
my sister is in love with my boyfriend

mo_is_cute · Teen
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7 Chs

episode 2

"mommy I have something I want to tell you"Karen said. Karen's mom said "what is it my child". Karen said"mommy Mia is secretly dating swan and she told me not to tell you cause you told her she is not allowed to date ",Karen's mom said "are you sure of what you are saying Karen , I hope your not lying to me?"and Karen said "no mommy I would never lie to you" Karen's mom knocked on Mia's room and said "mia sweety can I speak with you please ?" Mia said "yes mom of course " ,so she opened the door and her mom entered the room and asked mia"Mia do you have a boyfriend?" Mia said "mom please why are you asking me this question ?" mia's mom said "answer the question do u have a boyfriend !!!" Mia said "yes mom I have a boyfriend"Mia's mom was sad and asked Mia"why didn't you tell me ?"Mia said "mom I am sorry " since Mia lied and disobeyed her mom's rules Mia would have to be beaten. Mia's mom took her cane and beat Mia ,in the process Mia fainted and her mom had to go to the hospitaL. Mia was unconscious for days and swan kept on trying to visit her but her mom disagreed. as Mia was in a coma for 2 years now. swan was asked by Mia's mom if he could please marry Karen . swan said"no! I would not marry Karen I am in love with Mia and I know she would wake up one day "

after that swans mom begged him and then swan was engaged to Karen for about 2 months ,when Mia woke up and said"where is swan?"then after that the doctor called swan and told him that Mia was awake so....Mia now crys and tells swan and Mia said "I love you swan "swan then missed her and told her that he's In love with her too. with out telling her the fact that he is getting married to her sister(Karen) when Mia heard swan say I love you too she kissed him and they both forgot about their mothers rules...

to be continued 😁😁