
Interface #2


Name: Nicolas Wolf (prefers to be called Nick)

Species:Earthling King Mimic


Health: 70/70 (You should really avoid low temperatures or electricity, these are the mimics weaknesses)

Mana: 40 (The Mimic King is the most powerful mimic)

Stamina:25 (Mimics have endless patience)

Strength: 12< +10 when shape-shifted

Dexterity: 21> -10 when shape-shifted

Agility: 18 (You have good speed and reflexes)

Intelligence: 23 (As the King of mimics you are able to teach them your skills)

Wisdom:19 (Your well experienced for mimic)

Luck: 73 (Influence good and bad luck, as sometimes something good can turn sour and vice versa. You have a unnaturally high Luck score, it seems to run in the family)

Sense: 22 (You can mimic any type of sensory organ)

Destiny: 3 (every 1 point equals 2 free stat points) >{it was originally going to be every 1 is 2 intelligence but i decided this would be better for the story}

Free Stat Point: 0

Skills include-

Swordsmanship[level 5]-After practice with a sword and brief combat you have learned the basics of the sword

Observation[level 5]- Your sense are attuned to detail

Machine build and repair[level 9]- you can fix all kind of machines and mechanical creations

Crawling metabolism[Max]-You do not need to eat or sleep, but you can replenish mana by doing so

Mental resistance[level 3]- your resistant to mental harm and change

Cold resistance[level 1]- cold climates and situation are slight easier to handle, impressive for a slime

Mana Sense[level 5]-You can sense your surroundings with mana

Shapeshift[Max]-You can shift between a Slimy mimic with a gelatin body and your original human body, you can change complex details but this will cost mana

Actor[level 3]-You can act convincingly

Espionage[level 1]- Your espionage skill is enhanced by your wisdom and Actor scores

Uncharted Destiny[N/A]- Your path is unnatural and ill-defined, you can change the course of history easier, but may the cost may be great and get you killed


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