging me i would have never hired you "

Without listening to his response he turned around and said

" You are fired "

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

only when there are atleast 5 comments will i publish mext chapter.

it takes lot of time to think and write lol

Golden_Starfishcreators' thoughts