
My Supermodel Wife (For Sale!)

My dream will come true! Soon I will be arriving in Italy and appearing at the Milan Fashion Show! My photos will be published in all fashion magazines around the world! In the end, all my sacrifices and hard work will not be in vain! But why my dream become a nightmare!? Daddy suddenly invited me to meet a young CEO who was really arrogant. He said, for the sake of my family's business, I will become his future wife of the young CEO! I don't want to marry him! I don't even know, and don’t love him, but now I have to sacrifice my dream to become his housewife!? What about my dream? Are my efforts and sacrifices in vain? What does the world's most arrogant CEO want? Does he think money can buy love?

Renata99 · Urban
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1252 Chs

Case Solving

Two days later, Lilia came back to Alfred's office on campus.

Today she was wearing a white blouse and a long, bright yellow skirt which made her look younger than usual. With that appearance, Lilia could be mistaken as one of the students here.

Alfred sat beside Lilia. The man would act as a neutral party in this case. The lecturer's outfit looked simplistic and didn't attract attention. Lilia felt that Alfred's appearance suited his humble character.

"Mr. Alfred, how long have you been teaching here?" Lilia opened the conversation while waiting for the student's parents to arrive.

"It's only been about 4 years. I am an alumnus of this campus, and immediately taught as a lecturer after I graduated." Alfred replied with a friendly smile.

"4 years? That means you are only 2 years older than me?" Lilia calculated Alfred's age and was surprised to find that the man is only 26 years old, "Wow, you must be very smart because you can immediately teach as a lecturer!"