

[This is an R18 novel with just the right amount of romance to spice it up. Enjoy!!!] One night, just one night, George Morgan lost everything. His wife, his humanity, his entire life is left to spin completely off course. After an encounter with a witch, George is cursed to an eternity of seeking blood and ultimately befriending the dark. But as things would turn out, a new stranger walks into his life, changing everything. George stumbles upon a witch that goes by Nebula. Nebula turns out to be a possessive witch and a successful ceo all at once. Nebula offers to help George break his curse and to ultimately find the witch that murdered his wife. As always, nothing goes for nothing. There's a catch. A price. Can George pay? Will he pay? Will he find out Nebula's secret agenda? "We are meant to be together George. Even the moon is in agreement," ****** *Disclaimer: This cover isn't mine. Picked it up from Pinterest. *Further information : NTR-NO Smut- Yes Gore - Yes Other books by me include : MY SUGAR MUMMY IS A BEAUTIFUL VAMPIRE *Please support the book let's grow together. Thank you! *Discord link we'll be available in the first chapter.

ElderGods · Urban
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31 Chs

Too weak

"I assure you, brother, there's nothing amiss," Nebula insisted, rushing behind Harry who was already heading for the stairs. Her robes swished around her ankles as she struggled to keep pace with his long strides.

Harry's smirk widened, his expression one of blatant disbelief. "And rest assured, dear sister, I am not easily deceived," he countered, his voice filled with confidence. "That peculiar scent hangs in the air, and you are aware of how acute my senses can be."

Before Nebula could respond, Harry had turned on his heel and begun ascending the stairs. "Follow me," he called back. "Let's explore this 'incense' of yours."

Nebula hurried after him, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and concern. "Harry, wait!" she pleaded, her tone edging towards desperation. "Such drastic measures are unnecessary."

Harry paused on the stairs, his expression one of mock surprise. "Unnecessary?" he echoed, arching an eyebrow. "You expect me to ignore the unmistakable stench of danger lurking within these walls?"

Nebula's fingers curled into fists at her sides, her jaw clenching as she struggled to maintain her composure. "You're overreacting," she insisted, her voice low and placating. "There's nothing here that I cannot handle."

Harry didn't deign to respond. He had already turned and continued ascending the stairs once more, his footsteps echoing through the cavernous hallway.

"Damn it! He's so stubborn!" Muttering a curse under her breath, Nebula hurried after him, her heart pounding in her chest.

As they reached the top of the landing, Harry paused, his head cocked to the side as he scented the air once more. "This way," he murmured, his voice low and tense as he moved towards the source of the strange scent.

Nebula trailed behind him, her mind racing with possibilities. "Harry, please," she implored, her tone bordering on pleading. "There's no need to involve yourself in this matter."

Meanwhile, George's ears had already picked up the approaching footsteps, his body tensing as the sounds grew closer.

He recognized Nebula's voice, pleading with whoever accompanied her to stop, to turn back. Immediately, a flicker of hope ignited within him.

"This must be the police. Someone must have seen her take me that night right? That's why she's holding them back. I can't let this opportunity slip away—I need to make my presence known!" George whispered urgently to himself.

"Help!! In here!! I'm in here!" George called out, banging the door with his fist to create as much ruckus as possible so that whoever came for him would know he was in there.

"Wait... brother!" Nebula exclaimed.

George's heart sank as Nebula's words registered. His mind raced, recalling the photograph he'd seen earlier in the living room. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut.

"Oh no," he whispered, his voice trembling. "Her brother... he's here."

George stumbled back from the door, his earlier bravado evaporating. His eyes darted around the room, searching frantically for anything he could use to defend himself.

"Think, George, think!" he muttered, running his hands through his hair. "I've got to find a way out before he gets here."

The sound of heavy footsteps approaching from the hallway made his blood run cold. George's breath caught in his throat as he heard a voice respond to Nebula.

George pressed himself against the wall, his mind reeling. He'd thought rescue was at hand, but now he realized his situation had just become far more dangerous.

The heavy footsteps halted just outside the door. There was a moment of tense silence before Harry's voice rang out, tinged with concern and a hint of fear.

"Nebula... was that the incense making all that racket? Because I've got to tell you, sis, this is exactly what I was worried about." Harry's voice lowered to a whisper, but George could still hear him clearly. "There's something in this house with you, isn't there? And from the sound of it, it's violent."

George's eyes widened in disbelief. Incense? Violent presence? He almost wanted to laugh at the absurdity of it all, but the gravity of his situation kept him silent.

Nebula's voice came next, sounding strained. "Harry, I... it's complicated. You don't understand—"

"Don't understand what?" Harry interrupted, his voice rising. "That you've been messing with forces beyond your control? That you've invited something dangerous into our family home?"

George immediately slipped into a defensive crouch. It was clear that whoever it was behind that door wasn't coming to shake hands with him and offer him tea. If it was a fight they wanted, he would give them one to remember.

As Harry reached the door where George was locked up, his demeanor shifted, his stance becoming one of defensive readiness.

"Wheel of Light: Eternal Barrier!" he gently muttered, a green glow enveloping his hands, poised for whatever awaited beyond the door.

"Shh, silence," Harry cautioned his sister who followed behind him. "I can feel its presence behind these doors. We mustn't alert it."

Nebula knew her brother's resolve. She knew she couldn't restrain him; his strength surpassed hers by far though he was younger. For now, all she could do was watch and hope that things didn't get out of control.

"Stay behind me," he ordered, his voice brooking no argument.

"But..." Nebula's protest was cut short as Harry unleashed a thunderous strike, the door swinging open violently, nearly breaking free from its hinges.

There stood George, already poised for a fight. Upon seeing George, Harry instantly recognized the threat he posed.

"This aura, is that...a bloody blood sucker? How is that even possible?" He wondered aloud, but there was no time to think, it was time to act.

Without hesitation, he launched the green light around his fist at George, who was caught off guard and slammed forcefully into the wall.

"So weak?" Harry muttered in incredulity.