
My Sister's Husband Loves Me

When Charlie's ghost couldn't let her younger sister Marlie live in peace, Marlie takes her sister Charlie's face to take revenge on Chad, Charlie's high school love and husband, together with his family members for the death of her sister. Knowing so well the dark clouds surrounding the... family, she would stop at nothing to let her sister's soul rest in peace. However, through that process, Marlie came to realize she was falling for her sister's husband and tried to suppress her feelings for him. Not only that but Marlie also realized that the person whom Chad had loved from the beginning and wanted to marry was her and not Charlie, her late sister. "Why do you have my sister and I picture in your wallet?" Marlie, having the face of her sister Charlie asked... "I didn't keep it because of you. I kept it because of Marlie. She's the one I loved and wanted to marry since high school." Chad replied to Charlie [ Marlie ]. What will Marlie do after hearing this big Revelation that would turn all her plans outside down? Will she face her feelings or deny them? Let's find out...

DaoistruhAil · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Marlie had been thinking about Chad's words and actions, and how to retaliate the hardest way possible. She couldn't even concentrate on her food and worse, she was confined in bed.

"Damn that bastard!" She cussed him over and over again.

Finally, it was evening. After thinking to no avail, an idea suddenly popped into her mind.

"I have to call someone that will help me get back at you Chad!"

In a fit of anger, Marlie snatched her phone from the bed stand. She poured all her frustration and anger into it by punching the screen harder.

Frantically, Marlie sifted through the phone's contents and thankfully discovered Spark's number. It made sense that it would be there since she was using her sister's phone.

With a tear streaming down her cheek, Marlie wiped it in rage and tapped on Spark's number. She calmed down and was so relieved when it connected.

To Marlie's surprise, Spark answered the call with confusion in his voice. He swiftly checked his time. God!!, it was 9:30 pm. Why would she call him at such an hour?

"Charlie?!" He asked in puzzlement.

The fact that Charlie was calling him left him utterly shocked. Not to mention the time.

After uttering her name, Spark was at a loss for words. He sat up on his bed and waited for her to speak.

Marlie on the other hand seemed determined. How dare Chad taunt her sister? How dare he reject her sister for the mistress!

Marlie had witnessed for the few days she came to the Baristanas mansion, and the few times she had seen Spark, it seemed he genuinely cared about Charlie.

If she wanted to provoke anger and annoyance in Chad, she knew she would have to use his best friend to achieve her goal. It was a low move, but she doesn't care. Chad has pushed her to her limit.

Marlie knew Chad cared deeply about his family's reputation and would not want a scandal to unfold, yet he also had a mistress. So Marlie planned to play the same game Chad was playing. Two can play the game.

"Spark, I wanted to apologize for causing all of you guys trouble today." Marlie began and paused for her apology to sink in before continuing...

"I was hoping to apologize properly over a cup of coffee if you don't mind," she added.

Spark was still in utter disbelief. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Sharing a cup of coffee with Charlie? Was he dreaming? How could that be possible? Something is definitely fishy about the whole call.

There was no way Charlie would take the initiative to call him, let alone meet with him and have a chat over a coffee. What in the world is going on?

His suspicions came back to him. This woman was truly different from the Charlie he knew.

Many might not know. Even Chad might be oblivious to many changes in her. However, Spark was different. He had loved Charlie since college time and made sure to notice everything about her. Including the minor act, she might do.

However, after Charlie returned from her visit to her younger sister, she seemed different. Nothing about her indicates the Charlie that Spark loves. Well, except her face. Even her voice seemed a little different.

Could it be...? Spark thoughts ran wide as something terrifying dawned on him. "It can't be what I'm thinking, right?" His eyes went wide when he questioned himself.

"I will have to find out who she is! Whether she's my Charlie or an imposter, I will have to find out!" Spark thought to himself before coming back to Marlie on the phone.

"Of course, Charlie. I will clear my schedule and personally inform you of the details and where we should meet." He said after a while, making sure there was no hint in his voice.

"You can let your assistant inform me when you are free then," Marlie said, a smile creeping on her face.

"No need for my assistant to handle it, I will personally pick you up," Spark responded, keeping his suspicions in mind. He wouldn't waste any time in uncovering the truth and putting his mind at ease.

"Okay, Spark. I'll be waiting for your call," Marlie concluded, smirking victoriously as she prepared to hang up the call.

She can finally calm down. She was pleased that Spark had agreed to go out with her. This wouldn't be their first meeting, and she planned to ask for more once they finally met. As long as she could see jealousy or anger in Chad's eyes, she would be satisfied.

"I want to see your damn face Chad when you realize your best friend is my supposed lover.!"

Marlie thought inwardly smirking wickedly at that. She forgot one important thing... Which was her sister's reputation and dignity.

Just as Chad said... Charlie uses her brain to think. While Marlie on the other hand uses her anger to think. She acts without caring about the consequences.

Little did Marlie know, this meeting with Spark would not only benefit her. Spark stood to gain something as well, possibly even more.

On one hand, if she truly was Charlie, he would be pleased that she was growing closer to him now that her marriage with Chad was ending. Perhaps Charlie now viewed him in a different light, as her feelings for him seemed to be growing into something.

On the other hand, if his suspicions were confirmed, it was time for him to find out the true identity of the imposter and expose her to Chad.

He can also interrogate where Charlie is. What had the imposter done to her? And most importantly, why had this imposter entered their lives? All of these questions would be answered once he finally got closer to this new Cahrlie {Marlie}.

Before Marlie could hang up, Spark called,


He wondered why the imposter would try such a trick on him if she was indeed posing as Charlie. Nevertheless, he decided to play along. Whichever aspect was in his favor, he would come out on top.

"I cannot contain my excitement to see you tomorrow, Charlie," Spark said convincingly, punctuating his statement with a fake smile.

"Same here Spark. I can't wait to see you too." Marlie smiled happily in response.

However, Spark's face soon turned cold as he concluded sarcastically, "You have no idea how much I wish tomorrow would come already!"

One of his suspicions was confirmed. Charlie would never be this happy to see him Damn, she can't even pretend to be happy around him.

Thus, the happy voice Marlie used to reply to him showed he was somehow correct.

In Spark's mind, it never crossed his thoughts that Charlie was Marlie. Because if they the case, then Marlie would be at the advantage end if she was close to Chad. After all, Chad loves Marlie, and she is well aware of that fact.

Of course, if not for the fact that she had forgotten Chad's confession and what happened back in college.

Spark also knew about what had transpired during the engagement between Charlie and Chad because Chad had informed them.

Moreover, Marlie did not hold much importance to Spark, so he never paid much attention to her before. So Spark never suspected that Marlie was the one using her older sister's appearance.

When the call ended, Marlie found herself content. However, she couldn't help but sigh with relief when she realized she was playing these tricks using her sister's face and name.

But what else could she do? Chad never loved her sister, so it was not as if she was at fault here. If her sister desired Chad so strongly, but he failed to reciprocate, why not turn the tables and make Chad desire Charlie as well? Of course, she had also forgotten that Charlie was no more, and she was bringing trouble to herself rather.


Chad had left Marlie alone in the bedroom. This wasn't the first time, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

Since she entered the house, her supposed husband had not been by her side. To be honest, that was the best outcome for her. Having that man by her side was repulsive, even though he made her feel emotions she couldn't accept.

But now things were different. If she wanted to achieve her goal, she had to bring Chad closer to herself.

With Mark by her side, she no longer feared approaching Chad. Mark would guide her to the destination she desired. After all, he's also a man and has men's ideas.

She dialed Mark's number after thinking for a while. The phone rang several times before he picked up.

Marlie didn't even even greet Mark and started speaking... "I'm not going to use that pathetic side of my sister anymore! I want to change the course of the plan!"

"Change plan? And what do you mean by that?" Mark said over the phone.

"I'm going to use Spark!" She started with a smirk.