
My Supreme Magus System

When a ordinary teenager Alex is unexpectedly transported to the magical realm of Eldoria, he begins as a powerless outsider. However, his fate takes a remarkable turn when he gains access to a cheat-like System, granting him extraordinary abilities. As he learns to wield magic and sword, forms unlikely alliances, and faces both allies and adversaries. Lets follow the journey of Alex's as it unfolds—a tale of growth, building relations, and the pursuit of survival and dominance in a world brimming with magic and danger. _______________________________________________________________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/sTxPZdmnk3 Wiki: https://my-supreme-magus-system.fandom.com [A/N: The image is not mine, all credit goes to the original creator. Please message me or comment if you want me to take down the image.]

PP_Qwarts · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Elevated Ambitions

Berserker Boars earned their name not just due to their inherently berserk nature but because they become even more ferocious and uncontrollable once they truly enter their berserk state.

Cornered, they fill with rage, charging more recklessly. The more they're attacked, the more powerful they become. In this berserk state, they feel no pain and only wreak havoc in a relentless rage.

Initially, both the Berserker Boar and Alex had matching speeds, but as it entered its true berserk state, its terrifying speed escalated even further in response to Alex's attacks. Evading its onslaught became increasingly challenging.

'It's taken enough damage; one good shot, and it's finished. I need to prepare a proper final attack.'

While the Berserker Boar had sustained significant injuries, the minor attacks only fueled its power, making it a threat capable of taking down Alex before succumbing itself.

Aware that simple <Dark Bullet> shots wouldn't be sufficient and that he would be impaled and trampled before the boar's demise, Alex orchestrated their seemingly aimless movement, leading the berserk creature to a specific spot.

Arriving at the designated spot, Alex exclaimed, "Now, <Shadow Walk>." Instantaneously, he teleported near a tree, repeating the process two more times in quick succession.

In the next instant, he hastily consumed a low-grade mana potion he had acquired earlier.

The berserk boar, in its mindless rage, had charged ahead significantly before realizing its target had vanished.

Feeling the effects of the mana potion, replenishing his magical reserves, Alex knew time was of the essence as the monster had already spotted him and was now charging back.

Putting his arm forward, he assumed a spell-firing stance and began to overcharge <Dark Bullet>.

"Come at me, you beast! <Dark Bullet>!" With barely a few seconds of overcharged spell, he aimed and shot it at the creature's head.

The Berserk Boar instantly succumbed, but due to its momentum, it continued forward, dropping lifeless just beneath Alex's feet.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Alex slumped back and raised his hand in victory, cheering, "Wohooo, I subdued a Berserk Boar on my own!"


[The Host has killed a D rank Monster]

[+300 XP and +20 SP]


'The XP and SP for killing a D-rank monster sure are good, more than double that of an E-rank monster.'

Alex took a moment to fully rest, allowing the adrenaline to subside and his muscles to relax.

Afterward, he attempted the challenging task of extracting his sword from the Berserk Boar's carcass. Bracing the handle with both hands and leveraging his legs against the lifeless body, he eventually succeeded.

The thick hide of the monster posed a challenge, and without the earlier leap, Alex might not have had the strength to lodge the sword so deeply into the monster.

"This body will surely make some good bacon, but can we consume monsters?" Uncertain, Alex decided to consult Aurora later.

Extracting the monster core proved to be another challenge, but he managed and stored the entire body in his system inventory.

Choosing not to sell it to the Adventurer's Guild, Alex considered the attention it would attract. A soon-to-be-promoted E-rank adventurer bringing back the body of a D-rank monster, especially a Berserker Boar, was bound to raise suspicions.

Staying low-key suited him just fine, allowing him to enjoy his achievements without unnecessary scrutiny.

The remaining hours passed uneventfully, and before he knew it, his E-rank promotion quest was completed.

Returning to Gary, Alex received congratulations and an update on his quest status.

"Congrats, Kid! You are now officially an E-rank adventurer. I've marked your quest as successfully completed, and you can get your new license from the guild."

"Thank you for all your help, Gary." Alex bowed and expressed his gratitude for the support.

"Haahah, no need to thank me, just buy me a drink in the tavern behind the guild."

Alex chuckled, engaged in some friendly banter before leaving. All that remained for him was to obtain his new license.

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"Here is your new license, sir." the receptionist presented Alex with his updated card. Although it looked the same, the prominent addition was a big 'E' written on it.

With the E-rank status, Alex was officially recognized as a seasoned adventurer, no longer considered a newbie.

He now had fewer restrictions on traveling outside and gained access to a variety of quests. With the ability to undertake three active missions simultaneously, he could also participate in minor monster raids.

Having completed his rank promotion, Alex proceeded to the third floor of the Adventurer's Guild to sell the unwanted items in his inventory and earn some money.

After dealing with the Berserker Boar, Alex found no other monsters, so his focus shifted to collecting herbs and plants.

While most of these plants were not particularly valuable, ranging from 100 to 200 relies each, a few fetched a higher price, exceeding 500 relies. The cumulative value could be substantial when gathered in abundance.

Approaching the counter, Alex encountered the familiar middle-aged lady he had met when selling plants for the first time.

The woman recognized Alex and greeted him warmly, "So, what have you brought today to sell?"

With a sly smile, Alex unpacked the numerous plants and flowers he had collected in the red zone. Most adventurers tended to overlook these collections, especially in the red zone, resulting in an abundance of herbs.

Curious, Alex asked, "How much will it all sell for then?" His smug smile revealed his confidence in the substantial haul.

The woman was astonished by the sheer variety and quantity of the collection. Her eyes lit up with delight as rarely did someone harvest this much and sell it to the guild. Each item was professionally harvested, maintaining its quality without any damage.

"Kid, my offer still stands. Do you want to work for the guild? I promise the terms and pay would be worthwhile. What do you say?"

Politely declining, Alex explained that he had to pass on the offer as he was still a student with other goals to pursue.

"Tch, I would have loved to have a helper like you, but young people nowadays have their own things going on. I won't pester you much. Anyways, it would take me a while to sort them out and give you a price."

Understanding the time needed, Alex handed over his card and requested a transfer of the amount once the valuation was complete.

Trusting the guild's reputation as a government-run organization, he had no concerns about payment.

"E-rank? In a month, you promoted to E-rank. Not bad, not bad. Keep the spirit up." There was surprise in her voice, but she praised him nonetheless.

Moving on to the next counter, Alex sold all the monster parts and cores of F-rank monsters he no longer required.

In the end, he received over 200,000 relies for everything. Delighted, Alex couldn't help but grin at the prospect of soon having half a million relies in his bank account.

Alex envisioned his future, thinking, 'I will soon be half a millionaire, and not long after, I'll also be a millionaire.'

With all business concluded and his goal of becoming an E-rank adventurer achieved, Alex headed back to the academy.

In two days, his tests would begin, focusing not only on his combat skills but also his academic prowess.

Realizing he had neglected his studies for a while, Alex was determined to concentrate on them now to secure a good score and advance to a higher class.