
My Sunshine “…”

DaJeoung was living in a world full of sorrow everyday was like hell for her. living with a abusive husband with her child. Just when she was about to give up she got a rebirth and vowed to free herself from her woes. This story is fictional.

Blackkoreakid · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 13{Review 13}

Joon Woo was pacing at the corridors of the emergency room the light was still on.

He has been like in this state for two hours now. Joon woo was scared he didn't want anything to happen to Dajeoung.

While he was still in panic the door open and DaJeoung was pushed out of the room and was taken to a vip room.

Joon Woo asked while looking at DaJeoung "how is she?."

The doctor smiled "she okay she just can't walk for sometime that all. But with the medication and therapist she should be able to walk in a month."

Joon Woo nodded while stroking her hair "when will she be conscious?"

Doctor assured him "she should be awake soon don't worry about it. You should get some rest too and wash up."

Joon Woo nodded and sat down to watch over her before he knew it Was already morning he didn't sleep all night while watching over her.

He got up from his sit as his phone rang. He went outside the room to pick the call.

Yu-Jun was at the hospital today to see his uncle. He noticed a familiar face. He knew this guy he was always with DaJeoung and glaring at him at every opportunity he get. Not know how he offended this guy He decided to ask him why he was always glaring after him.

Yu-Jun walked to towards Joon Woo While passing by the Joon came out from he check through the glass of the room out of curiosity. He noticed that it was DaJeoung.

Yu-Jin was stunned to see her there her leg in a cast. Opening the door he walked straight inside the room. Before he could do anything DaJeoung stirred and he watched as she woke up. He sat down on the chair close to her bed looked at her eagerly.

DaJeoung was confused after waking up her body felt like it was crushed by a truck she glanced around and memories came rushing in her head.

Tears well up in her eyes she started crying not aware that there is someone in the room with her. Some grab her hands and patted her head in comfort.

Looking at who was there she was surprised to see Yu-Jun she tried to say something but her throat was dry. She just glanced at him using her eyes to say thank you too him.

After finishing with his call Joon Woo entered the ward and came across this scene. He felt sad seeing DaJeoung seeking comfort from another guy. He turned and left not wanting to disturb they world of two.




DaJeoung has been in the hospital for two days her dad was called the day she woke up. She has just ignored him when ever he was here she haven't heard from Joon woo she was wanting to tell him everything that has happened but he haven't called she tried calling him but couldn't reach him.

Today she decided to talk to dad about what she heard she wanted to hear the whole story and face the Truth.

Baek hyeon as been worried about DaJeoung she was on usually quite and have been ignoring him. She finally tried talking him and the questions he was asked shocked him speechless.

He sigh and decided that he should just tell the child the truth.

"Well am really not your father" looking at DaJeoung eyes that turned red from sadness he glanced away and continued.

"You mum and dad were my childhood friend friend we all grow up together and naturally your mum fell for your dad and they got married. You were just a baby when your dad died in a robbery attack while coming back from work. Your mum couldn't handle it she turned to drinking and going out with different lovers.

she stop take care of you I didn't know what to do your mum parent were no more even before she even got married why your dad family didn't even want you all they care about was his money.

So I decided to adopt you I just got married to you aunt dam-bi she just felt I was in love with your mum. So that why she had always been a little hostile to you.

To make her less hostile your aunt decided to take care of you and we agreed on not telling you what happened so not to make you feel unwanted so that was what happened. Am sorry for not telling you. forgive me okay."

Baek hyeon heart broke as he watched DaJeoung cried he hugged her and comforted her that "everything would be okay'




it been one week now and DaJeoung was to be discharged today. Her dad and Yu-jun took care of her this week. No longer depressed she was back to her usual self.

After getting ready she was stunned to see Joon woo. she had asked Ae-Cha to tell Joon woo about her accident and her whereabouts.

Having not seen him she just felt he was busy with exams preparation.

Joon woo scratched the back of his head while saying "hey how are you doing?."walking to Dajeoung he pushed the wheelchair and grab her bags toward the door.

"Your dad is in the packing lot so am taking you to him." he paused at the entrance of the door and apologize

"Sorry for not coming. I was very busy and my phone got stolen."

DaJeoung flashed a smile at him she was relieved to see that he was okay. She cheekily told him in a spoilt tone "you don't love me at all. You didn't bother to check on me. I missed you a lot."

Joon Woo felt his heart skip a beat he knew for sure that he was in love with DaJeoung. He wanted her smiles all to himself. After leaving that day he found out that he was uncomfortable all over his body that his DaJeoung was being touched by another guy.

Getting together with the guys.For the first time he expressed what he was feeling to them.

And they made him realize he was just in love. On the revelation he didn't know what to do.

He lost his phone the next day he was coming to see Dajeoung and different things kept coming up one after the other that was why he is just coming today.

Joon Woo had decided to pursue her and make her fall in love with him.

DaJeoung snapped her fingers in front of him "hey stop daydreaming. What in the bag.?" Joon Woo raised it up and said well it your favorite food I got it for you."

Look at the delight in her eyes he felt satisfied. DaJeoung was rolled to the parking lot by Joon woo to the car where Baek hyeon was waiting for them. Helping her into the car Joon woo sat beside her.

DaJeoung was surprised "you are going with us?."

Joon woo smiled and nodded.

Baek hyeon who was in driver sit laughed and asked " what with the shocked expression".

He started the car and drove back home.