
My Sister's Husband Loves Me

When Charlie's ghost couldn't let her younger sister Marlie live in peace, Marlie takes her sister Charlie's face to take revenge on Chad, Charlie's high school love and husband, together with his family members for the death of her sister. Knowing so well the dark clouds surrounding the... family, she would stop at nothing to let her sister's soul rest in peace. However, through that process, Marlie came to realize she was falling for her sister's husband and tried to suppress her feelings for him. Not only that but Marlie also realized that the person whom Chad had loved from the beginning and wanted to marry was her and not Charlie, her late sister. "Why do you have my sister and I picture in your wallet?" Marlie, having the face of her sister Charlie asked... "I didn't keep it because of you. I kept it because of Marlie. She's the one I loved and wanted to marry since high school." Chad replied to Charlie [ Marlie ]. What will Marlie do after hearing this big Revelation that would turn all her plans outside down? Will she face her feelings or deny them? Let's find out...

DaoistruhAil · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Marlie brushed it off not wanting to answer. She knew deep down she had no feelings for Chad. If she was in that house, it was to take revenge and nothing more.

"Stop it now and listen to my plan will you?" Marlie said.

"What do you have up on your sleeves?" Mark asked Marlie. Though he was well aware of Marlie's revenge, he wasn't expecting her to hurt herself in the process.

"I won't support you hurting yourself because of revenge, so let's get that straight. Mark continued firmly on his decision.

"I'm not a kid so stop annoying me !" Marlie said getting up from the bed and continued... "I want you to tell him my condition is one to be worried about. Inform him I shouldn't be stressed in any way if not my condition will be critical." Marlie instructed Mark.

"What do you seek with that?" Mark couldn't help but probe.

Marlie smirked. She is just following the initial plan to get Chad on her side first, but as to why, lies in her hands.

"Just wait and see." She said mischievously.


Outside the ward, Chad sat sulking within.

Gideon knew his friend so well and sat beside him and offered... "It isn't in your nature to act like this Chad. Would you mind telling me what is eating you up?" He inquired.

Chad remained silent. He just didn't know what to say or how he should phrase his emotions.

"We are your friends and we need to know what's wrong with you and help you," Ken asked Chad who still maintained his position.

"Is it because of what that Doctor said? Like her boyfriend thing? Why don't you go and see her, bro." Gideon suggested.

He was extremely worried for Chad. Chad had never been out of control except on the night of his wedding.

That day was the first time his friends saw Chad looking down and pitiful. He drank a full bottle of whiskey even at the objection of his friends.

That night...he couldn't stop shouting Marlie's name.

It was the first time his friends realized he didn't love Charlie at all. They realized he had not gotten over his love for Marlie as he made them believe.

Now fully aware of that, Gideon didn't want to see his friend so broken again. Chad almost looked like a ghost not responding to their numerous questions. He must do something

Gideon got up from Chad's side and Ken replaced him there.

"I'm tired already. If you don't want to take the step, I will do it!" Gideon said making his way towards the emergency ward. He must find Marlie at all costs!

As if good luck was on his side, Mark came out of the emergency ward and Gideon approached him.

He needed a favor from him. He hoped Mark wouldn't mind. "I need a favor from you, Doctor. Well, if you don't mind." Gideon said politely.

Mark nodded in assurance with his signature smile.

"Your girlfriend... I mean Marlie, how is she doing?" Gideon asked and couldn't get a reply from Mark for a while.

Observing Mark's confusing reaction, Gideon thought to explain his question.

"You see, she was a friend of ours and I was wondering..." Gideon looked back at Chad before continuing...

" I was wondering if we could get in touch with her. It may sound stupid but we can't ask her older sister about her." Gideon tried explaining with an awkward smile.

The hallway felt silent. The friends wanted to hear the response from Mark so eagerly. Even Chad had raised his eyebrows to hear Mark's reply.

Whether Charlie (Marlie) was telling the truth or just like Ken was implying, she was lying to him. Chad wanted to know the truth.

Same for Ken but Gideon was oblivious of that and was wishing to get a positive reply from Mark.

However, that was far from it as their mood turned sour when Mark replied, " My girlfriend... Marlie... That lovely girl is no more." Mark's smile vanished as he whispered sadly.

Ken and Gideon's attention went straight to Chad, realizing why he had been tensed since morning. Was that the reason? They couldn't utter a word as whatever they said wouldn't ease the pain their friend might be feeling.

Yet Ken wanted to try. Chad had told him in the morning but he didn't want to believe it. He had doubted Charlie's(Marlie) credibility and made Chad have a little hope. "Chad---"

Chad didn't want to hear any word from his friends. Especially in the presence of Mark. He wouldn't want a mere stranger, Marlie's supposed boyfriend, to know about his relationship with Marlie.

He cut Ken short getting up and inquiring about Charlie (Marlie). "Will she be okay to go home today?" Chad asked Mark. His demeanor had changed completely. His face was devoid of any emotions.

Gideon and Ken noticed and got worried about him even more. Chad didn't mean to bury his pain within, did he?

Even Mark was not dumb and noticed the drastic change in Chad's behavior. He was more of the icy cold handsome devil Marlie had told him about. As a doctor, he wished to give a piece of advice but that stern look was in no way attractive for him to take that approach.

"Your wife's condition is nothing serious. It's just a scratch. She is just under too much stress. I suggest that she takes enough rest and that anything that stresses her should be kept far away from her." Mark said, waiting for any reaction or maybe a question that would show interest in Marlie's condition but nothing more than, "Can she go home now?" Came the straightforward answer of Chad.

That behavior of his truthfully irked Mark. There was no expression of worry in Chad's demeanor. Did he have to show a stranger like him how unwanted Charlie was?

"She is ready to go home. Let me see to her discharge." Mark finished with his and left the three alone.

No actually Spark had reached there the very moment Ken informed him about Charlie (Marlie).

His expression was different from how it was in the morning. Concern was written all over his face.

"You shouldn't cover your grief with that attitude of yours." He said to Chad. They were friends despite their fights after all. He knew when Chad was holding everything in.

"Keep your pity to yourself!" Chad sounded annoying. Spark was only trying to console him but that attitude of his irritated him.

"As if I care if you die!" Spark replied to Chad, his voice sounded harsh.

Hmm, birds of the same feathers. It's a wonder Gideon and Ken choose such friends. annoying!

Though Spark's facial expressions looked indifferent,

he felt bad for his friend. Irrespective of the enmity between them, he felt Chad's pain.

In the middle of their annoying exchange, the nurse brought fragile Marlie out of the ward.

Spark tried approaching Marlie but Chad blocked him.

"Let go home dear." Chad told Marlie with a faint smile and the sound of 'dear' irked Spark as Chad intended to.

However, the person in question didn't even care about their silent fight.

Of course, she was ready to go home. Marlie was damn ready to go home.