
My Stepmom and Three Stepsisters Are Yanderes???

After 5 years away in another country, I'm finally back in Tokyo, Japan, my home country where I was born and raised. My father is eagerly expecting me in our old home, but to my suprise, when I open the door, there are four beautiful, mysterious, tattooed women sitting like queens in our home.

KarlWalk3r · Realistic
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

"A worried superstar"

The echoes of the intense reunion lingered in the air long after the women had left the house. Shinjo stood alone in the house, his body trembling with a mixture of fear and anger. His mind raced as he replayed the events that had just transpired, the piercing words of Risa and Sakura still ringing in his ears. He couldn't shake the image of Risa's devilish smile or the cold, unyielding determination in Sakura's eyes.

Sakura left the house, her heart pounding with a fierce resolve. She was determined to protect Ray at all costs, even it if meant going to war with Risa.

The encounter had ignited a fire within her, a burning need to keep Ray safe from the woman who claimed to be his mother. She knew that this was only the beginning of a long and grueling battle, but she was ready to face whatever came her way.

Meanwhile, Risa and Daffodil came back to the black sedan. Risa's face was a mask of calm determination, but inside, her emotions churned like a storm. She had seen the fear in Shinjo's eyes and the fury in Sakura's, and it had only strengthened her resolve. Ray was her son, and she would stop at nothing to bring him back.

Daffodil followed closely, her mind a whirl of thoughts and feelings. She had felt the thrill of confrontation, the rush of adrenaline, but now there was a sense of unease, an itch, a nagging doubt that gnawed at her.

"Did you bring our satellite phone?" Risa asked their driver calmly, but her heart was burning with passion to find Ray.

The driver responded with a silent nod and handed over the satellite phone to Risa in a hurry.

"What are you going to do?" Daffodil asked, the feeling of disappointment and dissatisfaction was still lingering in her heart.

Risa didn't respond as she was busy sending a message to a particular Queenswoman.

The particular Queenswoman responded within few seconds.

After receiving a satisfactory response from the Queenswoman, Risa turned off the satellite phone and handed it back to driver.

"Driver, let's go to a hotel, I'll tell you where it is in a moment." Risa ordered the driver calmy.

The driver nodded and started to drive the sedan.

Risa then looked at Daffodil with determined eyes.

"I feel like we're going to stay longer here in Tokyo." Risa voiced on what she felt.

Feeling of disappointment toward her sister was still in her heart, Daffodil ignored her sister with such attitude.

Risa couldn't help but to let out a deep sigh.

Meanwhile, after having a lunch with Sakura, Reina, Kitsune and Arashi, Ray received a text message from Akane. Akane persisted that she and Ray had something important to talk about.

Ray replied with a friendly response and accepted Akane's invitation to meet up in a mall nearby Shibuya district.

I arrived at the mall and walked through the bustling corridors of the mall, enjoying a rare moment of tranquility amidst the chaos of his life. The vibrant lights and lively chatter of shoppers provided a welcome distraction from my lingering worry about the sudden appearance of a mysterious driver last night when he was in the dark and hopeless place where Nakamura was killed.

While walking through dozen of shoppers and shopping center, I spotted Akane near a cafe. Being a famous superstar, her identity was concealed with a large black sunglasses and a white face mask.

But I knew it was the little Akane-chan as her petite figure and glowing complexion stood out among the crowd. She looked anxious, I could tell by the movement of her head that her eyes scanning the crowd until it landed on me. She waved at me with her hand up in the sky.

"Ray-kun!" Akane called out to me, her voice barely audible over the din of the crowd, but thanks to my enhanced hearing, I could sense a feeling of happiness and relief on her voice.

I quickened my pace, weaving through the throng of people until I reached her.

"Akane-chan." I greeted her with a subtle smile.

She excitedly nodded at my greeting but I could sense something was bothering her.

"Ray-kun, we need to talk. It's important." She uttered.

The gravity in her voice immediately put me on edge. I had known Akane since I was a child, and she rarely looked and sounded this troubled.

"What's going on?" I asked her, a concern evident in my eyes.

"Let's sit down first." Akane suggested, gesturing towards a quiet corner in the cafe.

We've found a secluded table, away from the prying eyes and ears of the other patrons. She hurriedly removed her sunglasses and face mask, revealing her pretty and glowing face.

I could see the worry etched on her face, and I felt a knot form in my stomach. Whatever she had to say, it was clear it wouldn't be easy.

Once we were seated, she took a deep breathe, gathering her thoughts.

"Ray-kun, I'm scared, I need your help." She began, her voice trembling.