

LISA P.. O.. V

I am the only daughter of Mr and Mrs Powers , I have an elder brother. My parents always give me what i want, they doted on me.i had everything i wish to have

My life was perfect, so I thought until Jade my cousin came along she was two years old than I am , she lost her mother who was the only sister to my father.so he became her legal guardian as to the only surviving relative

when she came i was fifteen years old , I was happy to have her as my sister, because i always wanted an elder sister who will we share secret and other things with each other.. But i guessed wrong... she ruined my life she took my naivety and plotted against me, I was made the bad person in the front of everyone, she bullied me in the back without my knowledge and i looked up to her like she was my saviour, listened to all the advice she gave me since I felt she was more experienced than i am.

I spend a lot of money but she made me spend excessively, Wear too much make up that made me look like a modern day so zombie and i also skipped class with the hope of getting the attention of my senior, the only guy i crushed on loved from afar Lucas. But he despised me more.

In school i was now known from a rich pampered kid to a rich spoilt and ill mannered girl. even at home my parents never looked at me the way they used to before, i was looked like a failure to them Jade was the only one they treated well that made me more close to her because i was looking for attention and she gave it to me.

I fought every girl who Came close to Lucas I threw myself cheaply to him times without number with the encouragement of Jade . But i was still rejected.

Finally i begged and also threatened my parents to get us engaged, since we are from the same class in the society and my family were good friend of his and it was arranged more like a business deal. Even when we became engaged he never once looked at me.

For two years my life was shaky and self piting during the last year of high school i was framed, hard drugs was found in my bagpack even if I denied it no one would believe me.. my parents were disappointed,I was ashamed but i couldn't prove my innocence. my grade went down drastically I became a disgrace to myself and my family but i never once suspected my cousin.

I believed she was the only one who cared about me. she took me to a night club told me to have fun and forget my problems that she's here for me. how foolish i was.

I was drugged that night and raped by countless men and to make matters worst i was filmed and it was posted online for everyone to see.. I was humiliated, my parents couldn't take it anymore they disowned me and sent me out of the house with nothing on me, I couldn't go back to school. Jade was the only who stood by me and promised to talk to my parents to take me back.

I had no where to go ,no friends nobody wanted to have anything to do with me. I slept on the street , cold and hungry I felt like dying but when i remembered Jade I felt i still had a chance

The next day i was looking around for what to eat when i saw Jade eating ice cream with a guy he looked familiar.but i was happy to see Jade i called her she was shocked but she masked it a smile and told the guy something in his ear that was when he looked at me and I Saw his handsome face Lucas the only one i have loved my fiance he looked at her with love when he has never even glanced at me before he kissed her and went to the car.

I stood there shocked and speechless I couldn't believe what I Saw that was when it dawned on me that I was used by my own cousin.but i felt may be i was misunderstanding her hoping she might have an explanation.

I went over to meet her and asked her what she was doing here with lucas.she told me they went on a date, that they are dating now and my parents approved of it i was bitter i asked her why she didn't refuse since she knows how much i love him

But she smirked and said she loved him that he doesn't want trash like me.i got angry and slapped her before i could hit her again a hand stopped me I looked up and find Lucas glaring at me he slapped and pushed me away and cleaned his hand in disgust like he touched something irritating and took her away.

I couldn't process what just happened i was in shock,I saw Jade looked back and smiled wickedly at me.i was heartbroken, betrayed and alone.

I stood up because i was been asked to leave the road I was dazed by everything that happened. As i was about to cross the road i was hit by a car I was in the pool of my own blood and smiled bitterly knowing i would not survive it..I was alone, No one beside me,

Darkness covers my consciousness..I prayed for a second chance, if given i will be a good and better person.


Lisa was such a fool to think i love her, I only wanted her parents love because i was never loved by my mum.

When my mum die, I thought it was the perfect time to get everything away from Lisa, I made her do things against her wish, which she stupidly fall for it.

Now, she looked so miserable and broken not even her parents want her anymore,all the love showed to her was averted to me.

I have Lucas all to myself now,her, brother and parents love.


Everyone will think Lisa always do it on her wish no one no is was Jade doing.

The next episode will be on her rebirth

First chapter

how was it

it's my first time writing please don't hate it