
Use the System

[Congratulations!! You have obtained a support system to help you to make your life a little easier. This system has only two functions, Inventory, and Dimensional Travel.

You can store anything you want in the inventory as long as it is not a living being or contains a soul that is not linked to yours.

You can try to leave your dimension to go to others with just one thought, but in order to achieve it, you have to show that you can at least survive in that world by facing a threat from a lower level of that world towards the dangers that you are capable to face.

From fighting a soldier, to fighting a middle-class Demon, all according to an approximation of your power range.]

[To be able to use the system you just have to think of a mental image of how you would like the system to work and it will adapt to your wishes but for as long as it will take a form with which you are more used to]

Too much text" I look at the presentation of the system that appeared in a single text window with the same layout as SAO's HUD, but only showed the Inventory and Dimensional Travel option.

The inventory was easier to use than the SAO one that only showed a list of what you have in the inventory with small images of the item and its name, this inventory was a bit more similar to the WoW game where one place the courses in the Item and this will show you its information, but now my inventory was only filled with the things that I had in my pockets and it showed me another tab where I could see an animated avatar of my person with my clothes on and with more options to add more clothes.

As well as using a double shirt or double socks in winter, apart from other small options to adjust the inventory.

The Dimensional Travel option was also divided into more options like: Dungeon - Home - Dimensional Travel.

The dungeon option was the one that allows me to unlock going to other worlds, but only to the list that shows me, that is updated every week by the timer that is shown, the second option, serves to take me to my home or to any place that I mark as my home and doesn't consume any power.

After this Dimensional Travel that will show me a list of the places that I can go or that I have already unlocked by overcoming the respective dungeon to the world.

Lying on my bed, I looked with interest at the worlds now shown to me by the system that I could unlock if I overcome its dungeons.

The list was placed from the easiest to the most difficult, that is, from normal human difficulty to God level and I understand why when the last world was Dragon Ball Super, apparently, if I enter that dimension, I would enter the timeline where Goku is fighting against the other universes, it is obviously God level of difficulty.


1.- Jurassic World: Domination

2.- Earth - 3rd World War

3.- Earth Science Fiction - Aliens vs Humanity

4.- Minecraft: Death World

5.- Magical Land - Magical modern world at War. [Demigod Level]

6.- Dragon Ball Super [God Level]


Worlds 5 and 6 were written in blood color while 4 was a bit orange and the first three had green touches, being the ones that would be easier to unlock.

Now the question would be that it would serve me to unlock these worlds... the answer is given to me by the system with its own existence, to strengthen myself.

Something interesting that the system showed me was that it showed me a little information about my world and that it has already started with its events that will now only increase in power, apparently my world entered that phase two months ago, but I have not yet I see no change from normal things, but that's because they are just starting.

The Hollows will get out of control, humanity will begin to be affected by the negativity that fills the world itself by turning them into Kaijin, and with some small groups still waiting to get out of the darkness ... that was a description that the system gave me of my world right now.

"I suppose that tomorrow I will get ready a little to be able to unlock the dimension of Jurassic World" I will start with the world that poses a lesser threat to me to be able to get used to using the system and see how the dungeons will be.



Enthusiasm made it difficult for me to sleep last night, but after some time I fell asleep, my morning passed normally when I went out for a run during the morning, I took advantage of my routine to buy some things from the stores with the money I had saving from what I obtained of my videos and my direct ones.

I bought myself some brown combat boots, some black fingerless motorcycle gloves and a bottle of 1/4-inch radius steel pellets, a survival kit, and grabbed two combat knives from a hunting and fishing store. , leave the money from the knives in the hands of the shop owner when using Telekinesis.

I had to steal the knives as they would not be sold to me because I was underage, apart from that it was super easy to steal them when you combine my Telekinesis and my Inventory that allows me to keep anything I touch, not necessarily with my hands.

After that I got new clothes for my inventory, I will not take my normal clothes to a dangerous place where they can tear and I will have to answer uncomfortable questions later.

The style of clothing I bought was a hoodie with a shirt underneath, blue jeans and brown combat boots, I bought five pairs of each for any contingency ... my purse cried a bit of blood from the large spending of money I did to buy things of good quality and toughness.

Standing at an overlook with a small athletic park behind me, I accepted the challenge of the first world when I did not see anyone near my location.

The world seemed to twist around me until my surroundings completely changed to a flat place and a group of men in the distance taking refuge behind barricades along with some wolves that are growling in my direction.



[Change of Perspective]

[Eliminate everyone] It was the system message that appeared in front of Ren.

Ren had been a bit cautious and activated his psionic shield which surrounded his body like a small invisible cloak, but in the eyes of another Esper, the person would see a purple aura around Ren.

* Bang !! * Before Ren could hear the sound of the shot, he felt like the bullet had already hit his chest area.

"I've not been here two seconds and I've already received a fatal attack!" Ren was surprised by the unexpectedness of the attack but quickly formed another barrier in front of him in time to stop the hail of bullets that could have exhausted his thin barrier with so many hits in such a short time.

"It's not like they could kill me with a firearm, but it would be a headache to be replenishing the energy in my personal barrier when I can create another much more resistant barrier" Ren controlled the barrier to absorb the bullets that hit her instead of just blocking them that would make him use up more energy.

"Well ... it's time to loosen up a bit, something I can't at home" Ren showed a smile of excitement as his wildest and most primitive side came out due to his desire to fight or win.

Ren's blue eyes became more colorful as he pushed his psionic energy through his body to strengthen it and remove his restrictions on his powers as Esper, something he had to learn to do in order to enjoy life as a normal person would.

But now Ren had a much more alert and sharp mind without his self-imposed restrictions, he quickly analyzed his enemies and changed tactics for a better one when he redirected the bullets away from their original direction, all this he was capable of by his sensory capacity on the space and objects in it.

An ability he developed with the use of Telekinesis, at first he did not notice it, but later while playing with other children at school, Ren had realized that he could keep track of the location of his classmates as if he had a vision. from all around it, it was a strange experience to be able to see/feel the nape of another person when one is looking at them in front.

This sensory ability makes Ren can analyze his environment faster than his eyes receive information, not for nothing Ren is an Esper.

Ren moved through the battlefield that is a meadow with a hill where the enemy group is made up of some men from some kind of private military group, but none had a spiritual trace like any human, they were just energy clusters with a human form.

He advanced while directing the bullets without staring at something, Ren could pass as a blind person since his eyes did not move since the beginning of the fight.

If the chapter had more errors than normal, I apologize but I'm a little sick, when I feel better, I will reexamine it again to see if I can improve the quality of the chapter a little or more and upload the other chapter that I will leave pending.

Happy -achoo!- Hallo~ween!!

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