
My Second Life is a Heroic Power Fantasy

"Hey, great news, kid... you're dead!" With these words, Jack Eames, unrepentant slacker, found himself staring down God, and was offered a choice- An eternal life of never-ending bliss and relaxation, OR the chance to start over as a powerful hero, fighting to defeat monsters, rescue maidens, and save this new world from another player - a villain who has been given the exact same advantages he has. ...And a couple weeks head start. The ultimate prize? The winner of the contest gets to become God of this new fantasy world, and reshape it however they can possibly imagine! The downside? Whichever one of them loses ceases to exist! For Jack, a clueless, fantasy-obsessed shut-in, picking option number two wasn't hard. Learning that being a hero takes much more than pressing buttons on a controller, and that a real fantasy world is far more dangerous than the ones in stories he loves.... well, that's something else entirely!

Clowniac · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
214 Chs

Covid-19 update

So, you may have noticed my upload schedule has been relatively erratic as of late, and that I haven't posted any updates in several days.

The honest truth is that right now, with everything going on, writing is hard.

In my day job, I work as an independent contractor. About half of my income relies on me going out and interfacing with the public on a day to day basis. However, my wife is six months pregnant, and in one of the highest risk categories for the virus. Per her medical team, the only way I can maximize her safety and that of my unborn daughter is to quarantine myself. This is not a problem for me, except that I have to functionally do twice as much work to maintain our income.

This eliminates whatever energy and time I normally spend working on my various writing projects, including Second Life. Which, lemme tell ya, kinda sucks.

I fully intend to continue to work on this project and others, but know ahead of time that for the foreseeable future, updates are going to be more sporadic as I deal with the more imminent problem at hand.

So here is what is going to happen for the time being:

1. Sunday at 8 PM EST is now the sole release day for Second Life until this situation changes.

2. I will write as much as I can each week, and release everything written that week on Sunday.

3. Readers are guaranteed at least 1 chapter a week. If I write more, you get more.

4. The regular daily posting routine will resume as normal the instant quarantine is over.

5. I will be posting weekly updates along with the chapters so you all know how things stand.

I cherish and appreciate all of you. I know this is not the kind of update you wanted, but I want to be forward with you all from one moment to the next so that I don't let anyone down.

I hope you are all staying safe out there. I will catch up with you all again soon.
