
My simple yet not so Teenage life

*Author's note* Hey this is a work in progress and this is my first work so please point out any mistake or any incorrect phrases anything*coughs* English is not my first language so there might be some differences with common conversation so bear with me do please enjoy and constructive criticism is much appreciated, Peace! with love*inserts love sign* Averagewriter69

Average_Writer69 · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 1 Changes

"when you open your eyes in the morning what do you think about?"


"Come on there's got to be something"


The therapist frowned at this and said

"whew our session is over you can come next week.Try to do something ok david?"


'I guess this is not working or maybe I am too lazy to say anything'he thought

He sighed and got out of the building and said "I'm hungry "

Oh hi there my name is david as you can see I just got out of my therapy session .why? because of the reason a normal teenager goes to a therapist .still don't get it?Depression! .it may sound like a simple word but the feeling you while affected by ot can only be described by one word loneliness.

I opened my apartment door and went straight the the shower to cool myself

'what an empty day' I thought

After a few mins I came out and got dressed and saw my dad saying something

"So how'd it go?"

"What?"I said

"..the therapy session?"dad said with a dumbfounded look

"Oh it went well"I lied

"Okay then go to bed tomorrow is the first day of school"

Yes the beginning of experiences and memories of everything Highschools! Tomorrow is my first day in high school...

"Yes I can't wait to go"I said with a fake smile