
The Miller's

Hannah Bradley sat on her desk,legs crossed, hands folded and lost in thought.

Hannah was a beautiful lady in her thirties, she is tall,classy, intelligent and strong willed. She has worked as a personal assistant in Hudsoft Global for over eight years. Hudsoft Global is a manufacturing company.

When she had resumed work in those early years, the company had not grown so big, but within some few years, it grew in leaps and bounds to a now reowned multinational company.

The company is owned by Mr Hud Miller, who had two sons, Jason and Jayden.

Mr Miller had sent his first son Jason abroad to study business administration at Delaware, but after his study, Jason decides to stay back abroad.

Although, Mr Miller kept persuading him to come back but it fell on deaf ears, Jason's mind was made up on staying.

While Jayden on the other hand lived with his dad, Jayden had a rough teenage life; growing up, they lost their mother to the cold hands of death, Jayden barely gets his father's attention, while his brother was abroad.

He was literally left to cater for himself at an early stage. So he found solace in alcohol and drugs... Jayden was broken. When his father realized the damage that has been done, things were already out of proportion.Jayden would come home drunk, drive recklessly and sometimes get arrested by the police. Jayden had the worst set of friends who keeps getting him in trouble.

Recently, Mr Hud Miller had made his intentions of retiring known in a conference meeting at the company;

" Hello Everyone...." He said;

Hi! They all echoed at the same time.

"Well I have called this meeting to address you all" he said; And

I would like to make use of this opportunity to thank everyone who has worked with me passionately all through these years, I do not take it for granted.

"Can we all give a round of applause to my Chief Security Officer, the oldest staff who has worked with me for over 25 years since the company started."

A round of applause echoed through the room, then the room went back to it's serenity almost immediately.

Then Mr Miller continued.. " My special thanks goes again to Mr Silas, Mrs Edwin and Miss Hannah Bradley who has showed consistency all these years to me, thank you guys.

Now, I would like to announce to you all that I will be taking a bow from the company, I would also like to handover to my first son Jason..

Little Mutterings could be heard amongst the staffs as they expressed their surprise..

Mr Miller clapped his hands a little bit to show that he was not done yet...then the mutterings reduced until nothing could be heard again.

Then Mr Miller continued; my son Jason will assume my position and I ask that you all cooperate with him. If there will be any other announcement, Miss Hannah will get it across to everyone. Thank you, and do have a nice day.

The whole scene was still as clear as day in Hannah's memory. The fact that Mr Miller never discussed this with her made her even more surprised. She felt so entitled to knowing things first hand before anyone, and also considering her secret affair with Mr Miller, she sure deserves an explanation.

Now the first day Jason resumes at the office, he moves her from the position of a personal assistant to a secretary.

While she was still in her thoughts, her phone rang... It was Mr Miller calling..And So She reluctantly picks up...

"Hello... she said"

"Hello Hannah, Mr Miller's voice was calm; "can we meet at the club house tonight? " He asks calmly..

"Okay...Hannah replied coldly.

Then the line went off.

So,Hannah stood up adjusted her gown, picked up her car keys and went down through the elevator.

The whole building was so serene, everyone had gone home. She walked to the car park, made her way to her car and drove off.

What is your thoughts about Hannah's sudden change in position? Comment and let me know....

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