
My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

It was just like any other day, or so I thought at least. The birds were chirping up on trees, clouds were rolling by the bright blue sky and Elves were dumpster diving in the alleyway. Okay, one of those three didn't sound right... I had a boring life once. Recently though, it has become less boring... to put it one way. Finding a random Elf in the dumpster? Heh, must be a Monday. A normal person would have walked by. A normal person would have ignored it. I must be a pretty weird guy, then. Now I have this Elf swearing her allegiance to me. What's next, vampires? Better not jinx it. Discord Link Here - https://discord.gg/yhDAk9bjdU

Brendanjoke · Fantasy
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978 Chs

An Elf's Tale, Part 48

Her ears wouldn't stop twitching, and the voices wouldn't stop muttering.

She could hear them, the looming audience behind balcony railings; their conversations encompassing a vast array of topics… yet one way or another, somehow, they all led back to her. 

Her rise to prominence.

Her unparalleled strength.

Her immense potential as a Knight.

And the perilous risks she posed should she ever turn out to be a threat. 

Over and over in more dubious, uncertain inflections, her ears would twitch to their unending discussions. One aristocrat conversing with another, a red hood whispering to a commander… an ignorant nobleman ignorantly questioning the intricacies with a blue-eyed Magus. 
