
My Soul System: I Have Much Mana in the Apocalypse!

[Soul found] | Consume it will give you a certain amount of mana. [Do you want to absorb it?] [Yes] [No] Arthur White came across a screen of a system that reminded him of a video game after he had killed some assassins who were after his life and wondered, what the hell was going on? Just a few hours ago, he was on the moon, fulfilling his longed-for dream, and minutes after fulfilling it, he saw how an immense tree appeared in space and connected the dimensions. That was the moment when he died without a chance to save himself. This filled him with remorse and confusion, but he awoke again, and this time, with a mission, also with a misfortune. Once a businessman with money, now a slave with power and potential. Now, he woke up as a hunter in an apocalyptic world, with gods threatening the peace of his loved ones. In a land that is no longer as before, with a real threat looming over their heads and an apocalypse impossible to avoid, Arthur White vowed to increase his power as much as he can to prevent the death of his beloved and understand what his destiny is. Therefore, without hesitation, he pressed 'Yes'. *** English is not my native language and I am a person who is just learning the language, so you might find grammatical mistakes, I apologize for them.

SrCaffeine · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Not everything that has appeared is bad

The next morning. They both got up in good spirits. After breakfast, they both cleaned up the blood and wreckage left by Arthur's fight with the robbers.

"What do we do about the Gate?"

They both stood, with thoughtful faces, in front of the wide-open door. Arthur was wearing a white T-shirt with light jeans and white shoes. Sophie was wearing the same style matching him.

"Hmm," She thought for a moment.

"How about we move to the house downtown?" Sophie suggested after thinking for a moment. Now that Arthur was with her, she didn't have such an attachment to this house anymore.

"Is it really okay for us to leave everything open?"

"Sure! People don't usually live around here anymore anyway. If we take everything of value with us, we could leave the house and go downtown. We'll be safer there."

"Fine! I'll go get the important stuff." He didn't seem to mind the house either. "On the way, I'd like to stop by my parents' house."

"..." Sophie remained silent, looking nervous.

"Is something wrong?"

"No. I'll go get things ready."

Sophie hurried to the second floor to pack the suitcases. There wasn't much to gather, though, since most of her things were in her own house. She only had to get Arthur's things together. However, it took quite a while for some reason.

Arthur noticed Sophie's nervousness but didn't think much of it. Instead, he went to gather Some valuables and money he had stashed away in case of emergencies, although it wasn't much since he spent, his entire fortune on his trip to the moon, but it would be enough to live on for a few weeks.

After a few hours, they both packed their bags and positioned themselves right in front of the door to check if they had everything right before leaving.

"Do we have everything?"

"All set!" Sophie replied briskly.s

Even though they spent quite a bit of time getting things ready, they only had two suitcases mostly filled with Sophie's choice of clothes.

Arthur was pretty bad at fashion. They usually used clothes of a dark or light color, this way, he wouldn't bother to match each item of clothing. So she was the one to organize all the clothes for him so he wouldn't look like he was wearing the same thing every day.

When they both confirmed that everything was ready, they loaded the suitcases and left the house with the suitcases.

Arthur headed straight for Sophie's car to load the suitcases. However, she stood a few feet outside the house watching Arthur intently, a smile on her face.

"What?" he had noticed Sophie's watchful gaze on his back, so he asked in confusion before turning around.

When Arthur turned around, he froze for a moment.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Sophie said with a smile as she walked over to Arthur to hug him and contemplate the same view next to him.

Above the house, despite being several miles away, a beautiful tree could be seen so gigantic and majestic that it was lost among the clouds in the sky, giving it a unique appearance.

The trunk of the tree was full of green moss, and it seemed to have vines all over the trunk, so it was mostly a beautiful, vivid green color. All around it, gigantic birds, which Arthur had never seen in his life, flew quietly by the tree. It was a very beautiful sight, probably one of the most wonderful things he had ever seen in his life.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" Arthur asked. As he stood in awe of the sight before his eyes.

"I wanted to see your reaction to seeing it." She replied as she rested her head on Arthur's chest lies, gazed at the large tree beside him. "After all, not everything that has appeared is bad... At least it delivered us a beautiful view."

After watching the tree for a while, they both loaded their bags into the car and drove, in the direction of Arthur's parents' house.

"There's really no one on the streets?" Arthur asked perplexed. After driving for quite some time, he hadn't come across any other cars, not even one person on the street.

"As I said, not many people live around these parts, most moved out of fear to downtown, where most of the hunters are located for fear of those things appearing out of nowhere." Sophie started playing with a funko pop shaking, her head.

"Nor are there many cars because the government used most of the gasoline as a weapon to set the creatures on fire and keep them at bay at first, though without much success, since they couldn't slow them down even with nuclear bombs. After they died, these would come back out again and again."

"I see." Arthur nodded. He was slowly coming to understand that the situation in the world was not good at all, although the woman had shown him what would happen if they didn't fight the creatures. Seeing what was happening to his own planet was even more shocking.

After playing with the funko pop for a moment, Sophie turned on the car radio and began searching for a news station.



("Leonard lookway...")

"It still works." Arthur was surprised to hear the radio it seemed strange to him that after all that had happened, there were still people who took the time to break the news.

Sophie nodded, "After everyone panicked. The government decided to keep some media on to reassure people and at the same time communicate some important events to them."

After passing. by several radio stations, Sophie stopped on one that talked about the situation people were going through on the creature fighting front.

("A level D portal has just opened in the vicinity of one of the resistance points against the creatures trying to expand their territory. At this moment hunters are fighting relentlessly to contain the creatures inside before it explodes. Although this one is expected to break out at any moment due to the lack of hunters.")

They both listened in surprise to the reporter's words. They had made it clear that there was not much time left.

Hearing this, Arthur made up his mind.

"The Hunters association... I think I'll go and register once we get settled in the new house."

Sophie nodded." I plan to register as well."