
St. Dominic's Orphanage

At the age of three months I was placed by my biological parents at the St. Dominic's Orphanage

Because if my parents poverty they decided to go overseas to look for a better life for themselves and for their children. So there were two other sisters and one brother. I was the last child.

At the Orphan home I grew up as a Roman Catholic. It was in this home I was disciplined to be faithful in devotion to the church, rising every morning at 5.00 am for religious devotion. I did enjoy this training very much. The nuns who were our foster parents were very kind. I remained at the Orphan home until I was twelve years of age

My mother one day came to take us out of the Orphan home and so resumed her charge over my life and the others. She tried her best in giving us her full support in our overall upkeep. She paid for me to have a good education.

I met my husband at the age of twenty and got married at the age of twenty-seven. We had seven children. However, there were many challenges and abuse in the marriage, but because of my upbringing of not knowing what to do or seek for help and my children. I remained in the marriage. It was during the years of abuse I had a divine encounter with the supernatural. I remain faithful to the church and trained up my children to be faithful as well.

Moreover, the year my mother died every thing came to a climax as her death affected me severely. I did not have any friends so I kept everything to myself. Two weeks after mother died, my husband came home around 12.30 am very intoxicated and he shouted at me with words so painful and abusive as he said your mother dead let me see who you will run too now. At that point in time I felt very broken and really sorrowful. I knelt down and began to cry and ask God why he took away my best friend who was my mother. I said to him I really dont know who you are I only heard about him. and if he was real and showed me who he was I would serve him for the rest of my days.

At 3.00am that morning, I felt someone touched me on my shoulder and Ibawoke to see a man all in light the coloured of amber and his light covered my pillow which looked like a golden pillow. The light went over half of my husband's pillow. Immediately I knew it was the Lord. He remained there for over twenty minutes and I just could not speak with him from my mouth. My communication came from my heart and I said to him you have showed a mere mortal like me who you are and I will serve you all of my days. I got out of my bed at 5.00 am and called the children whose ages range from five years old to the oldest who was fourteen years old. The thing that was so striking is that the grief and sadness that was upon me after my mother's death was no longer there it just left.

Finally, it was the beginning of a deep relationship with Jesus Christ my Lord and he granted me very many visions immediately after for many years I will have spiritual visions, and journeys. I remained faithful to this day serving Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour

Written by Miriam Jack