
Chapter 9 - Covenant

[You got a new title: Dungeon Master]

A wide grin appears on his face after reading those words. Finally, he comes out as a winner in this gamble. He touches his right ears and says, "show me my status."

Name: Elias

Rank: Red(Temp)

Title: Dungeon Master(Knight)

Points: 0

Strength: 8.1(Temp)

Stamina: 12.4(Temp)

Agility: 7.9(Temp)

Curse: Phoenix Curse(Violet)

There no words can describe how joyful his feeling right now. In his status, appear a new line — his title as dungeon master. With this title, he'll have another advantage other than his future knowledge. Even with his mediocre talent, he can stand side by side with those great heroes — helping them to face many adversities.

Right now, he has right to own a dungeon which he can use as the last frontier of the human race. Besides that, this status also give him the right to control his own monster — he still doesn't know how to do that, but it's a future problem.

After calming his ecstatic feeling, he observes his status line by line. His stats still in red level because his previous battle, but it'll change into his original stats after he gets out of this white place. He then changes his focus into another word — points.

"What is this?" he mumbles.

Those dungeon masters often talk about points and game in his previous life, but there is no concrete data about it in the human information-network, there are many theories about them, but it just that — a theory.

"Explain to me, what points are?" he waits for an answer, but there are none — as usual.

He knew that holographic screen never gives explanations when asked except for showing his status. He thought when he got this title there will be an exception — a dungeon master' privilege. However, it seems he's wrong.

After trying many failed keywords, he gives up to asks the screen.

'Am I needs to interrogate another dungeon master to get this information?'

"Points are the only acceptable currency for higher beings."

A man voice is coming from behind him when he sinks into deep thoughts.

Hearing a familiar voice, Elias immediately turn around with his fighting stance, his eyebrows furrow after seeing this man face — the man he killed earlier. He has a transparent floating body while wind and leaves pass through him.

His floating appearance gives a mysterious feeling as if he's a ghost.

"You're still alive?" he asks, can't hide his shocked expression, "is this another dungeon masters' ability?"

That man let out a weak smile, "The answer is no, for both of your questions."

"You mean?"

"Technically, I'm not alive right now, and also this isn't dungeon master ability."

Elias silent for a few moments tries to read his intent. There are no lies in his tone and expression — he tries to organize his thought with this sudden development. His words make sense — if dungeon masters can cheat death in this gamble which overseer by world-will, it's impossible for Radoslav, Hansoo and Ye Mo to kill dungeon master when they transferred into this world.

"If this isn't your dungeon master's ability, is it mean this is your racial ability?"

"Bingo," he says while putting his thumb up.

Elias still not let down his fighting stance, "You know only one person can get out from this place."

"Yeah, about that. I'm from Elimar race, which means I'm —," before he completes his words it cut off by Elias.

"You can stay inside me — your killer — as a parasitic existence while absorbing my mana. This world will consider you as part of my body which mean — you can follow me to the outside world. After a few years, you'll kill me and resurrect from the dead. However, you can't hide your existence from me while staying inside my body. So, you choose to act as a benevolent teacher instead."

After hearing Elias words, the man becomes dumbfounded, "you know everything, do you?"

"I just have more knowledge than you — a dungeon master."

That man sigh after hearing his words, "just call me T'lear. I lost my status as a dungeon master after you won earlier gamble."

"Fine, T'lear. Can we do a real talk now?"

T'lear silent after hearing Elias question, but he soon answers, "fine, what do you have in mind?"

"Become my subordinate, and you'll have another chance to become a dungeon master."

"You mean stealing another dungeon master status?"

"Is there any other way?"

After Elias ask his rhetorical question, both of them chuckles while mumbles 'that's right.' T'lear put his hand to his chin, stroking his non-existent beard — thinking about Elias proposition.

"What my assignment is if I accept this offer?"

"You'll become my left hand while teaching me all about dungeon masters."

"If I decline?" T'lear asks again.

"I'll search for purification waters in Rilhorn mountain."

Elias's expression is tranquil, but there are threats and carrots in each of his words. T'lear convinced that this human has great knowledge about this world and know when to use it -- it's impossible to do cheap tricks to him, he decides to stop testing waters.

T'lear sigh after arranging his thought, "Fine, but I don't want verbal promises — I want a soul contract."

After hearing T'lear requests, Elias let out a little chuckle, "Please, don't belittle me. I also don't believe you yet. I can't trust our agreement without soul contract."

"All good then," T'lear says.

They sit down while facing each other, and then they close their eyes.

"World-will we call you as the witness of this soul contract," both of them says together.

At that moment, holographic words appear on their retina while their soul becomes connected.

[Commencing soul contract]

[Determining Elias as Party A and T'lear as Party B]

[Party A state content of the contract]

Elias is reading it for a moment to make sure it's same with his previous life. After that, he slowly recited the contract contents — both of their obligation and rights from each other.


"… second, the party B won't cause any harm to party A whether directly or indirectly without proper consent from party A…"


"… fifteenth, party A have obligations to provide party B dungeon master status at least ten years from now on…"

After ten minutes or so, Elias finally finished reciting his contract. T'lear expression becomes weird after hearing those long speeches. Those clauses can be shortened into shorter sentences because it only contains little matter — their duty to each other — but, after finished hearing those clauses, he realizes there is no loophole in this contracts.

He can't exploit anything to avoid his responsibilities. However, that is the same for Elias too.

When he's still thinking, a series of lines appear on his eyes.

[This is following clauses of Party A and B contracts]

[1. …]

[Do you accept?]

He silent for a moment to read all of that, until finally, he speaks, "Yes, I, T'lear as the party B accept this clauses."

Welp, I post this chapter before fall asleep. I only reread it once, so it prone with any slipup.

If there any mistake, please do tell me.

Arkaicreators' thoughts