
Chapter 20 - Immolate

"Unusual condition," Elias mumbles after hearing T'lear last sentence, assuming that Nanako's brother got tortured by goblins, he then asks, "what sort of torture they did to him?"

"No, that's not what I mean," T'lear shook his head after hearing Elias question, "It's on the opposite of your thought, that boy's body was unusually clean and healthy, there no sign of wounds or dirt as if those goblins wash and give him food every day."

Elias' eyebrows frown after hearing T'lear's unexpected report, it still within his expectation if the boy's mind breaks or his body become disfigured, but the fact that the boy was clean and uninjured even in the goblins' lair, caught him off guard.

Ordinary people will become doubtful whether that boy even human after hearing the boy was in good condition at goblins' lair. A human who still healthy and don't get attacked inside a demon nest is either one of them, or more dangerous than those demons, but he understands that what T'lear wants him to think when giving this information — to become hesitate saving that boy.

However, he can't just take T'lear report by face value, even though it's a truth, he still needs to read between the line and look through behind the intent.

After all, they were still trying to kill each other a few hours ago.

Another person will become hesitate to save that boy after assuming that boy as ticking time bomb, which possibly kills him later. However, he knows, there is another possibility other than those two, he met a similar case like this one before — a sacrifice.

"Is he wearing dark clothes with golds jewelry on it while his feet soaked with vinegar?" Elias asks.

T'lear flinched after hearing his question, never expect he'll know about sacrifice ritual too. T'lear let out a sigh after unsuccessfully making Elias hesitate, he then nods.

As Elias thought, that boy wasn't a monster or anything, he just an average person which can be found anywhere, but he soon will become an offering for those goblins' god. That's was the only reason why those goblins don't torture the boy which can make him wounded or malnourished.

T'lear understands that his little ploy has been seen through, but he still needs to make sure that Elias doesn't make a foolish decision.

"If you know about their sacrifice, you must also know they very, very vigilant of other species at this sacrificial time. It'll be hard for you to go there unnoticed by their watcher, which mean you'll fight against goblin champion before you can even near the boy's cage. You know that your strength still not enough to fight it head-on."

T'lear starts to telling how tight goblins' defenses is and the amount and strength of each of them. Even if Elias become three, he still can't pass through the goblins patrol without alerting other goblins.

After T'lear finishes his explanation, Elias sinks into deep thought which viewed by T'lear as contemplation of his words. T'lear understands that rushing towards that place is suicidal move and he's sure that Elias knows it too. However, he still remembers Elias doing the reckless thing to save one girl earlier — the world-will gamble, which makes him afraid that he'll take a rash decision that will endanger both of their lives.

"Elias, sometimes it's fine to not save the one in need — you can't save everybody in this world. Your worth to human race is bigger than one innocent boy's life. While about Nanako, you can say to her that her brother already dead, she won't blame you as long she doesn't know the truth," T'lear continues his persuasion.

Elias, who earlier still in deep thought, open his eyes while facing T'lear with a smile, "You don't need to say another word, I know what your concern is. I'm slightly reckless, but I also know, when to back down from a hopeless situation. Trust me, I had more experience than you, about that."

T'lear relieved after hearing Elias answer, "It's all good then."

"Well, I still won't lie to her though."

Elias stands up and then stroll towards Nanako who's looking at the horizon, still in her deep thought. He sits next to her, waiting for her notice him, which don't take a long time.

She looks at Elias' eyes, full of hope — want to know whether her brother still alive or not. Elias sigh after seeing her expression, he never good at telling bad news, but he still needs to tell her that one of his brothers is already dead.

"I'll be honest with you, there only one of your brothers which still alive right now below goblins' den, but his situation is complicated," Elias says carefully while looking at her expression.

After hearing Elias words, T'lear understands that Elias won't lie to her, but he sighs after thinking about how cruel it is, to tell her that her brother's still alive, but she can't save him. He believes that Elias will at least tell her a white lie, to not burden her conscience later, but it seems Elias doesn't have the intent to do so.

While he thought about Elias 'foolish' honesty, Elias next words made him flinched.

"However, we can still save his life," Elias says with a smile.

After hearing these words, Nanako stunned followed by her flowing tears with a slight cry.

"You can't be serious right, didn't you just said you'll back down when the situation is hopeless?" T'lear can't help to throw a tantrum after Elias leave Nanako's who still crying alone.

"Yea, about that. I never said this one is a hopeless case."

"You never, but, but," T'lear try to find words to retort, but then finally sigh, "fine, whatever. How sure you can save that boy?"

Elias silent for a moment while stroking his chin and then shrug his shoulder, "Eh, a hundred percent or so."

Roses are red, violets are blue.

I already said, that I'll save you.

Arkaicreators' thoughts