
Chapter 6: Entrance Exams

Izuku's POV:

I got home took a quick shower. Then I grabbed a quick breakfast then walked outside to meet up with Kacchan. "Hey Kacchan! You ready for the entrance exams?" Bakugo scoffed. "Of course I'm ready nerd. The question is. Are you?" Suddenly my anxiety spiked. What if I don't get in because I don't have control of my quirk? Will they let me in even if I can manage to control it? What am I going to do if I fail? Oh god, I'm going to fail aren't I? What will I do then? Suddenly, breathing got a whole lot harder and I couldn't focus...All of a sudden arms were wrapped around me." Izu. I need you to listen to me. You have the brains to pass the written exam no fucking problem. You have the determination and the passion of some of the greatest fucking heroes. I know you'll make it in okay? And if they don't I'll march to the office and make them let you in. Don't do that to yourself. Just have faith in yourself and your abilities yeah?" I nodded against his chest and wrapped my arms around his back. He let go and placed his hands on my shoulder. "We got this okay?" I nodded not trusting myself to speak. "Alright let's go kick some ass!" Then we walked the rest of the way to UA. On the way Kacchan explained that he was gonna pretend to be mean to me but we could talk on the way home.

We split up 5 minutes before the gate. He went back to his normal angry self. I psyched myself up and walked in only to trip over my own two feet. I closed my eyes and prepared for impact but it never came. So, I opened them and I was hovering? I started flailing and shrieking. When I heard a female voice behind me. "Oh, sorry about that! I used my quirk to prevent your fall although I probably should've asked first. My name is Ochaco Uraraka and my quirk is Anti-gravity." I was still stunned so I didn't say anything. "Well good luck on the entrance exam!" She then walked off. I talked to a girl! Then I walked inside for briefing. As Present Mic was explaining I was muttering about what I had learned. Kacchan sat next to me very annoyed. Then a guy with blue hair spoke up. "Sir, I have a question! What is this fourth picture? If it is a mistake made by this prestigious school. Then I cannot abide this! And you!" He pointed directly at me. "Stop that mumbling it's annoying and distracting cor other students." I covered my mouth in embarrassment and tried to keep quiet. That's when Present Mic interjected. "Yes candidate number 7111, that is worth 0 points so it's just best to avoid it if at all possible."If that's all then please head to your respective testing areas.

Me and Kacchan were put in different testing areas so that we couldn't help each other. But I understood. That's when I noticed the girl who helped me earlier. I wanted to go thank her but the guy from the briefing stepped in front of me "Can't you see that she's trying to focus." I looked at her and my eyes widened. Would I really have ruined her concentration? I was thinking and before I knew it the doors opened. Everyone was just as confused as I was. We all were startled into action as Present Mic said "What are you waiting for? There are no start signals for heroes!" All the others rushed forward without a second thought leaving me all by myself at the gate. I realized what was happening and rushed forwards. Because I was late I was way behind and before I knew it time was almost out. Then came this huge robot that looked like the zero pointer. All the other contestants ran but I got so scared that I almost had a panic attack on the floor. But then I noticed the girl from earlier. She was trapped under some rubble. I couldn't let her get hurt or die so I ran towards her. I felt power surging through my body. I jumped as high as I could and punched the robot causing a huge dent. Before I knew it I was falling. Both my legs and one of my arms were broken. I was going to break my fall with my remaining arm but before I could I was slapped in the face but was lowered slowly. I was crawling on the ground. "I-I can still g-get a p-p-point if I try." I passed out from the pain.

3rd POV:

The test was officially over. Nobody was hurt too bad, except for Midoriya of course. That's when an old woman showed up. She was surveying her surroundings and checking the kids for injuries. All of the candidates were confused as to why she was there. She walked up to Midoriya and mumbled something. "Just watch. She is one of the most important staff members here." A blond kid said. She kissed Midoriya and everyone deadpanned. Then they watched as his body fixed itself. "This is the magic of Recovery Girl. The healing hero."