
My sly omega

In the glittering heights of society, Kim Woo-Jin reigns as a proud and arrogant dominant alpha, reveling in the adoration of countless admirers. For him, omegas are mere weak puppies, beneath his notice in the carefully crafted hierarchy he commands. However, his world takes an unforeseen twist with the arrival of a mysterious male omega. As Woo-Jin's confidence clashes with the enigmatic allure of the omega, a complex dance of emotions begins. Love, unexpected and profound, unfurls in the most clandestine corners of his heart. Will Woo-Jin's charm be enough to capture the heart of the elusive omega?

Aj_Anjaan · Urban
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6 Chs

Real hoot

The lively chit-chat in the class abruptly silenced as the head teacher's stern voice cut through the noise, getting everyone's attention. The students quickly settled down, realizing the teacher's presence. Without much ado, the teacher enters the classroom and announces, "A new student is joining you from today onward."

All eyes turned towards the entrance as the teacher gestured for someone to come in. In walked a slender figure that immediately captured the attention of the entire class.

The figure turned toward the class. He flickered his almond-shaped orbs, and damn, those long lashes just sprinkled an extra dose of beauty over those mesmerizing blue jewels, casting a spell with every blink. It was like adding an extra layer of allure to an already captivating gaze that could make anyone do a double take.

His rosy cheeks, nestled on a milky complexion, were like a canvas painted with the soft glow of dawn. The combination of a cute button nose and lips tinted in a shade as vibrant as cherries created a delightful symphony of features, each note resonating with the other. The whole package was lit up with a delicate charm, as if he carried a subtle but undeniable magic that effortlessly charmed anyone in his vicinity.

He greeted everyone with a pure and angelic smile, leaving an indelible mark of charm. It wasn't just charm; it was a magnetic quality that drew people in. This kid wasn't just charming; he was a walking masterpiece of captivating beauty and genuine warmth.

The classroom was again filled with the sound of admiration as students couldn't help but express their thoughts about the new student. Whispers of "Wow, a foreigner! He is so beautiful!" and "So cute!" echoed through the room.

But in between the compliments, a few hurtful words were muffled across the crowd, ruining the mood. It seemed like jealousy may have fueled these remarks, tarnishing the overall positive atmosphere. Words like "slut" and accusations of him "trying to seduce" floated in the air, revealing a darker side to the initial excitement.

Seeing the class engulfed in gossip again, the head teacher sharply shouted, "Quiet, everyone!" turning the class, once again, from a noisy hubbub to silence.

Teacher, look around the class and gesture for Aaron to take an empty seat in the back before leaving. As Aaron settled down, some excited students surrounded him without giving him a chance to notice his deskmate napping. The enthusiastic students bombarded Aaron with questions one after another: "Where are you from?" "Why did you come to South Korea?" "Are you really an omega?" "Do you have a boyfriend? "What's your pheromone level?"

The relentless barrage of questions and introductions bombarded Aaron, leaving him visibly bewildered as he attempted to navigate the overwhelming flood of inquiries. Suddenly, a forceful kick to his chair disrupted his balance, narrowly preventing him from toppling over. As he turned to identify the source of the disturbance, he was met with a pair of dark, intense black eyes that bore into him with a murderous glare, radiating an almost palpable hostility. The sheer intensity of the gaze acted like a powerful force field, compelling everyone in Aaron's immediate vicinity to hastily retreat, creating a sudden void around him.

Blinking in surprise, Aaron shifted his attention to the enigmatic individual who had boldly intervened. As he prepared to extend a friendly greeting to his new deskmate, an unwelcome remark sliced through the air like a sudden gust of wind: "Fuck off."

Confusion etched across Aaron's features, he tilted his head and politely inquired, "Excuse me?"

Kim Woo-Jin, the enigmatic figure, shot him a frustrated look, arrogantly flipping back his hair as if dismissing an inconsequential presence. "Get your ass elsewhere; this is my territory."

Stunned, Aaron stammered, "But the teacher told me to..."

Before he could finish, Kim Woo-Jin's frustration boiled over. "Ugh!" he shouted, reaching for Aaron's collar. Suddenly, Park Ji Hoon stepped in with a warning: "If you lay a finger on him, your mom is going to beat the daylights out of you." Kim Woo-Jin stopped and noticed the glint of tears in Aaron's eyes and the palpable trembling of his body.

"Tsk, that's why I hate dealing with omegas. All they know is to bawl their eyes out," Kim Woo-Jin muttered as he stood up and left the scene.

"Are you okay?" Park Ji Hoon asked with genuine concern. Aaron, still glancing towards the exit where Kim Woo-Jin had stormed off in anger, replied with a thoughtful "Hmm."

Park Ji Hoon, sensing Aaron's unease, handed him a tissue and, with a furrowed brow, suggested, "My friend is pretty territorial about his stuff. Don't get me wrong, he's not a jerk to everyone, but if you see something that's his, he's going to give you a hard time for sure. Unless you want to be the victim of his rage and suffer from his torture, go to a different seat before he comes back."

As Aaron contemplated Park's words, his initial discomfort morphed into a sly smirk. "Torture, huh? That's going to be a real hoot," he thought, a glint of mischief playing in his eyes.

This is my first novel. Forgive me for my mistakes as I am just a newbie and please support me by sharing your views about the chapter. And if you like my story line, add the novel to library.

Thank you

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