
My Supermodel Wife (For Sale!)

My dream will come true! Soon I will be arriving in Italy and appearing at the Milan Fashion Show! My photos will be published in all fashion magazines around the world! In the end, all my sacrifices and hard work will not be in vain! But why my dream become a nightmare!? Daddy suddenly invited me to meet a young CEO who was really arrogant. He said, for the sake of my family's business, I will become his future wife of the young CEO! I don't want to marry him! I don't even know, and don’t love him, but now I have to sacrifice my dream to become his housewife!? What about my dream? Are my efforts and sacrifices in vain? What does the world's most arrogant CEO want? Does he think money can buy love?

Renata99 · Urban
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1252 Chs

Dinner Together

After Lilia and Sasha shook hands, the atmosphere in the room was filled with an awkward silence.

Vivi stole a glance at Sasha. Since the first time she saw that woman, Vivi immediately disliked her. Even though Sasha tried to be friendly and polite, she couldn't hide the arrogance in her eyes. As a fellow woman, Vivi knew Sasha looked down on Lilia.

Meanwhile, Jean never took his eyes off Lilia. As he watched the two of them finish shaking hands, the man turned his head towards the dining table.

Lilia noticed the direction of Jean's gaze, "It's okay, you can eat here. Me and Vivi will look for another place." She said. She didn't want to sit at the same table as them and hear them reminisce about the past.

As Lilia started walking towards the door, Jean immediately grabbed her arm, "You don't need to move. We can all eat together here."

Even though Jean said it in a stern tone that didn't accept rejection, Lilia remained adamant.