
Chapter 10 Will You Marry Me? (2)

Translator: 549690339

Ran Yu: "..."

"It's fine." Lu Ziheng smiled unchanged, "After the wedding, she can continue her education."

Qiao Li panicked, "What kind of reasoning is it to get married at eighteen? Mr. Lu, if word of this gets out, it won't reflect well on us."

Damn it, if Ran Yu really married Lu Ziheng, with that girl's vindictive nature, wouldn't she end up riding roughshod over Qiao Li?

Absolutely not!

"What's wrong with it?" Lu Ziheng raised an eyebrow, "I think it's rather good, and... to be honest, when I arrived just now, I heard some of the conversation between you two."

Qiao Li's face turned pale.

Ran Dongkui took a deep breath and stated earnestly, "Mr. Lu, regardless, I think since it's our first meeting today, the matter of marriage..."

"I see, then... why not ask Xiaoyu for her opinion first? Uncle, what do you think?" Lu Ziheng cut him off directly.

Ran Dongkui was taken aback.

"Xiaoyu." Lu Ziheng lowered his head, his deep-set, pond-like black eyes gazing at Ran Yu, a light smile on his lips, "Are you willing to marry me?"

Standing there, the morning light of the high summer poured in from the balcony, casting a faint halo around him. His smile was as radiant as that of a deity, yet in the depths of his eyes, there was something captivatingly profound.

Ran Yu looked into his eyes and was momentarily dazed, unable to speak.

"Mr. Lu, look... you've scared Xiaoyu," Qiao Li hurriedly said.

Just then, Ran Yu suddenly extended her hand and took the initiative to hook Lu Ziheng's arm.

Under everyone's gaze, she lifted her chin, "Fine."

"Xiaoyu, you're insane!" Ran Dongkui couldn't believe his ears.

Ran Yu looked at her father and smiled, "Dad, isn't this what you wanted? From now on, no one will disturb your family of three."

"Xiaoyu, what nonsense are you talking about, your dad has never thought that way, you are my own daughter..." Ran Dongkui's eyes reddened, his heart aching.

"Mr. Lu!" Qiao Li felt a chill up her spine and tried to salvage the situation, "You might not know this, but Xiaoyu is somewhat rebellious. She's in her adolescence, she doesn't quite understand things..."

"I don't understand?" Ran Yu looked at her, her smile sardonic and taunting, "Although you became the legitimate wife late, you did have a daughter who was eight years old when you married. Speaking of not understanding, I really can't compare to you... pregnant before marriage, a mistress before adulthood!"

Qiao Li was so angry her eyes rolled back in her head.

If it weren't for the presence of outsiders, she would have slapped her already.

"It's almost noon." Lu Ziheng checked the time, "I still need to take Xiaoyu back to see Grandpa and Grandma. Uncle, we'll take our leave now. I will have someone send the wedding invitations later."

With that, he naturally took Ran Yu's hand, picked up the dirty backpack, and turned to leave.

"Xiaoyu!" Ran Dongkui called out.

Ran Yu's footsteps hesitated subconsciously.

Lu Ziheng stopped as well, he didn't speak, but kept his head low, gazing at her incessantly.

Two seconds later, Ran Yu pursed her lips and stepped away.


The Ran family lived on the third floor.

After descending the stairs and pushing open the door, they saw a black Range Rover parked outside.

"Young Master." The driver, dressed in a formal suit, got out of the car and respectfully bent down to open the rear door.

Lu Ziheng's lips curled up, ready to proceed, when the soft touch in his palm suddenly disappeared, followed by Ran Yu's undisturbed voice, "I just borrowed you for a moment, thanks."