
Chapter 4 Yes, very comfortable.

I didn't understand, "Jason, whether I love Raymond or not, we have no relationship anymore. It was your rejection, have you forgotten?"

"Because you cheated on me with your mate!" Jason yelled! His emotions seemed somewhat out of control; his brown eyes filled with anger I couldn't understand.

"I've explained, I was set up!" I spoke.

But I didn't want to dwell on this anymore, "Enough, Jason. Your fiancée is Bella, we have nothing to talk about if you want to bring up these things."

"Caitlyn!" He grabbed my wrist, his grip strong, I couldn't understand what he wanted to do.

"If you want, we can start over."

"Are you out of your mind!" I stared at him in disbelief, "Your mate is Bella."

"What if... I had no choice," he looked at me, his eyes revealing a strong sense of sadness, a side of him I had never seen before.

Jason seemed fragile.

At that moment, I hesitated, "Are you... okay?" I approached him to ask.

But the next moment, I was wrong.

A woman's scream shattered everything.

It was Bella, her voice drawing everyone on the beach closer.

"You seduced my fiancé, you slut!!" Bella screamed, pointing at me!

Her eyes were red.

Looking at Jason, who was very close to me, it seemed like I had initiated the proximity.

Chapter Seven: I Trust Her

"No! I didn't, Jason said he had something to discuss with me!"

Bella grabbed Jason and accused me, pointing at me: "You betrayed Jason! How could he have approached you willingly! Someone saw it, saying that you deliberately made up a reason for Jason to help you, causing Jason to leave."

"I didn't do that! Jason!" I immediately countered, looking at Jason. However, he changed his attitude, becoming cold and offering no further explanation!

I understood, once again, I was framed.

A year ago, when I hastily left after being with that stranger, I saw the same indifferent Jason.

I was foolish, he was so good at deceiving people.

I believed him!

"You despicable person! You're still trying to argue!" Bella said as she raised her hand to hit me, but the expected slap didn't land on my face.

A figure in a wheelchair interceded for me, it was Raymond.

He restrained Bella's hand, his expression cold: "If you strike my wife, you should have a valid reason."

"She seduced my fiancé, Mr. Raymond," Bella pointed at me.

I looked directly at Bella: "I never did such a thing! My bond with Jason ended a year ago, we are strangers with no relationship, he approached me on his own!"

"I believe my wife..." Raymond said.

I looked at him in astonishment. He believed me.

"I think you all should leave now." Raymond issued the order to leave, his expression not pleasant, even a bit angry.

Moreover, I really didn't think he resembled a rogue.

The domineering aura he exuded felt more like that of an alpha.

Bella looked at Raymond in disbelief: "Just because of her words, you believe her?! She's just a lying thief! Mr. Raymond, don't blame me for not warning you, Caitlin betrayed Jason a year ago, she could betray you too, after all, she's a harlot!"

"Stop your shameless talk! Leave!" Raymond cut her off, his tone carrying an authoritative seriousness.

Bella was taken aback; she didn't expect to be intimidated by a rogue

She glanced meaningfully at Raymond: "Let's leave."

With that, she led Jason and the group away, giving me a fierce glare as a warning that this matter wasn't over.

After they left, I looked at Raymond: "I truly didn't do it."

"I believe you." His tone softened as before.

I felt a bit touched; I didn't expect Raymond to believe me.

"You should thank your friend; she brought me here." Raymond pointed to Erin behind him.

Erin said, "I saw Bella leading a group of people towards you, I got nervous and found Mr. Raymond, but as you said, he was indeed the right choice, just a pity he's not your mate."

She whispered the last sentence.

"But you should ask him if he has met his mate."

Erin's words made me ponder, rejected werewolves usually find it hard to encounter a second mate in their lifetime, like me, I no longer have any expectations of meeting a mate.

But Raymond? Has he met his first mate, and if he did, would they part ways?

"It's okay, if that day truly comes, it just means our fate wasn't enough." I smiled at Erin.

"You're still so optimistic, well, I should head back soon too, the professor doesn't know I haven't finished the assignment." Erin said, rolling her eyes, clearly fed up with the professor's assignments.

"Until next time." She said to me.

After seeing Erin off, I approached Raymond sitting in the garden, holding a book with roses surrounding him, resembling a prince?

"I appreciate what you did today." I sincerely thanked him.

Raymond closed the book: "No need to feel concerned, you are my wife, aren't you?"

I smiled, Raymond was always like this, he made me feel so warm, he was truly perfect.

But my intuition made me uneasy, it was my wolf's intuition, Raymond seemed to be hiding something from me.

"By the way, all my relatives have passed away, but I still have a grandmother. Half a year ago, she was expelled from the wolf pack and became... a rogue. Her condition is not good, she can hardly transform back into a human body, she has lost her mind, sometimes unable to recognize me, but that's only occasionally, I assure you...

This time, I wanted to ask if you would be willing to come with me to see her. I will introduce you to her."

I didn't bring up the topic of Raymond's mate because I felt we weren't familiar enough yet. Asking him such a private question out of the blue might make him uncomfortable.

Raymond quickly cleared a day, and with the driver, we headed to the forest where my grandmother lived.

Rogues usually choose to live alone, no longer interacting with other wolf packs.

My grandmother was no exception; she lived in a small cabin outside the forest.

Soon, the Lamborghini URUS drove into the forest.

From afar, I saw my grandmother sitting in a chair, knitting a scarf, the sunlight shining warmly on her.

I leaned out of the car window and greeted her, "Grandma!"

She looked up and smiled at me with her aged face, "Caitlyn."

I didn't forget to help Raymond out of the car.

Sitting in a wheelchair, his face still as pale as before.

I said to him, "Good news, Grandma seems to be in a rational state today, sometimes she doesn't regain her senses after becoming a rogue."

As we approached the small cabin, I introduced Raymond to my grandmother, "He is Raymond Anderson, my... husband."

"Richard?" Grandma, whose memory was failing, adjusted her glasses on her nose, "Raymond Anderson of the Silver Moon clan."

"Do you know, Grandma?" I was surprised.

Grandma smiled and said, "Of course I do. Your engagement was promised by your parents' blood oath. It's been a long time since I heard the Anderson surname."

She sighed.

Raymond showed a polite smile, "Grandma."

Her smile widened, "Today, I'm happy. I will make my signature stew for you both."

Saying that, she walked towards the house.

I whispered to Raymond, "It's basically just putting vegetables and lamb in a pot, then adding butter and chopped parsley at the end."

"You don't sound too enthusiastic about it."

"It's okay, just don't complain." I stuck my tongue out quietly.

"I won't." Raymond remained gentle.

I felt fortunate to have a fiancé like him.

Grandma's cabin was small but very cozy, with the dim sunlight filtering in, landing on the sunflowers on the table.

I liked it. It had Grandma's scent, the scent of family.

Unfortunately, I rarely got to come here; Beta would always find ways to stop me.

"Do you want to go outside and take a look? There's a beautiful lake there."

"Sure, I'll follow your lead."

I pushed Raymond's wheelchair towards the lake. This was deep in the forest, away from other wolf packs, but the scenery was beautiful. The lush green canopy almost obscured the blue sky, only slivers of it visible.

The lake water was crystal clear, reflecting the blue sky.

One could feel the slight chill by the lake, it was quiet, with only the sounds of birds chirping and water flowing audible.

I opened my arms and closed my eyes, "Isn't it comfortable here?"

"Yes, very comfortable," Raymond replied.

Saying that, she walked towards the house.

I whispered to Raymond, "It's basically just putting vegetables and lamb in a pot, then adding butter and chopped parsley at the end."

"You don't sound too enthusiastic about it."

"It's okay, just don't complain." I stuck my tongue out quietly.

"I won't." Raymond remained gentle.

I felt fortunate to have a fiancé like him.

Grandma's cabin was small but very cozy, with the dim sunlight filtering in, landing on the sunflowers on the table.

I liked it. It had Grandma's scent, the scent of family.

Unfortunately, I rarely got to come here; Beta would always find ways to stop me.

"Do you want to go outside and take a look? There's a beautiful lake there."

"Sure, I'll follow your lead."

I pushed Raymond's wheelchair towards the lake. This was deep in the forest, away from other wolf packs, but the scenery was beautiful. The lush green canopy almost obscured the blue sky, only slivers of it visible.

The lake water was crystal clear, reflecting the blue sky.

One could feel the slight chill by the lake, it was quiet, with only the sounds of birds chirping and water flowing audible.

I opened my arms and closed my eyes, "Isn't it comfortable here?"

"Yes, very comfortable," Raymond replied.