
Chapter 4: I Don't Need Your Help

Izuku's POV:

I looked at the crime scene in front of me and my eyes went wide. That villain that had me now has Kacchan. The guy that I've had a crush on for the longest time was struggling against that villain. Then I realized. 'It's my fault! I distracted All Might and he lost the villain. Now he has Kacchan!' I couldn't just stand by and watch. I rushed forward without thinking. The villain launched an attack and I dodged. I thought back to my notebooks. The page with Kamui Woods flashed through my head. I threw my backpack and hit his eye. It was enough to let Kacchan get a few deep breathes. I desperately clawed at the monster. The only thing on my mind was saving Kacchan. Before I knew it All Might grabbed me and Kacchan by the collars and blew away the villain who was immediately gathered and put in jail. As for me and Kacchan. Well, he got praised for his strong quirk while I was scolded for being so reckless. Kacchan walked over and said "Damn DEKU! I never needed your help. I could've gotten out of there on my own. Next time stay back or you'll get hurt." I was devastated. My crush practically just rejected me. He called me useless, said he didn't need my help, he didn't need me.' I was panicking at that point and the heros had no idea what to do.

Katsuki's POV:

"Damn DEKU! I never needed your help. I could've gotten out of there on my own. Next time, stay back or you'll get hurt." I said. Of course, I didn't mean it and I was going to tell him later but the nerd started to have a panic attack. 'Tch. Damn it! It was my fault this time.' I ran back to him and hugged him. He clung to me like I was his lifeline. I didn't care that we were being watched by several pros. I just needed to calm him down. "Hey, it's okay. I didn't mean it. Whatever is going through your head is wrong okay? I didn't mean it. I'm not lying to you either. Izuku you need to breathe okay?" It took a few minutes but his breathing slowed and we just sat there hugging.

"Are you okay now?" I asked. He nodded. "Let's go home yeah?" Again, he nodded. I stood up and held out my hand for him. He took it and I pulled him up. We started walking and he again grabbed my hand.

We didn't get very far before All Might showed up. "Hello!" he said before deflating. I pushed Izuku behind me and took a fighting stance. "Kacchan wait. That's All Might's true form. Don't attack." Izuku said from behind me. "Wait, how do you know that?" I asked. "I sort of had a run-in with him earlier. It didn't really end well though." He said looking at the floor. "What. Did. You. Say. To. Him.?" I asked. "I told him that it's impossible to become a hero without a quirk. But I'm here to fix that. You CAN be a hero!" I looked at him like he was crazy. "How?" Deku and I spoke at the same time. "Well my quirk can be passed down to Young Midoriya. I can give him my power!" He told us. Izuku started mumbling under his breath about how this is unnatural for quirks. "Hey. You need to listen so stop nerding out." I hit him in the head to get him to shut up. "The name of this quirk is One For All!" Izuku and I repeated the name in amazement. "Young Midoriya. You too can become a hero!" At this Izuku fell to his knees clutching his heart crying. He'd finally get a shot at his dream.