

This is an R18 book with just the right amount of Romance that will make you love love! ...... Blake Shelton's life takes an unexpected turn when he lands a job at Shelley Technologies. His boss, Rose Shelley, not only proves to be a powerful, formidable leader but also an intriguing figure. As Blake becomes accustomed to his new lifestyle, Rose's acts of generosity grow more extravagant, leaving him puzzled about the hidden motives behind her lavish gifts. Blake enjoys the luxurious life for a while until a huge curve ball gets thrown at him, when he discovers that Rose is more than just a successful CEO – she's a possessive, domineering vampire. Now caught between the dazzling allure of luxury and the mystery of Rose's true nature, Blake navigates a world where wealth and the supernatural collide. Ultimately, he begins to question the price of the life he's come to enjoy. "From now on Blake, you belong to me alone," ******* Disclaimer please : This cover isn’t mine, picked it up from Pinterest and can’t find the artist! Would gladly drop it if owner steps up. *Further information* For those wondering, there will be ….. LEMONS - YES SMUT - YES NTR - Disgusting! (No NTR!!!) Gore - Yes Dark - Yes!! Chapter uploads will be regular but the counts can go higher if your support increases as well! This is my first work and also my WSA ENTRY!! PLEASE give it a chance and be easy on me, lol. I’ll be dropping a discord link in the first chapter comment. Do well to join up! Thanks for the support! DISCORD : https://discord.gg/Gz9DJdmCFz

ElderGods · Urban
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356 Chs

Dusk till dawn - Birth, death and New beginnings

Without a moment to spare, Nana rushed towards Blake's prone form, the fruit clutched tightly in her grasp. Kneeling beside him, she wasted no time in prying open his mouth with her fingers, her heart pounding in her chest as she began to squeeze the fruit.

As the juices from the sun fruit dripped into Blake's mouth, Nana poured every ounce of her strength into the task at hand, willing the life-giving elixir to work its magic. She continued to squeeze the fruit, her hands moving with frantic determination, until there was nothing left but the cold, empty husk in her grasp.

With a heavy heart, Nana stood up and watched anxiously, her breath catching in her throat as she waited for any sign that their efforts had not been in vain. But as minutes turned into an agonizing eternity, Blake remained motionless, his chest still stained with blood.