

  This is a dream I had last year... Oh that would be 2016 for you, time travellers. So I had this dream last year... it was a somewhat disturbing dream, very very strange...

  I was in a place. Everywhere I look was just a never-ending color of white. I guess I had nothing else to do but to walk forward and see what this place is all about I mean, it looks very calm to have a walk. I wish that's how walks in real life felt like but the cars, pollution and everything ruins the moment.

  Anyway, in the dream, I walked forward to what seemed to be just a few meters from where I started. Then I finally noticed a little squishing sound from below me. It was... I have no idea how to describe it actually, I've never heard it before and now I'm not sure if it really was 'squishing sounds' either. I looked down and saw that behind my legs were... holes. Huge blood-red holes behind my legs! I looked at my left (or was it my right?) leg and saw that it was like someone or something teared off the back of my leg, exposing the insides. There were several holes in the "wound" and in the holes were more holes so it looks like a gruesome gory sponge. The wound and the holes went deep into my leg that I could actually see an area of a whitish-yellowish bone, my bone! And the weirder part is that although it looks really fresh, there was no bleeding and there was no pain just holes and that skin crawling feeling on my arms and up my spine. I tried to simulate walking, contracting and relaxing my leg's muscles, and as I did, I heard the 'squishing' sounds again. It was the sounds of my leg's muscles contracting and relaxing. I watched the holes move accordingly and I regret it up to this day. Eughhhh...

  I continued walking and tried my best to ignore the strange squishing sounds my legs make but of course who can ignore that?

  As a person who loves science and reads a lot of books, I know that dreams are but a presentation of the subconsciousness and the subconsciousness reflects the consciousness so my whatever happens when I'm awake, I'm sure I'll probably dream about it. But the 'squishing sound' though. I never heard that sound before. I can't even describe it. Where did I hear that? If my dreams reflects whatever I experienced when I'm awake, where did my dreams get that?!

  The holes were just the beginning and it wasn't scary actually. The sound was the scary part... until now I can't find a similar disgusting squishing sound anywhere...