
My School Life is Rife with Strife

Ming Cong couldn't seem to catch a break. Just when he thought he was going to reincarnate, the guardians of the underworld drag him to a dead CEO, who has a single request. Protect his granddaughter, and he'll help convince Yan Luo Wang to return him back to life. With rhymes and a few tricks up his sleeve, Ming Cong has to fight off ghosts in order to protect Shu Hong Qiu, one of the school's flowers. Maybe he'll annoy the ghosts to passing on with his constant rhymes, eh?

Tomoyuki · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 17: Unforgettable Friendships

I spent the rest of the week going to the kendo club and getting my ass kicked, but at least I saw significant improvement in my sword techniques.

"You've already built up a solid foundation with your previous martial arts training," Hao Jian Fa explained after a rigorous sparring session. He rested his bamboo sword on his shoulder and grinned. I could barely see his expression through his headgear, but I could sense his delight. He nodded in satisfaction. "Good job. You've improved a lot in such a short time."

"Not nearly enough," I muttered under my breath. "I still need more buffs."

"Hey, don't be in such a rush. There are no shortcuts in life."

He was right, but I was worried that I didn't have enough time. Even though there weren't any incidents over the last couple of days, and Shu Hong Qiu was wise enough to go home early, I didn't know how long I had until Jiang Shi returned. I might have wounded her that night, but I was certain she would return eventually.

I bet she wanted to exact revenge for the injury I dealt to her. Given how vast the gulf between our strengths were, she probably thought it insulting that I was even able to lay a direct blow on her.

I tested my swings, replicating the proper stances and techniques that Hao Jian Fa taught me. I still hadn't perfected them yet, but already I could tell there was a huge difference between blindly swinging them and executing them with precision and skill.

Good. At this rate, I should be able to face her in a few months. Maybe even a few weeks. Hopefully she would stay away from school until them.

"Thank you very much." I bowed deeply. Hao Jian Fa chuckled and waved my gratitude away.

"Hey, the training's not over yet."

"I thought as much." I prepared a combative stance, waiting for Hao Jian Fa to begin. "Training's as such."

I parried the first few strikes, but the sixth blow sent me spinning. At least I lasted longer this time.

The next day, I was relieved to see that Yun Shan had mostly recovered. She was no longer limping and was moving about energetically. She was telling the truth when she said she healed very quickly.

"See? I'm fine!" She boasted to Lian Hua, who smiled wryly.

"I'm glad you're all healed up, but make sure you don't force yourself. You might aggravate your wound."

"Nah, I'm young and healthy! T'is but a scratch!"

I doubted a mere scratch would have her limping for the past few days. Fortunately, she healed just in time for tomorrow's match. From what I heard, she had been attending the last few practice sessions, carrying out light training but nothing too strenuous, just to keep herself in shape. Her teammates were relieved that she would be able to play tomorrow, but they were being careful.

Damn, I felt guilty. While I was absorbed in my own problems, running off to the kendo club on my own to train, I had completely forgotten about my friends and their troubles. I regretted being a selfish and self-centered person who only cared about my own issues while forgetting about other people's.


"Why are you apologizing?" Yun Shan turned to me, puzzled. Lian Hua was equally bewildered. I simply smiled and shook my head. Despite wanting to explain, they would just tell me off for whining and being self-deprecating or whatever.

"No, it's nothing. Sorry. I was just being stupid."

Both Yun Shan and Lian Hua exchanged a glance, but they didn't say anything. I didn't expect them to. I was just being dumb.

Fortunately, the moment of awkwardness was broken when Shu Hong Qiu stepped into our classroom, poking her head inside and looking around.

"Are you looking for Ming Cong again?" Tong Xue asked dryly. Shu Hong Qiu raised an eyebrow before she giggled.

"No, not this time." She turned toward Lian Hua. "I'm actually here to speak to classmate Lian Hua. May I have a moment please?"

"Huh? Me?"

Lian Hua looked around timidly. She shrank back when everyone's gazes shifted to her, and both Yun Shan and I had to stand in front of her to block their views. She took a deep breath and hurried toward Shu Hong Qiu, who wisely led her out of the classroom. Both Yun Shan and I ended up following, more to block people from exiting the classroom to eavesdrop on them than to actually take part in the conversation.

However, we inevitably caught snippets here and there.

"When you won the art contest last week, you caught the attention of a few bigwigs," Shu Hong Qiu explained. "My uncle was one of the judges, if you remember. He wanted to introduce you to a few artists tomorrow. A short…interview of sorts, a formal event. If you don't mind…"

"I don't mind, but tomorrow…? That's too soon. I…"

Lian Hua glanced at Yun Shan hesitantly. At first, I wasn't sure what she was so worried about. Then I remembered that the basketball match was tomorrow.

Yun Shan remembered it as well, and she quickly intervened.

"Go for the interview tomorrow, Lian Hua!" She grabbed her best friend's hands. "This is your best chance! You've been working so hard. Now that you have the opportunity to make connections, you should go for it!"


"Don't worry about it. By the time you're done with your interviews, I'll have good news waiting for you. We'll both celebrate together after I win my match and you ace your interviews!"

Lian Hua remained hesitant, and Shu Hong Qiu spoke up.

"It'll be difficult to get another chance like this."


"Just go for it, Lian Hua! I'll be fine!" Yun Shan insisted, grasping her friend's shoulders. Lian Hua looked at her, and after several long seconds, finally nodded. Yun Shan beamed. "Great! We'll have a double celebration tomorrow!"

"I'll do my best to bring you back for the basketball match," Shu Hong Qiu offered sympathetically. "But no promises."

I hated that statement. If Shu Hong Qiu wasn't confident enough to make a promise, it meant that she knew there was no chance of Lian Hua making it back in time.

This sucked.

However, with Yun Shan stubbornly pushing Lian Hua forward – and I personally knew it would be incredibly unfair and selfish to ask Lian Hua to give up such a great chance – it appeared that the issue was settled.

"I'll be there, at least," I said. "I know I can't take Lian Hua's place, but I'll cheer in her place."

"Thank you, Ming Cong," Lian Hua said with a sad smile. "With you there, I'll be relying on you to take care of Yun Shan for me. Make sure she doesn't push herself unnecessarily, okay?"

"You got it." I saluted.

Watching the basketball match the next morning, I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. The current score was 71-42 in the opposing team's favor. Chong Hua High was falling to defeat, overwhelmed by the confident players of Wu Shuang High. In the center, Yun Shan was panting, perspiration rolling off her face and body in rivulets.

Was she still injured? Her movements were dulled. I couldn't say that I had watched her play before, but I could see lethargy, a slight wince here, a visible grimace there, as she attempted to sprint past her opponents. However, the girls from Wu Shuang simply blocked her, snatching the ball out of her hands and launching effective counterattacks.

"Yun Shan, are you all right?" One of her teammates asked, hurrying over after their ace had been knocked over. Rising to her feet shakily, Yun Shan nodded. Wiping the sweat from her brow, she forced a smile.

"Yeah. I can keep playing."

"Don't overdo it."

"Don't worry, I won't. But we have to win this game. For the seniors. For everyone. For…" She trailed off and glanced at the spectators. Our eyes met and I read the disappointment there.

It wasn't just her injury that was bothering her. The absence of her best friend was clearly hampering her performance.

I couldn't let this sad state of affairs continue. Rising from my seat, I turned and left the gymnasium. Fortunately for us, Chong Hua was hosting the basketball game, so I didn't have to travel much. Even so, I could only pray that we would make it in time.

We were already past the first half. How long did we have?

Reaching for my smartphone and praying that she would answer, I dialed Shu Hong Qiu's number. As I listened to the tone on the other side, I felt myself growing number. My heart almost stopped and an icy chill gripped my chest, but I continued to run.

Fortunately, Shu Hong Qiu picked up my call after a couple of rings.

"Ming Cong? What's up?"

"Yun Shan needs Lian Hua right now. Sorry, but I will not bow."

To her credit, Shu Hong Qiu didn't argue. Instead, she sighed and simply said, "I'll text you the address, but you'll have to convince her to go with you."

"Leave that to me. She'll go, you'll see."

"Okay. And Ming Cong?"


"Stop rhyming."

She hung up before I could retort, probably fearing that she would lose the argument. I glanced at my smartphone, and true to her word, she sent the address immediately.

I calculated that I would get there in fifteen minutes if I took a cab, but not being able to hail one, I settled for dropping by home to grab my bicycle instead.

"Cong? What are you doing here? Didn't you go cheer for your friend in her basketball match?" Dad was surprised when he saw me outside. I simply gestured toward my bicycle, heaving and panting.

"Need to pick up another friend and send her to the match. I'll tell you more later."

"Okay. Stay safe and don't be reckless, okay?"

That was a promise I couldn't keep, but dad didn't have to know that. Kicking my bicycle into gear, I sped toward the address that Shu Hong Qiu sent me. Pedaling as quickly as I could, I zoomed past the roads, actually matching the speed of the cars driving along the place. Weaving through parked vehicles and ignoring angry honks and furious curses, I cut through a driveway and tumbled along an alleyway.

Navigating a particularly treacherous slope, I almost literally flew downhill, but I refused to slow down. The pride of Chong Hua was on the line. Yun Shan had promised everyone – including Lian Hua – a victory, but without her talisman…without her best friend, she couldn't play at her best.

It was up to me to handle the rest.

Skidding into the hotel entrance where the interview or whatever was taking place, I launched myself off my bicycle and through the doors and past stunned security guards before they could stop me. Sprinting past astonished waiters and stupefied staff, I dove into the ballroom where Lian Hua and Shu Hong Qiu were.

"Sorry! Lian Hua and I have a school emergency!" I yelled, crashing into a conversation between the stammering Lian Hua and a flabbergasted artist (?) in an expensive tuxedo. He was pretty flabby, his chubby figure wobbling as he was boasting about something I didn't care to hear about. Fortunately, my entrance had stunned him into silence and his mouth opened and closed like a goldfish, unable to form any coherent words.

Seizing Lian Hua's wrist, I pulled her along, bowing apologetically.

"Her friend's in trouble, so excuse my sense of urgency!"

Before anyone could react, we were out of the ballroom and into the lobby. To my surprise, I found Shu Hong Qiu waiting for us outside.

"Were you really going to take her to Chong Hua on your bicycle?" She asked incredulously. I shrugged.

"I'll carry her on my back if I have to. I can make the trip if it's just us two."

"Stop your rhyming and get onboard. I have a car ready. As for your bicycle, I'll have my staff send it back to your house later."


Despite her words over the smartphone, Shu Hong Qiu had everything already prepared. The car zoomed down the streets almost recklessly, overtaking slower cars and causing a lot of road rage. Before the other drivers could yell at us, the chauffeur had already sped past them and vanished into the junctions ahead.

Was the chauffeur an ex professional racer or something? He sure as hell could drift.

The limousine skidded to a stop right outside of Chong Hua. Lian Hua alighted the car and began sprinting toward the gymnasium, but she stumbled. Evidently, her dress and her heels didn't make it conducive for her to run. Fortunately, I was on hand to catch her before she could fall flat on her face.

"Oh, geez!"

Clinging onto me, Lian Hua kicked off her shoes. Then she lifted the hem of her skirts and sprinted. Bursting through the gymnasium doors, she halted when she saw the score.

94-76. The score was a little closer, but it was still overwhelmingly in Wu Shuang High's favor. Plus we were already past the third quarter. There wasn't much time for a comeback.

However, the spectators and both teams turned around when they heard Lian Hua's entrance. Everyone turned to stare at the inadvertent star of the show, and Lian Hua immediately squirmed under their collective scrutiny.

Fortunately, I was once again there to back her up. Placing a hand on her shoulder, I gave her an encouraging squeeze and nodded toward Yun Shan. The basketball ace was staggering limply across the court, her movements sluggish and the color drained from her face.

But as she stared at Lian Hua in wonder, I could see the vitality return.

"Lian Hua…?"

"Fight!" Her best friend screamed as loudly as she could. "Yun Shan, you promised me that you'll win this game! That we'll have a double celebration after this! Yet what's with this score?"

Yun Shan continued to stare at her in disbelief for a few seconds, then she grinned and snatched the ball out of an astonished opponent's grip.

"Just watch me turn this game around."

And then the miracle began.