
three doors away

The sirens yell in her ears as she leaves her house. She wears a gas mask, as she struts down the street, rain is falling leaving marks on her clothes and making it hard to see. Every one is taking shelter from the bombs but her. Her child is asleep quiet in its crib. She walks to the third house to the left of her own. She looks around her at the buildings then looks up to sky, she can see nothing but she knows they are there. The air is thick from the past bombings the debris still remains on the road. She reaches into her coat pocket pulling out a box of matches. Thunder roars in the distant as she lights a match and guards it from the wind. She puts the match on the welcoming mat. The flames dance in the wind as it grows consuming the house, and signalling the ones above. Her ears are pierced with the sound of the bomb falling towards her. But in her heart she knows she'll live again with her baby in a better world, a world thats safe. They will die but come again.