

The day I've noticed you might be something that can only be seen in the dramas we've watched. It was the first week of school. You looked at me with a cold glare then, continued doing what you're doing.

Haha. I never knew that will be the start of something big. The start of something that my memory can't forget.

I talked to you. Not because I like you, it's just that I just wanted to talk to you. You were actually kind but, very frank.

It came the day when I was in school, and my mood wasn't really that good. You've actually noticed it. You texted me, and asked if I'm okay. I said I am, and that I just wanted to be alone. You asked to be my friend. I replied back, and told you that you will also leave me. You told me that you won't.

We became friends because you insisted. I never really felt someone's care. I only felt it from you. I felt like I was meant for something. I thought I can do something. For you, and me.

It came the day when you confessed that you liked me, and so do I. I was really happy. I always feel alone even if there were people around me. You made me feel like I have a place. You gave me a place.

We became really close, and our classmates thought that we're together. I wish we can be together too. But, there are obstacles not even I can fight.

We started doing things that couples do. We go on a date. We celebrate our first meeting. I was really happy then, it started. My thoughts goes on running, and running.

I don't know what to do. How can we last forever? How can I fight for this relationship? I really love you.

Because of this. I've become really confused of what to do. I became cold, and never told you why. I just wanted to solve it by myself. I wanted to do it for us.

I'm sorry if I was out of mind doing things that hurt you. I'm sorry if I'm so incompetent. I'm sorry if I wanted you for myself. I never intended to hurt you.

I know you're happy now. I know that you made a really good decision to leave me. I'm just a mess. No one can fix me.

I was so caught up on trying to save the relationship that I ended up losing it.

Now, you're happy, and thanks for the momentary happiness. Thanks for the temporary place. Thank you for making me, even just for a little bit, feel alive.