
Chapter 5: Beauty Saves the Hero

Translator: 549690339

"You were never like that before, why now..." Ran Dongkui lamented, remaining silent for a long time before finally speaking up, "Xiaoyu, why don't you spend a few days at Grandma's?"

Ran Yu came to her senses, slowly raised her head, and looked at her father, "What did Dad say?"

"Your uncle and his family have returned from Italy. When they called, Grandma mentioned... she misses you, so pack up your things tomorrow..."

"Heh." Ran Yu laughed, "So soon... Dad wants to kick me out of the house?"

"Xiaoyu, that's not what I mean..." Ran Dongkui tried to explain.

"What do you mean then, sending me to my uncle's house to be their stepdaughter?" Ran Yu laughed.

Ran Dongkui, holding his forehead, endured not losing his temper, "I enrolled you in a summer tutoring class, and staying at Grandma's will be more convenient, and..."

He added, "When school starts, I'll come to pick you up."

Ran Yu looked down, not responding.

Ran Dongkui waited a long time, finally let out a long sigh, and left.

Xiaoyu, one day you'll understand...


The next morning.

Ran Yu grabbed her bag and opened her room door; the conversation in the living room stopped instantly, and the warm atmosphere seemed to vanish as well.

At the dining table, Ran Dongkui put down his chopsticks, "Xiaoyu, come have breakfast first, I'll take you after."

"No need, I'll go by myself." Ran Yu lowered her head to change shoes, pulled open the door, and left.

When slamming the door, she did it deliberately hard, producing a loud "bang."

Qiao Li, startled, shivered and holding her chest, said, "Dongkui, leave her be, with her temperament, are you afraid she'll be bullied? She'd be doing well not to bully others. Later on, I might even have to personally thank them."

"Dad." Ran Yurou frowned, "Are we really going to do this? Actually... I can tutor Sister."

Ran Dongkui sighed, "Forget it, let it be."

Ran Yurou blinked, then nodded obediently.


After Ran Yu left the house, she immediately lit a cigarette.

She wore a simple T-shirt with denim shorts, sporting a messy purple bob, slung a bag over her shoulder, and had a cigarette between her lips... Passersby couldn't help but frown in disgust.

At the entrance of the housing complex, it wasn't long before an orange Hummer stopped in front of her.

As the car door opened and Ran Yu was about to get in, she froze.

"What are you spacing out for, hurry up and get in, Yu Ge." Feng Yanyan called out to her with a cheery smile.

Ran Yu looked towards Shen Letian.

The latter hurriedly explained, "It's got nothing to do with me, the little princess heard you were in trouble and insisted on coming to play the hero saving the beauty!"

Ran Yu: "..."

Feng Yanyan, eighteen-years-old, fair-skinned and beautiful, born into a family of doctors, has always been known as a renowned lady of D City, cherished and adored by all.

Logically, such a person should have nothing to do with Ran Yu, but nonetheless...

"Yu Ge!" Once the car started moving, Feng Yanyan immediately said, "Dad gave me a villa as a graduation gift. Since you have nowhere to go, just live with me. We're both girls, it's more convenient than with them."

Ran Yu put down her bag and said seriously, "I'm going to attend a prep class in the north of the city."

"Pfft!" Shen Letian burst into laughter.

Ran Yu bent her leg and started kicking furiously at the seat in front of her.

Feng Yanyan also gave Shen Letian a discomforting glance before continuing, "I have a car, you can drive whenever you want."

The corner of Ran Yu's mouth twitched slightly, "Do you think I'm some stray cat or dog on the street?"

"No." Feng Yanyan blinked her big eyes sincerely, "You're my lifesaver, I'm just repaying my debt."

Ran Yu closed her eyes, "How many times do I have to tell you, it was an accident!"

She hated when people were nice to her, that was her weakness.

"I don't care, you saved me, so you are my lifesaver, and I want to be good to you!" Feng Yanyan expressed her determination.

"Just go live with the little princess, Xiaoyu," Shen Ao spoke up.

"Yeah, Dog Bro and I are used to having a room each, if you come... I'll have to sleep on the sofa," Shen Letian added.


Forty minutes later, Ran Yu stood in the lavish living room of the villa, carrying her bag.

Although three years prior, she wasn't unaccustomed to such places, somehow, she felt uneasy all over now.

After giving instructions to the servant, Feng Yanyan trotted over, took the bag from her, and placed it on the sofa, "Yu Ge, accompany me to a party tonight, okay?"

"No." Ran Yu immediately rejected the idea without thinking.

Feng Yanyan pouted, "You're refusing before even listening?"

"I don't go to those kinds of women's gatherings."

They weren't suitable anyway.

"Ah, but this time it's not that kind of party, this time it's..." Feng Yanyan whispered, covering her mouth, "a matchmaking banquet."

"You?" Ran Yu was surprised.

But thinking about it made sense, families like hers probably engaged in arranged marriages at a very young age to solidify their relationships.

Ran Yu sat down and casually picked up the juice a servant had just set down...

"It's not just me, there are many candidates," Feng Yanyan explained, "I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend."


A mouthful of orange juice sprayed everywhere.