
My Space-Time System

Blake, a pro gamer and the winner of the Zetron gaming competition for the MMORPG Lord of Legends meets his doom together with few other participants or so he thought. Together with others, Blake gets summoned over to a world of fantasy and magic filled with danger and mysteries. However, to go back, they have to fulfill the job of wiping away a foreign civilization that threatens the existence of both the infinite realm and earth

xImpulse · Fantasy
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633 Chs

Heart of the Synder Empire.

"So what now?" Brian couldn't help but ask.


"Once we deal with Synder and the previous All-Father everything should be okay." Blake responded with a comforting pat on his shoulder.


"Just that simple?" Brian said with an apprehensive look on his face.


"Although we are currently winning, I don't believe it would be that easy." Blake responded honestly, making Cassie and Tessie unsure of how to feel.


Seeing that Camilla and Tessie still acted distant, Blake decided to end their conversation there since the siege had ended. He then warped them back to Calton before moving off. While he still wanted to spend time with them, he had other responsibilities now.