
My Second Life in Another World

As night descends, a man sits alone, lost in thoughts of grief on his birthday, mourning the loss of his parents. Seeking solace, he turns to alcohol, hoping to numb the pain. But when he wakes the next day, he finds himself in a strange new world, gifted with powers he unknowingly acquired in his intoxicated state. Rather than succumbing to despair, he chooses to face the unknown with resilience and determination. Exploring this unfamiliar realm, he uncovers hidden truths about himself, unlocking a wellspring of abilities he never knew existed. Driven by an unwavering desire to be reunited with his parents, he embarks on a quest to understand his newfound powers and the world that now surrounds him. Throughout his journey, he forms alliances, overcomes adversaries, and lends a helping hand to those in need. If there are also those who pose a threat to his loved ones. He confronts these challenges head-on, employing diverse strategies beyond mere violence. From Solo Leveling to The Beginning After The End to Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, follow this man's story as he tries to make sense of his new reality and find his way back to his loved ones. …. Before you begin reading the story, I'd like to share a few important points. The main character (MC) is a good-natured and cheerful person, so don't expect him to become excessively violent or aggressive from the start. However, he won't let others walk all over him and will deal with anyone he sees as a potential threat. How he handles these situations won't always involve violence, but you'll understand more about this as you progress into the second part of the story. The first part is meant to be uplifting and doesn't involve much danger because the MC is already powerful. Its purpose is mainly to introduce the MC's personality and the female characters who will develop romantic feelings for him. I did my best with my writing skills at the time, so I apologize if it's not as good as you'd like. Your feedback and thoughts are welcome, as I value your input. While this story can be enjoyed as a lighthearted harem fanfic commonly found in web novels, if you take the time to explore the sentences and scenarios, you'll find deeper meaning beneath the surface. Ultimately, it's up to you as the reader to interpret and decide whether it's a typical fanfic with an overpowered MC and a harem or something more meaningful when read with greater thought and investment. I've learned this through my writing experiences. Give it a try and let me know your thoughts after reading. I deeply appreciate all of my readers, and I am truly grateful to those who enjoy reading this story. Your support means a lot to me. At the same time, I want to apologize to those who didn't find it appealing or satisfying. Anyway thanks for taking the time to engage with my work, and I will try to improve and deliver content that you may like one day. That is all, Thank you for reading. Note: This story is a fan fiction and I do not own any of the characters. For those interested, you can join the Discord link provided or check out my Patreon to read ahead. 1 extra chapter for 650 power stones https://discord.gg/NdaZBAbQ8D https://www.patreon.com/OVERLOAD69

OVERLOAD69 · Anime & Comics
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451 Chs

Cinema Master

"Hey, Hey, get up," Ji-hye tried to wake up Hyun-sung who was lodged into the wall near the entrance. He was unconscious currently with blood dripping down his mouth.

Queresha looked in the middle of the garden where she could see Gil-young lying down on the floor, he was unconscious as well and Jung-hyuk standing up holding Dok-ja by his throat strangling him. As Dok-ja tried to talk some sense into him but it didn't seem to be working.

'Fuck, When did this sunfish become this strong?' Dok-ja was barely able to hold his slipping consciousness as he heard Ji-hye's voice. And he wasn't the only one who was wondering what was wrong.

"Unnie What Is go-Huh," Ji-hye was shocked when she saw a fist arriving right in front of her face without her even being able to react.


"M-Master, Unnie what is happening?" Ji-hye was shocked as the punch collided with a barrier shielding her from the blow, she took this opportunity to step back trying to figure out what was going on.

But Jung-hyuk vanished from his place and appeared in front of Queresha this time.

[Yu Jung-hyuk has used the skill 'Hundred Steps Godly fist Lv. 2']

He instantly registered her as a threat since she was the one who made the barrier to protect Ji-hye.

'We need to get Haru up here, He is the only one who has a chance of defeating this Jung-hyuk in his current state,' Dok-ja coughed as he thought that Queresha was about to be badly injured as well, or so he thought as he soon saw Jung-hyuk was sent back flying with as an icicle hit him in his solar plexus.

[Yu Jung-hyuk has used the skill Ice resistance lv. 5.]

The attack didn't do much damage to him but it certainly surprised Dok-ja. The activation of the magic spell was super quick and it seemed to have packed quite a punch as well. But that wasn't really important now.

Dok-ja activated his skill to see Jung-hyuk's attribute window as he didn't have enough time to do that before.

[The exclusive skill, Character List is activated.]

[There is too much information about this person. Character List is converted to Character Summary.]

[Only randomly specified items will be displayed according to User's convenience.]

[Character Summary]

Name: Yu Jung-hyuk.

Exclusive Attributes: Regressor (3rd turn) (Myth), Pro Gamer (Rare)

Exclusive Skills: Sage's Eye Lv. 8, Hand to Hand Combat Lv. 8, Advanced Weapons Training Lv. 5, Mental Barrier Lv. 5, Tiger God Aura Lv. 5, Hundred Steps Godly Fists Lv. 2, Red Phoenix Shunpo Lv. 1, Blue Star Weapon Aura Lv. 2 …Omitted…

Stigma: Regression Lv. 3, Transmission Lv. 1

Overall Stats: Physique Lv. 38, Strength Lv. 37, Agility Lv. 36, Magic Power Lv. 35.

* The character is currently in a loss of reason state.

'He already has the transmission Stigma, I understand what happened now,' Dok-ja knew that this stigma allowed Jung-hyuk to get skills from his past regressions and to top it all off.

'Why are his stats so damn high?' Dok-ja cursed but kind of understood why it was that way.

Jung-hyuk had raised his stats because he felt the urgency to do so. And the one who made him feel that way was Haru.

But currently, there was no Haru here, Queresha had somehow pushed Jung-hyuk back but even then it wouldn't be possible for her to face off against the current Jung-hyuk.

She was a mage and Jung-hyuk was a close-quarters expert with a shit ton of elemental resistance, the fight was as good as over.

"Unnie what do we do, Master is behaving ...weirdly," Ji-hye wasn't sure if she should say this or not.

"You just need to remember one thing," Queresha looked at Ji-hye as she was listening attentively.

"He was the one who attacked first," Ji-hye suddenly didn't have a very good feeling about this.


Jung-hyuk appeared behind Queresha like nothing with his sword clad in blue lightning.

[Yu Jung-hyuk has used the skill 'Phoenix Shunpo Lv. 1']

[Yu Jung-hyuk has used the skill 'Blue star weapon Aura Lv. 2']


Jun-hyuk swung the sword at Queresha's neck before Ji-hye could even open her mouth.


But the attack was stopped by a small barrier once again.

"Ji-hye go and look after the others," Queresha said as calmly as always while Ji-hye did as she was told.

And Jung-hyuk moved back a little before he unleashed a flurry of sword strikes aiming at Queresha's vital points wanting to kill her on the spot.


Once again all of the attacks were met by palm-sized hexagonal barriers that kept appearing to stop the sword and disappeared after doing their job of stopping the attack.

Jung-hyuk suddenly looked down at a dark rope that was wrapped around his leg. He saw that the extending from Queresha's shadow and quickly tried to get away from there, but it was useless.


His leg was pulled and before he could react he was flung into the air heading towards the barrier that was cast over the terrace.


But thanks to his reflexes Jung-hyuk was able to land on the barrier with his feet and he blasted back at Queresha with full power reaching in front of her in split second wanting to cut her in two.


Queresha didn't need to move or use her barrier as she had made a pillar of ice shoot up from the hitting Jung-hyuk's chest and taking him all the way up to the barrier dome, slamming him into it.

"Yay, Unnie that was great," Ji-hye was impressed at what Queresha had done.

'How is that possible?' Dok-ja's eyes were wide open as he saw the scene. Jung-hyuk was fixed to the barrier with the ice pillar and it seemed to have damaged him greatly because there was blood dripping down his mouth and nose.

Also, he was a bit perplexed as Ji-hye was cheering while Jung-hyuk her master was being beaten up like this. He surely didn't want a teammate like this, but Ji-hye had potential so Dok-ja was okay putting with this.

'But that aside, Is Queresha-ssi's supporting constellation The Greek Goddess Athena? No, it makes perfect sense,' Dok-ja inferred this on the basis of Queresha's outstanding leadership both on and off the battles, her wisdom and intelligence that she had shown this after, adding to that her using different types of elemental magic, but the final nail was those small barriers.

'Ok I need to tell her about what is really going on,' Dok-ja was actually a bit scared that the one who kills Jung-hyuk might be Queresha herself, This sunfish was as fragile as he was tenacious sometimes. So, Dok-ja didn't want to take a chance.

"Queresha-ssi, Jung-hyuk is being controlled by the Cinema Master, He isn't the one attacking us but the Cinema master is controlling his body to do so," Dok-ja said as he wiped the blood off his lips.

The Cinema Master was the worst type of enemy for Jung-hyuk who is a Regressor, Cinema Master may not be strong physically but his mental attacks were no joke unless one had a Mental barrier lv. 8 which can offset his attacks, because Jung-hyuk's unstable mind and his mental barrier skill's level wasn't high enough, Cinema master was able to get a hold of him.

This is why Dok-ja wanted Haru to come up since Haru had the illusion ability which would easily fool the current Jung-hyuk as he wasn't himself rather he was but a puppet of the Cinema Master.

"I see," Queresha said flatly as she looked at the old man who was sitting on a chair a little distance away.

But he didn't seem to be that affected by what had happened and looked somewhat happy as Queresha's gaze landed on him.

'It is a pity that he is under control, I would've liked to teach him a lesson he would never forget,' Queresha looked a little disappointed but she stored it in the back of her head as she wanted to end this quickly. There were many more important tasks that she needed to do then this.

[The Cinema Master, Simulation has used the skills 'Simulacra' and 'Mental Erosion']

The Old man raised his hand towards Queresha and a white-greyish aura stormed toward her completely enveloping her.

'He is trying to control Queresha-ssi? Damn it! that skill is much more potent than the phantom's, I need to do something,' Dok-ja stood up as fast as he could because if Queresha somehow fell under the cinema master's control, there was no saving them.

Queresha found herself in a very familiar darkness. No matter which way you look all of it was shrouded in pitch-black darkness.

There was nothing to be found here aside from the faint whispers that were coming closer to her with each passing moment. And before long, she could hear those words once again.

"Why are you alive?"

"Why did you kill us?"

"Die Die Die Die,"

"How can you live as if nothing has happened?"

"You took our family away,"

It was the familiar voices that she was used to hearing.