
My Stepmom Loves me

blue_tits · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


"i will teach you here to do a beauty treatment"


i was confused and nervous but i was really happy because we were alone together.

"well first of all let's start with light pressure points, the right here near my elbow is called'hate teasto' which is good for relieving stiff shoulder."

"right here?..."

"yep you got it, here press mine."

wow she is so freaking soft, woman are so soft, she smells good too.

"you can press harder, Aoi Chan."

my face becomes drop red by blushing after hearing those words for her,

"its okay Aoi Chan, you will be shy away first"

"mine, mine, well then it can't be helped then, i am going to give Aoi Chan a practice massage.

she let me wear only massage shorts , those are awfully small even for me,

my heart is beating so fast from my wild thinking about when she will touch me.

"all dressed then lie on bed quick my boy"


"i will start off with Lymph Draining, it's said that improving the flow of lymph helps with swelling and Stiff shoulders"


i am so embressed, why I'm making such weird notices but can't control it she is so good at it her soft hand are making me hot.

"next i will go to your Groin area."


what she is even oiling and massaging near my dick suck dirty place,

NO NO NO NO, my dick is going to pop out of this shorts, i can't even move my hand now.

Ahh, noo,must stay clam otherwise....


did she notice,

"you alright?...."

"it doesn't hurt right? Aoi Chan"

i can't stop my moaning, i am fucked today,

"very well Aoi kun"

what touching, she is touching there, why..


"does Aoi kun like any subject at school"

"n....ot in particular.. AHH"

Miyuki san why are you doing this to my dick, i am feeling so good sfx(AH,AH,UGH)

"Aoi kun, have you ever had a girl in past that you liked"



she is massaging my dick with so many tricks,

the way she rubbing her finger on my tip, i feel like i will cum any time.

"i see..."

"i work hard so i never had any chance to date anyone, i also accumulated lot of stress lately" sfx(pant, pant,pant)

Ahnn she is playing too much with my top of dick, i didn't know that she also had a side of a harlot,

Miyuki's pulling is so good, its completely different from doing itmyself,

Nhhh, i am already at my limit, i am already going to....AHHH

i cummed on her face, SHIT! will she scold me for cumming on her,

what's that sound, its hot, my dick feels something

NO WAY! it can't be real *(AHN,AM)

its going inside of a woman's hot, silmy,

my dick is going in and out of a warm hole!?

is this sex?

i can't see something big and soft is pressing me on facs,it smells so erotic too,

these are her boobs, i m sucking them,


almost there