
Chapter 26

Back in the Barrier

" What a douche , as I said you should just divorce him if he isn't even interested in body . I wonder if he's gay " wondered Qin Yiyi with a excited grin .

" Nowww. .. " said Qin Yiyi purposely slurring her words as she turned toward Rei .

" So you have something to say? " asked Qin Yiyi putting on a business smile that looks scary no matter how you see it .

" Honestly I don't know if I am pregnant " said Rei honestly.

Walking up to Rei , Qin putting her hand on her stomach .



Qin Yiyi heard a faint heartbeat , so faint no ordinary person can hear it .

" Would you look at that ... " said Qin Yiyi with a look " 3 weeks old fetus " continued Qin Yiyi then bursting into laughter .

" Oh boy... hahaha ... James is so dead... haha he honestly got a girl pregnant.. haha .. This is so funny ..... haha ..... I'm sorry " said Qin Yiyi threw her laughing wiping her tears of laughter.

Rei turned beet red .

You may ask ' How is that Qin Yiyi know that is JAMES that got Rei pregnant ' . Well it's because Qin Yiyi has the ability to tell a person blood flow and other properties related to blood .

" Congratulations Rei " said Qin Yiyi smiling tenderly .

" T-thanks " said Rei flustered by the news .

" That was truly unexpected " said Qin Yiyi inspecting Rei " Don't worry , although he's a player he actually loyal " said Qin Yiyi smiling.

What Qin Yiyi said is true , even though James is a player he actually only dates and stays with one girl and then moves on but there one secret no one know except James is that he wishes he can have a faithful wife and baby but that was seen though by Qin Yiyi.

Smiling Qin Yiyi said " He will treat you like treasure because he always wanted a loyal wife and child " and countiunied " but I want you to play hard to get , it will work wonders " said Qin Yiyi smiling widely

" Ok "said Rei blobbing her head up and down like chick .

" By the way Qin Yiyi aren't you planning on having atleast one child " said Rei asking Qin Yiyi making Qin Yiyi smile .

Walking up to barrier Qin Yiyi simple flicked her finger disabling the barrier but that flick has more weight to it .

Pressing a button on her clothes the clothes transformed into a tiger sleepwear with a tail swaying side to side displaying her emotions.

Walking side to side Rei was amazed by the Qin Yiyi transformation .

" How'd you do that ? " asked Rei excited .

" Technology " said Qin Yiyi replying lazily .

"Amazing but ... Technology hasn't reach that stage as yet " said Rei thinking " if you made this why didn't you sell it explore more opportunities " asked Rei confused.

" Human Greed " said Qin Yiyi grabbing a apple on a table near her .

" Oh ok .. Um... Qin Yiyi can I ask you a personal question " said Rei looking at Qin Yiyi a little nervous.

" Go ahead " said Qin Yiyi holding a glass of water raising an eyebrow .

" When are you going to have a child with Yang Mu " asked Rei gathering the confidence.

Clack Clack

Qin Yiyi unconsciously broke the glass making broken glass pitch everywhere.

" Ahhh !! " screamed Rei in surpise .

All the family members turned and look at Qin Yiyi in surpise .

" Oh Dear ... What a surpise you gave me " said Qin Yiyi letting go of the rest of broken glass in her hand .

" Are you alright " asked Qin Yiyi helping Rei up but noticed that her legs turned to jelly .

Picking her up in a princess style she placed her on the couch .

" To answer you're question... If Yang Mu wants to get me pregnant he has to win me over because I want my child to grow up in a house of warmth not like ... me " said Qin Yiyi answering Rei question looking at Yang Mu .

" Well I don't mind another man that is Yang Mu doesn't mind his wife being stolen " said Qin Yiyi chuckling.

Immediately the air turned cold .

" Don't make everyone uncomfortable just because you can't even get a woman under control much less your own wife " said Qin Yiyi glaring at Yang Mu noticing the suffocating air.

Instantly the air lifted .


Sebastian came running in .

" Madam, Madam " shouted Sebastian in panick .

" How rude " said Qin Yiyi glaring at Sebastian.

" I am sorry madam " said Sebastian bowing to Qin Yiyi.

" Now tell what is happening " said Qin Yiyi lazily.

" Madam all our enemies has joined hands and are attacking the Mansion right now .

Several Assinassion has already entered the Mansion due to out numbering " said Sebastian in one breath.

" Gather the 1/4 troops and protect the family " said Qin Yiyi standing up with an emotionless face .

" But madam who will get rid of the enemies " asked Sebastian.

" Me of course " said Qin Yiyi smiling coldly .

" Do you need help " asked Yang Mu .

" No " said Qin Yiyi.

Walking up to Tv she placed her hand on the Hand Print Pad .

Instantly the TV dissappeared Guns , Swords and different other weapons . Picking up a knife Qin Yiyi throwed it toward the ceiling , seconds later a body fell down .

" I-is he dead " asked Lily stuttering.

" No , just knocked out " said Qin Yiyi.


Three bodies fell unconscious Lily , Rei and Lucia.

" Don't want a lady see me aggressive " said Qin Yiyi picking them up one by one and laying them on the couch in a comfortable sleeping position.

" Aaron be on stand by for any injured person " said Qin Yiyi commanding Aaron .

" Ok " said Aaron not refusing.

Walking up to her chair she pressed a button instantly a sword started to appear .

Taking it out of the sword hold she swinged it around a couple to practice .

" A little rusty " commented Qin Yiyi smiling gently.

" Jiang " called Qin Yiyi.

" Yes master " said Jiang appearing as hologram of another bulter.

" Make sure no one tries to get information and also take some troops to attack all the enemies bases and homes and slaughter everyone including their workers " said Qin Yiyi pressing a button on her sleepwear turning it into suit .

" Time for business " said Qin Yiyi with emotionless face fixing her tie .

" I will be back " said Qin Yiyi kissing Yang Mu on the cheeck .

" Come back safely " said Yang Mu staring at Qin Yiyi straight back .

" Will she be alright alone " ask James breaking the silence .

" Yes master will be alright actually you could think of this as a walk in a park for her " said Jiang answering James question .

" Is there anyway to watch the fight " asked Aaron.

" Yes there is " said Jiang bring up a video screen .

Outside the mansion

" Time to take out the trash " said Qin Yiyi with an smile her face .

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