
Liu Yifei

Around half an hour later, they quickly patched all the wounds on Liu Yifei, and they changed her clothes to those of the patient, cleaning her entire body at the same time. One of the nurses gathered her courage and told Shi Hao to go out while they changed her clothes.

Instead of getting angry at them, Shi Hao politely walked out of the room, making them feel quite good. Just as he was waiting for them to finish dressing her, Wu Song and his wife rushed to that particular room.

Even though Shi Hao never had a conversation with Wu Song before, he did see him once or twice, when he visited the sect. As such, he easily recognized him and also understood that the woman walking side by side with him was probably his wife.

He was kind of surprised, as he only asked for a little help. He didn't expect them to come here directly, and he would have been even more surprised if he knew that Wu Song dragged his wife out of the middle of her speech, which made her quite dissatisfied and get a bit angry at him.

But she did not say anything, just let him drag her along, as this husband of hers has been her source of trust, love, and everything from the day they both got married.

"Senior brother Shi! I hope that everything is arranged properly. I and my wife were somewhere, or else I would have directly come to arrange everything in person." Wu Song said, making Shi Hao smile back politely.

"G-greetings! S-senior brother Shi." Wang Huajin finally understood why her husband dragged her for such a simple thing. She knows everything about his husband, and she even met some of the outer sect disciples who came to their hospital in the past. But this is the first time a core disciple has come, and even her husband has to address him as Senior Brother.

"Ah! Nice to meet you, sister-in-law! I hope you don't mind the way I address you, as you are the wife of my junior brother." Shi Hao shamelessly started making himself look close to them so that they would take care of Liu Yifei when he left.

"No! It's alright, it's alright... Senior brother Shi." Just as Huajin was about to respond, Wu Song responded on her behalf, which made her get angry and give him a pinch on his waist.

All of them suddenly got silent for a moment before bursting out with laughs. The awkward feeling in the atmosphere quickly swept away.

"Hm! Senior brother, let's go and check the patient first! I will give her a good check-up." Wang Huajin said, to which Wu Song secretly felt that his wife is pretty good, as she decided to give preference to the patient, which will earn her one more good point in front of the senior brother.

"No! Wait for a moment, sister-in-law. The nurses are dressing her up now, and I don't think she needs any more checkups as she didn't have many injuries in the first place." Shi Hao said casually.

"Who is the patient senior brother? Is she from our sect?" Wu Song asked probingly, not wanting to press the question, as that may irritate him.

"No! I also didn't know exactly who she was until today. But from the nurses, I heard that she is a big celebrity in the mortal world. I hope that you guys take care of her and do not let her expose herself until she gets discharged." Shi Hao said and also warned, not wanting anyone to release her from being there.

"You don't have to worry about that, senior brother! I will make sure that no one except those two nurses and doctor Wang attends to the lady inside." Wang Su promised, but he still didn't understand why his senior brother was helping a mortal world celebrity. After all, he is a foundation establishment realm cultivator, and he also didn't get what happened between them or why a celebrity gets the chance to get into contact with cultivators.

Similar thoughts went through his wife's mind too, but both of them didn't express anything!

But Shi Hao easily grasped their thoughts, which made him frown a bit before informing them.

"Listen clearly, junior brother! The woman inside may be a celebrity, but I would never care. But! She has the favor of a 'Soul Transformation' realm. From what I see, the senior is quite interested in the beauty. And from the looks of that senior, he isn't even over 200 years... So you can guess that he has the chance to get that 'Void Realm."

"And also that senior..." Shi Hao slowly explained the entire story to both of them, making them feel shocked and at the same time having some heavy feelings. As such an important person is staying in their hospital, if something were to happen to her, their entire hospital would be burned to the ground. Even then, the heavenly wolf sect wouldn't be able to say much to such a young soul transformation realm.

"Don't worry, senior brother! We will make sure to provide the best! " Wang Su and Huajin promised at the same time with solemn expressions, as they decided to stay in the hospital till this miss got discharged.

"Alright then! I have gotten the message from the sect elder, and he is waiting for me at the bamboo forest entrance. I thought I would wait till she woke up before going. But since you are here, I can go without worrying much." Shi Hao said as he got the message, just when he reached the hospital. But he decided to take care of the mission properly and wanted to wait till she woke up.

Since Wu Song and his wife came, his worries were swept away, as he knows they are well aware of the consequences.

"Alright! Senior brother, don't worry about anything here! We will also secretly let someone from her family come to take her away without a sound." Wu Song promised, making Shi Hao smile at them with a nod before flashing away from there. The couple then bowed at the way that Shi Hao disappeared before looking at each other with all smiles.

Around 20 minutes after Shi Hao left, Liu Yifei slowly opened her eyes. Instead of panicking, as everyone does, she instead felt peace and serenity. She has seen every one of those scums die in front of her and remembered everyone's face, as such, she knows that she won't be in any more danger.

Seeing that Liu Yifei woke up, the Wang Su couple, who had just informed the family members of her, quickly walked beside her and asked,

"How are you feeling, miss? If you are still feeling some pain anywhere, let me know. I will give you a painkiller, that doesn't have many side effects." Huajin said as she grasped Yifei's hand to check on her pulse.

"I'm feeling good... Where is the person who admitted me to the hospital now? I-I want to meet him." Liu Yifei's first question is about Ning Qi, as she feels that he is the one who took her here.

"Uh? You are probably talking about the senior who saved you, right?" Wang Su grasped the situation quickly and asked.

Liu Yifei kind of got confused by the way this man, who looks to be in his fifties, addressed such a young man as a senior. But she still nodded her head meekly, not knowing what was going on.

"Ah! Miss, don't misunderstand. That senior who saved you might look young... Oh no, he is actually very young compared to his overall lifespan. Still, I'm a kid in front of him, as he is probably over 200 years old or at least around that age." Wu Song said, after seeing the look of confusion on Liu Yifei's face.

Instead of clearing the doubts, he created even more confusion in Liu Yifei's mind. She looked at them both for a moment, considering whether she was in a general hospital or some kind of mental hospital.

Wu Song wanted to explain more, but his wife gave him a nudge, letting him stop whatever he was about to say, and gave her a questioning look.

Wang Huajin rolled her eyes at her usually intelligent and crafty business husband, who was not grasping the situation correctly and trying to make mistake after mistake.

"Hello! Miss Liu, I'm the chief doctor of Huajin hospitals, and my husband here, Wu Song, is the chairman. You weren't actually taken here by that 'senior' who saved you, instead, you were bought by someone from my husband's sect, at the request of that senior. You don't have to be confused, miss. As you may have already known from your recent encounter, there is a world that is unknown to normal people. My husband, in his younger days, also used to be in a sect..."

Huajin explained slowly to Liu Yifei about her husband and her life. Then she explained about the cultivation world, and lastly she explained about the Red Blood Sect and how she got here, from all the information they get from Shi Hao.

Liu Yifei felt a world that was out of her reach flash like a fantasy movie in front of her, as she listened to Huajin. Initially, she thought that those evil people and Ning Qi were some kind of special people with special powers, but in the end, they were also normal humans. But after hearing this, she knows that this is something that she would have never had a chance to contact.

'What kind of concept is people living for thousands of years?' Liu Yifei thought.

"But... why didn't the government take any action against such evil people?" Liu Yifei asked, as she felt that government was the ultimate thing here. They may also have their own 'cultivators' right?

"Miss Liu! even though the government also has some powers supporting them! There are plenty of sects that are enormously more powerful than the government. Never mind, you will know about that in the future anyhow, as that senior will probably come to you soon, once his work is done." Huajin said again, making Liu Yifei bewildered as to why such a powerful figure would come to her.

"Miss Liu! Do you think that a 'Soul transformation level cultivator' will 'Princess carry' you out of there willingly? At most, he would have informed the people of the heavenly wolf sect to save you, before going on his way. Even though seniors eradicated that sect, for justice... that is looking at the overall level. Those powerful figures don't care much about individuals, sigh!" Huajin sighed after saying that, as if what she said were true.

In fact, Huajin isn't wrong at all. Many people may have chosen the side of justice, but a lot of them never care about individual-level entities. Even if someone were to die in front of them, they would help if they thought it was not troublesome and that it wasn't obstructing their goals. otherwise, or else they wouldn't even bat an eyelid.

"Oh! Then why did that person save me? Did he leave any message for me?" Liu Yifeiyi didn't know why she felt like that, but she felt a bit of happiness in her mind and asked hurriedly.

"Ah? Ahem... It's probably because that senior may have taken an interest in you. So, I think you will soon get to meet with that senior again, and you will probably even be introduced to the cultivation world through him. That is all we know, Miss Liu. We have also informed your family members to pick you up. Naturally! You can also stay here for as long as you want. Now, you should take some rest, we won't disturb you anymore."

Huajing said all of that in a single breath, as she conveyed everything Shi Hao asked them to. She then grabbed his husband, who is still looking a bit silly, and went away, leaving Liu Yifei absentminded.

Liu Yifei didn't even know that they had already left, as her ears are still ringing with the words 'interest in you'. She had the thought of devoting herself to Ning Qi before, and with the words from Huajin, her mind went into a multitude of thoughts. She even thought that she wasn't fit for Ning Qi or that their age gap was a bit too much, etc. She soon shook her head, as she decided to deal with it when the time came, and also soon sadness succumbed to her as she remembered her dear friends and tears started falling from her eyes.

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