
Chapter 2 I Won't Regret it

Looking at her, I replied calmly, "Beth, do you think I don't know the truth? I will come back sooner or later. And then my wolf will bite your neck with its own teeth!"

"You!" Beth widened her eyes, perhaps not expecting me to speak like that, especially since I had never challenged them like this in the past year.

I must thank them for giving me the chance to escape from here.

Ignoring Beth, I walked towards the main hall and politely greeted the man. He looked at me, and beneath the mask were a pair of deep emerald eyes.

With just one glance, I felt irresistibly drawn to those eyes, filled with infinite charm that led me into a trance.

"This is Raymond, your betrothed," Joseph's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Are you Lily's daughter?" Raymond looked at me.

My heart tightened involuntarily. Lily... is my mother.

"Yes," I hurriedly replied.

"Come with me." Raymond wasted no words, turning his wheelchair towards the door.

No wedding, no promises, no family blessings. I hurriedly followed Raymond, pushing his wheelchair.

Raymond didn't refuse. Now I left the tribe, I felt an unprecedented sense of ease.

Glancing back at this place I had lived in for over a decade, I never thought I would one day leave.

"Do you have so few belongings for your journey?" Raymond looked at my box.

"Yes, I don't have much," I answered.

"I am a Rogue, without a tribe. If you mind my status and have second thoughts." Raymond said.

I must admit, his voice was truly pleasant, like a seductive, rich wine that intoxicated.

"I won't... I won't regret it."

Raymond didn't seem surprised: " Let's leave."

Raymond drove a black car, with a dedicated driver who didn't seem like other rogues wandering aimlessly.

Rather, he seemed more like lone wolves. But lone wolves usually lived alone because of inconvenience, so why would he hire someone?

"How old are you?" Raymond asked me.

"19..." I replied.

He paused, seemingly surprised at my young age. "I'm 25 years old, a bit older than you. I'm sorry about your parents; mine also left me a year ago."

"About the wedding..."

I was afraid it might trouble him: "It's okay! Even if we don't have a wedding, I won't mind!"

After all, escaping from there was the best thing that could happen!

"No... a wedding should still happen, just... it might be in places where humans gather more. Can you adapt?"

The fang tribe had always lived in the jungle, and because my parents didn't like contact with humans, we didn't often venture into human territories.

I didn't expect him to consider this: "It's okay! I don't mind."

He then asked me some other questions and briefly introduced his own situation.

Undeniably, Raymond was nothing like I imagined. He exuded gentlemanly manners and courtesy.

After about an hour's drive, I arrived at a seaside city, my first time seeing the sea. Naturally, I was surprised, rolling down the window to feel the salty sea breeze.

I had always lived in the jungle and only seen the sea on my phone.

"Do you like the sea?" Raymond asked me.

I couldn't help but nod, "It's my first time seeing the sea, it's truly beautiful."

The sunlight shimmered on the azure sea, reflecting a gem-like radiance.

"Then you'll probably like the new house I've prepared," Raymond finally smiled faintly.

He wore a mask, concealing his entire face from me, but the sensual lips and chin hinted at a handsome man. Raymond's villa was secluded from humans but close to the sea. He pressed a button on his wheelchair, signaling for me to follow him, pointing to a room on the second floor, "This is your room."

Surprised, I looked at him, "And where will you be?"

"I will be in the room opposite yours. In between is a study and entertainment room. If you need anything, feel free to instruct the servants. We don't have many rules here. Also, if you're ready, we will have the wedding in three days," Raymond replied with a smile before leaving in his wheelchair. I stood on the balcony on the second floor, waving at him as he departed.

He gave a faint smile and drove away.

Leaning on the balcony, feeling the sea breeze and the sound of the waves, everything felt like a dream.

Raymond's POV

Today is the day I fulfill my engagement. Although I don't want to, my parents made a blood oath that I must honor. I met my fiancée, with her golden-brown hair and a beautiful face, truly stunning. Her eyes resembled a captivating little fox, with a straight nose and sensual lips, akin to a blooming white lily in spring.

Innocent beauty.

As I took off my mask, the driver asked, "Leaving Luna alone in the villa, is that okay?"

"Return to the pack," I replied shortly, no longer desiring the previous pretense.

My pack was established on an island. I stood up from the wheelchair, this time even masking my pheromones with a special perfume. It wasn't to deceive the girl but due to my temporary lack of trust in her.

Upon seeing me, the pack's beta, Allen, quickly approached. I instructed him, "Prepare a wedding gown..."

Once again, thoughts of the girl came to mind. Despite being an omega with a weak wolf, her eyes held purity, intelligence, and determination.

Preferring to conceal her true thoughts, though the deception seemed childish and even... cute?

"Extravagant, expensive."

"The wedding should be... simple."

Kate's POV

For two whole days, I hadn't seen Raymond, but it was the most comfortable time I'd had in ages. No endless chores or enduring Beth's abuse and mockery.

I could sleep in as long as I wanted.

Oh, moon goddess, only you know how I endured the past year.

It was like living in hell.

But I couldn't remain idle. With newfound freedom, I could start investigating my parents' deaths.

In the villa, only Shay remained, the maid Raymond instructed to stay and look after me.

But I hoped she could become a friend, as I felt incredibly lonely.

Since I was no longer the alpha's heir, my old friends had distanced themselves from me.

Even my one true friend had been absent for a long time, as I hadn't returned to school in ages.

"Shay, I want to take a walk by the sea at noon! You don't need to prepare lunch for me," I happily told Shay in the bustling dining room.

"Understood, Miss Kate," she replied.

As I opened the door, I froze. Outside sat Raymond in his wheelchair, still wearing the golden mask.

"Oh... Mr. Raymond," I became tense.

"Are you going to the seaside?"

"Yes, sir."

"Let's go together," he said gently and politely.

"Allow me to push your wheelchair."

"Of course."

There were almost no humans or other werewolves around here, only the rustling of coconut trees in the wind and the sound of waves crashing on the beach.

"Are you getting used to it?" he asked me.

"It's wonderful here," I nodded sincerely.

"I'm glad you like it. I hope you're ready for the wedding tomorrow."

Actually, I don't really care about the plot of the wedding. I nervously asked, "Will Beth and her daughter also come?"


"The alpha of the fang tribe and her daughter."

"They need to be present," Raymond replied, seeming to sense my concern. He reassured me, "Don't worry, nothing unexpected will happen."

"Okay." I nodded, feeling more relaxed. After all, I had escaped from the fangs! What else was there to worry about?

When we returned to the villa in the evening, Shya had prepared dinner, enough for two.

Even dinner was my favorite, salmon.

I could hardly contain my smile.

Late into the night, I found Raymond hadn't left. "Sir, are you staying here tonight?"

"Yes, preparing for tomorrow's wedding," Raymond replied, holding a book in his hands. He nodded.

I felt uneasy. This was the first time I had spent time with Raymond. In the end, we were just strangers who had met two days ago.

"Don't worry, get some rest." He gently stroked my head.

After he left for his room, I breathed a sigh of relief. Raymond was truly different; he didn't seem like a rogue at all.

Late at night, unable to sleep, I decided to go downstairs for water.

"Still Awake?" Raymond's seductive voice startled me from behind, almost causing me to drop the glass in my hand.

"Sorry for scaring you," he apologized.

He was sitting in a wheelchair, seemingly downstairs for water as well, still wearing that mask on his face.

Had he been wearing it at home all this time?

I was concerned; I thought it must be uncomfortable. But I didn't know how to bring it up. When Raymond had the mask on, it was easy to imagine he was a handsome guy. But after his face was damaged, perhaps he didn't want others to mention it.

In the end, I didn't say anything.