
My Supermodel Wife (For Sale!)

My dream will come true! Soon I will be arriving in Italy and appearing at the Milan Fashion Show! My photos will be published in all fashion magazines around the world! In the end, all my sacrifices and hard work will not be in vain! But why my dream become a nightmare!? Daddy suddenly invited me to meet a young CEO who was really arrogant. He said, for the sake of my family's business, I will become his future wife of the young CEO! I don't want to marry him! I don't even know, and don’t love him, but now I have to sacrifice my dream to become his housewife!? What about my dream? Are my efforts and sacrifices in vain? What does the world's most arrogant CEO want? Does he think money can buy love?

Renata99 · Urban
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1252 Chs

Opening of Milan Fashion Week

Hearing the staff's words, for a moment Jean's mind went blank, 'Lilia… you are back?'

He immediately recovered from his shock and asked the staff, "Where?!"

"A-At the exit…" The staff member pointed towards the exit for the backstage area.

Jean immediately ran there. He could hear someone following behind him, but he didn't turn his head. His thoughts were only filled with his fiancée. He arrived at the exit and saw a woman surrounded by staff. The woman was being examined by a medic.

"Lilia!" Jean called out to her in a voice filled with relief.

The woman who had been missing for hours turned around and smiled warmly. Lilia looked very relaxed for someone who was just kidnapped, "Jean! Since when did you come here?"

"This afternoon. Are you alright?" Jean walked over to Lilia and studied her closely.

Lilia nodded, "My head feels a little heavy, but I'm fine."