
My Sun , My Moon

hi everyone this is my first book i hope you give it a try and like it hopefully ........ sorry for any mistake because English is not my first language...... and please leave a comment to let me know if you like my book......... i won't keep you any longer my book is about......... ( Lee Kim ) an orphan young man sweet , loving , caring , beautiful very beautiful , shy but strong omega .............. have a little brother and his only family that he loves so much ........... and on the other hand we have .......... ( Park Hae-jin ) an alpha man , cold , arrogant , intelligence , strong , everyone is afraid of him no one dare to cross him .......... he only care about the people that he loves and cares about ............. if you like to know how this two people of different world will meet then you have to read and find out......... slow update so sorry........

Lee_K · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 2

Kim POV :

when i got to university the first thing you see is rich every where ... all the students getting out of expensive car are wearing the university uniform but with brand bag , shoes , sunglasses , and the latest phone in their hand ..... i didn't think much about it and take a deep breath and go to uni office to know my schedule oh my class ..... i got there and there was an middle ages woman smile at me i smile back and look at her name tag and said....

Kim : " good morning miss Park " .

Miss Park : " good morning , how can i help you " .

Kim :" i am here to know my schedule " .

Miss Park : "ok can you tell me your name" .

Kim : "my name is Lee Kim " .

Miss Park:" just a second "

i nod my head and wait for her to get my schedule .... after some time she gave me my schedule and a map to my class ....

Kim : " thank you mam " .

with that i go to my first class with the help of the map ... i go in and sit in a last sit and after some time some other students came too and all of them was wearing uniform so that means that they are all rich ... they all look at me for a second and talk and took a mong themselves talking about me and they where not trying to hide it too .....

Girl 1 : who is that ?

Girl 2 : i don't know ... i was about to ask you .

Girl 3 : look at his clothes, bag and shoo he is definitely poor .

Boy 1 : yes you are right what is he doing here .

Boy 2 : he looks like he's in wrong place and got confused.

they all look at me and laugh..... i just shake my head and look out the window not give them any mind .... and then when they realise that i don't give them any mind they talk about same thing else.....

Girl 1: do any of you know what classes the prices are in ?

Girl 2: i hear that they are going to in different classes .

Girl 3 : yes i hear that too some of them will be in this class and the other will be in different classes .

Girl 1 : really ? i don't believe that they are always together .... but if they are in different classes i really really hope at least i am in one of those classes .

Girl 2 , Girl 3 : i hope so to .

are this people here for study or to talk about some boys ... i thought to myself ... i shake my head again and lay my head on the table close my eyes and wait for the teacher to came while i was waiting i thought about my works i have to manage my time between university and work ..... almost all my classes are in the morning so i have to take my shift afternoon or evening and night ... i was thinking so hard that i didn't know that someone was standing in front of me until they talk ....

??? : stand up .

i look up and see a boy probably 6.5 fit , tan skin and black hair , green eyes , small nose , thin lips and sharp eye.... he was handsome i give him that ...

Kim : what ?

??? : i said stand up , that is my place .

Kim : i don't see a name on it .

??? : don't play smart on me and stand up .

i just ignored him and his friends ..... i was about to lay my head down again but he grab my bag and threw it away ... i look at them and they just laugh and stand there .. i just stand up and pick up my bag and said too them .....

Kim : really.... you are acting like a child .

they all stop laughing and look at me ..... but the boy and his friends look at me angry ... i ignore them again and sit somewhere else before they say anything the teacher came in and told us to sit down ....

the teacher introduce herself and talk a bit about her class and lesson pretty much all the other classes was the same because it was the first day and all classes start from tomorrow ... my first day was pretty much ok .... i sigh in relief when all my class was over and it was time to go and pick up my baby brother from his daycare.....

i put all my stuff in my bag and run because i didn't want to miss the bus .... i didn't know and bump into another person .... i stop for a second and said ....

Kim : sorry.

and run again .... i got to the daycare in time the kids was getting out .... when i see my baby i wave my hands for him to see me too and he did ... he smile big and run to me i hug him and pick him up and kiss all over his face ... he giggle and said shyly .....

Min-ho : shtop dada .

i smile and kiss him one last time on his forehead and said ...

Kim : how was your day baby ?

Min-ho : it was soooo fun dada i len ...

and the rest of way to home he told me what did he learnt and do with his friends and teachers ..... and i smile at him and listen this is my favourite time of the day..... because this is the most time i can spend with him i fell really guilty but i have to work too ..... we rich our apartment ...

i take him to our neighbor ... she is an old sweet lady that have been there for me since my parents past away ... she was a family friend .... she and my parents know each other and when they past away she take us in like we are her grandchildren... she teach me how to take care of my little brother... if it wasn't her i was long have to leave school every thing that i have done it was because of her .....and when i was old enough me and Min-ho move out .... because her place was too small for 3 people .... her place was 2 room one the kitchen and the other was living room , bedroom and dining room ..... so i work hard so i can pay for a place for me and the little one fortunately the apartment opposite was for rent so i take it ... when i am at work Min-ho will be with her ..... if it was not her i didn't know what will happen to us and i love and respect her so much me and Min-ho call her grandmother ....

i nock on her door .... she open it and smiled at us ...

Kim : hello grandma how are you today?

Grandma : hello dear..... i am fine how are you ?

Kim : i am good ..... grandma i am late i will leave Min here .

Grandma : won't you stay i made lunch .

Kim : i can't i am already late..... i will eat something later .

i kiss Min one the head and put him down ....

Kim : be good for grandma ok .

Min-ho : ok dada .... bay bay .

Kim : bay bay baby ... oh and grandma give me your medicine so i can buy you a new one i know that the last one finish .

Grandma: ok dear here and the money .

i take the empty medicine package not the money and go out ....

Grandma : honey take the money too .

Kim : you should know by now that i will never take it grandma .

Grandma: but honey they are expensive and you too need the money .

Kim : don't ever mention money again grandma .... what you did for us no one did after our parents past away not even our relatives .... so put the money away if you ever mention it again i will be angry at you .

Grandma: what am i going to do with you .

i just smiled at her and say goodbye and leave for my first job ......


thank you all for giving my book a try ..... love you all