
my sexy neighbor

A young boy who is afraid of people finds himself sexually attracted to his neighbor.realising his feelings his love story become a cure to every trouble he faces

Irene_Kyokuhaire · Realistic
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2 Chs

you and me

Alex ,"you asshole" a voice was heard from one of the corridors ,Alex immediately turned around to see who had provoked him, Alex was not surprised to see the person who had already triggered his anger after such an abusive sentence, it was not other than Jay ,Johnson arch nemesis since preschool "what now", Johnson calmly asked ."well nothing exactly but it is just that it is rare to see an idiot like you moving alone without a girlfriend nor a boyfriend.". Jay retorted ,laughter from other medical students filled the corridors, Johnson inquired if Jay sentence was for Jay himself, vice versa laughter once again filled the corridors as Johnson walked away," embarrassed" Jay tried to punch Johnson but Johnson managed to dodge the punch Jay ranaway after suffering countere attack from Johnson and his friend li shao" wow", you are amazing Michelle said Johnson just replied with a long smirk li shao then asked Johnson the reason behind the long smirk but Johnson just exclaimed," let's go to class" li shao thought to himself" probably someone has come into his life no wonder he's still smile even facing his arch nemesis ."

In the classroom, concentration was a problem for Johnson who was known as an intelligent kid who gave everything attention to the master during lessons whispering filled the room as everyone is gaze was directed towards Johnson .

"Finally "Johnson thought himself has a quickly grabbed this books and hurriedly existed slamming the door behind him very hard shocking miss Catherine ,the professor . miss Catherine questioned herself," what is wrong with favorite student today" tried to get answers from li shao but couldn't instead Li shao just nodded .

Miss Catherine couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong .

Getting hold of his bike ,Johnson hurriedly existed the campus gate in Hope of reaching home quickly and then talking to Alex . At home Johnson couldn't stop them texting emojis and heart felt messages to alex but but Alex would only depend on a one word reply while pacing and contemplating ,he had a knock on his window, opening it he found the Johnson outside once again he asked," why are you here again". You taketoo long to reply then climbed into his room and sat on Alex's bed,l don't ever see you out ever since I moved here, I have never seen you at school and yet I recently got to know that we study in the same academy, Alex replied" hmmm" then kept quiet for about you two seconds . Johnson told him to calm down. Alex mustard courage and told Johnson that he was homeschooled.

that must be boring, don't you ever get bored do you want to join me and and watch a movie together, Alex replied "no" and Johnson remarked why are you a real life Rapunzel then I'll be your flynn rider before busting into laughter which stopped abrupy when he saw Alex's eyes showing fury and anger .