
My Students Are Vampires!

A war hero turned teacher accidentally unleashes an ambitious vampire who wants to dominate the world. Now he's stuck watching over her and a bunch of other 'monster' girls.

Little_Foxxy · Fantasy
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131 Chs

I'm Probably Going To Be A Club Homeroom Teacher.

I enter the prestigious high school that somehow accepted me being a science teacher here, despite my lack of job experience in this world. They may have felt intimidated back then. I don't blame them. It took a long time for me to learn how to move my face muscle and learn how to smile.

The time is ten minutes before the class period starts, so it's a normal thing to see students spreading around the hallway, chatting and playing around. Woah, what a sight. Bright future leaders of the world. Man, I sound like an old man like that.

I pass them all, hoping maybe some student will greet me.

No one did.

Am I really that unpopular? I remember the thrill of my first day here, setting a goal to be the coolest teacher or whatever. That really didn't work out.

I step into the office.

The teacher's office is… empty. The only sounds vibrating around the room are the air-conditioner (it's pretty loud for these past few days, I hope we can get that fixed soon) and a keyboard clanking.


Weirdly enough, there's no other teacher here except… Well, me and the flat, stony eyes of Alyssa.

I go to my desk, which is just beside the only teacher here. She appears to be immersed in her own work.

"You're wearing a gown today," I try to make small talk as I sit.

But as usual, Alyssa gives the most of her reply. "You're wearing your casual pants and a blue shirt with the usual jacket."

Too specific for a small talk. "I…" And realizes there's nothing to speak about, so I stop. This is how usually our small talk ends.

I look around, "It can't be I'm early, right?"

( ;¬_¬) "You're not."

"Then… Where's everybody else?"

She grabs a pen and stands up. "Waiting for you."

"Who me?"

"The others are waiting for you," she pulls out her phone and looks at the sleep-mode screen purposely. As if it's a mirror, she combs her brown hair straight with just her hand.

"Do we have to go up, too?"

"Kind of."

Kind of for Alyssa is of course.

We get off from our seat and walk upstair. I follow behind her because apparently she knows where they are and I don't. After a short walk and stair-climbing, we end up in front of the Black Book Meeting Room.

"Don't tell me… the meeting is today?"

"The meting is today. They moves the arrangement just a few hours ago. And also, we're late."

I could feel my eyebrow twitch. "You should have told me earlier, now we're more late."

Alyssa twirls her slender body around and gazes into my eyes.

Her palm elevates and stays in midair as if she's a puppy asking for a handshake.

"Senpai…" her sharp hourglass lips say. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"I don't recall that we need to bring something."

"Not we. You."

My head is itchy just trying to remember and solving Alyssa's riddle.

Then she gives a hint, "Chocolate."


My hand feels empty. "Oh, that. The thing is… a monster ate it," was my best explanation for this.

She raises her eyebrow as if taking my words as a joke. "Please tell me you have the chocolate somewhere now." She bends toward my crotch and uses her white hand to… pat my pocket. "Is this it?"

"That's my phone, Alyssa."

(ʃ⌣́ ,⌣́ ƪ) She returns to a more comfortable pose. Apathetic as ever, she responds. "You suck. I'll get you next time."

The door opens and before I can follow her in, a hand stops me.

"Stay there for five minutes. I have to talk to them first."

"Shouldn't I also explain my situation, too?"

"I'd help you."

"That's not really necessary."

"Just stay. It's for your best. Start counting now."

Ignoring my confusion, she enters the meeting room. I have followed her advice and stay, counting. Alyssa has always been good with words. She can convince anyone. Once she had convinced me she's actually a zombie, I believed it for a moment until she chuckled. So giving Alyssa the job to give the excuse for our lateness.

Now that I think about it again, I never told Alyssa why I was late. Anyway… One… Two… Three…

- After a while -

Two hundred ninety-nine… Three hundred.

I've reached five minutes of waiting and now I feel like Senku.

I enter the meeting room.

And all the teachers are looking at me. Did I do something wrong?

The headmaster chuckles, her old-woman eyes lining. "Oh, here you are. We've been waiting for you… Well, not waiting-stop, you know what I mean? But waiting-expecting. Maybe I should just use 'We've been expecting you', but it's too late now. We're just at the end of our discussion."

I guess she's not mad. "All right…?" I look at Alyssa. She really saved us.

The headmaster beckons me, "Come sit, Mr-New-Occult-Club-Homeroom-Teacher. We should close this meeting properly."

I sat beside Alyssa, who refuse to look at me.

Wait, wait, I'm missing something. Hold on a second. What did the headmaster call me?

"Mr-new-occult-club-homeroom-teacher?" I repeat.

The headmaster gleefully replies, "Oh well, yes! Alyssa had convinced everyone that this year, we'd assign the Occult Clubroom to you."

Alyssa still just giving me her cheek.

Was that a five minute waiting for all of her plan? Now that I think about it again, it's so weird that she stays and waited for me to arrive. It was amazing how Alyssa can convince everyone in the room in those five minutes of me waiting behind the door. But really, the occult clubroom? The only empty clubroom in the school?

Alyssa was right to trick me and keeping me away from the meeting. If I were here, I'd never agree with this. Instead, I'd ask to get for anything else.

For these past few days, Alyssa has told me to take the club. I refused. Occult Clubroom, a club who believes in supernatural. If I am trying to be 'normal,' I'd try not to be associated with that.

But it's still not too late, I can get out of this. "But Madam, I think I'm not ready."

The headmaster tilts her head. "Nonsense. Didn't you say you were up to take care of a club last meeting? Now that the former homeroom of the club resigns, it's your time."

I did, but can we change this? Of course, I won't say that because it'd be outright ungrateful and will cost me my job. "I..."

You know I'm not really good with words even after all this time, so my counter argument is just left hanging there.

The headmaster continues, "I know there are a lot of people who thinks it's better to just abort the club but as you all know, the Occult Club is new… in fact, three years young. And here in the Black Book, everything should have the chance to prove itself."

"Serves you right!" says a man with a square face and muscles arm. The PE teacher… and he had never liked me for some reason.

"Shut up, Steve-Minecraft," Alyssa replies.

Ough, she hit him with the Minecraft. Self-esteem drops to one yet again.

Steve snorts more to me than her, "Whatever."

The entire room is still looking at me, waiting for my answer. Which I really don't have the free to say anything else.

"I really don't have a choice, do I?"

The headmaster gleefully says, "Yes, you don't have now. The meeting is already long enough. I officially appointed you… To be the homeroom of the Occult Clubroom."

She pumps her fist. "Let's do our best today, all right?"

Alyssa smiles at me as if she's a proud mother.

I really didn't ask for any of this.

But it's not that bad…