
My Scandalous Love

"Amy, please marry my baby K? My son, Keith. Remember?" "Huh???" Amy, an artist who is "famous" because of the many scandals about her, suddenly gets an offer to marry her producer's son, Keith. Keith is a young doctor with an unquestionable family background. And without any doubt he disliked Amy and withouth doubt he won't marry her. Well, should we call it lucky or unlucky? Because as far as she know, Keith has a fiancé. Sherly, an artist with a lot of achievements who is so different to the controversial Amy. On the other hand, Amy really admires Sherly. "Uncle, it's August, it's not April Fool's." "You don't believe me? Wait for a month. Nah ... It's too long, only two weeks. If Keith comes to propose you himself. You have to accept it? Deal!" Her face looks confused, she admired him but he is also the fiancé of her favorite actress. Why did the producer ask her to marry his son? How could Keith want to marry Amy? What will happened to Sherly and Keith? "Huh? Uncle, wait!!" *Sorry if you find mistakes in my grammar. English is not my first language. Hope you enjoy the story. ¶^_^

NHN · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

6. Will You Marry Me

"Sorry for making you waiting so long."

Keith smiled at Sherly.

"Worth it for my company lunch."

Sherly chuckled and smiled back to him.

"Okay... Let's get our lunch."

Keith and Sherly going at a simple restaurant that afternoon.

"Keith, you seems to be busy lately. Everything is fine in the hospital."

Keith smiled at her.

"It's okay. Just really busy preparing something."

Keith who has already finished his food, patiently wait for Sherly.

"Did the cast went well? I met Wayne earlier."

Keith's question make her remembering Juni's dialogue.

... 'You think you are happy with David? Are you sure with him everything will go smoothly?...'

Only this time it wasn't 'David' that was on his mind but Keith.

Not answering his question, Keith took her hand and rubbed it gently.

"You have a problem?"

Sherly was a little jolted, seeing Keith so gentle to her, she want shout all the doubt in her heart. But she didn't do it.

"Oh nothing.... I suddenly remembered Amy's casting."

Hearing Amy's name, Keith's anger slowly rose.

"What else did she do?"

Sherly is unaware of Keith's changed emotion.

"I'm still thinking about Amy's line before, but it's nothing."

Seeing Sherly trying to find a right word making Keith even more curious.

"Sherly if she did anything to you, I will find a way to ban her from all projects. Even though if I have to ask my father."

Sherly didn't think that Keith would go so far to protect her. Sherly knows that Keith doesn't get along with his father. So hearing that he willingly plead for her, she felt guilty because she still had a doubt about their relationship.

"No no no... No need Keith, Amy's line is a dialogue in the script. I just thought that she was amazing."

Keith laughed sarcastically by Sherly's words.

"You don't have to defend her. She really likes to get into trouble."

Sherly know that Keith hate Amy a lot. But, he never honestly said what make him to hate her so much.

"Ah, I'm not. Although she is arrogant and unfriendly to other actress. I have to admit that her acting skill are good. And the way she develop the character that she played is good."

Keith snickered again.

"Sherly... You're too kind. But it's good that you realize that she's arrogant.

Sherly glaring at Keith because his words a little harsh.


Keith looked at his watch and checked his cell phone. Sherly immediately speed up her meal, and almost choked.

"Slow down. Are you in a hurry to have an schedule after this?"

Sherly still manage to breath.

"You are the one who seems to be in a hurry."

Keith feel guilty seeing her still catch a breath.

"Oh no Sher, it's just that I have ordered something and they said they will sent it today. But until now there has been no info."

Keith is not lying to Sherly but also not completely telling the truth.

"Keith, do you want to move? When you move, invite me. Let me help you clean up."

Keith smiled seeing Sherly so excited.

"Not yet... Still haven't found a good place."

This time Keith was lied. He has bought a new house and still processing moving in.

Ever since the rumors about her father's scandal surfaced. Keith does not want to live with his parents. And during that time he never wanted to accept help from his father.

Luckily, he has saving from his job as an actor before, beside that he relied on scholarships and part-time jobs to pay his studies.

Now, that he can stand on his own feet. After getting engaged to Sherly, he think of buying a house.

'Keith, find a place with a large kitchen. Learn how to cook or I will cook it for you. It's not good to eat out all the time. Keith, you are doctor, you should take better care of your health.'

Keith smiled remembering Sherly's words at that time. In his new house now, he build a spacious kitchen according to Sherly's request.

And 'something' that he was waiting for was a cooking set for his kitchen. His mother forced him to buy it when she found out that he was planning to buy a house.

"Keith... Is there something funny about my face? Why have you been smiling to yourself?"

Keith jolted because Sherly call him.

"Oh nothing. Are you done Sher? When it's finished, I will take you home."

It didn't take long for Keith to take Sherly home. In the front door There was her mother who smiling to greet them.

"Aunt Cintya... Sorry I'm in a hurry so I can't stay here long."

Cintya smiled at Keith and chuckled.

"It's okay, you must be busy preparing for dinner tonight."

Sherly feel there is something strange about her mother. Usually she never greeting them.

After a little chat with Cintya, Keith said goodbye to them.

"Honey, let's mom help you choose your clothes for tonight."

Sherly is suspicious of her mother.

"No need Mom. I can do it alone."

Cintya still refused to let her do her thing by herself.

"Sherly.... You will share your photo together tonight."

Sherly look little annoyed.

"Mom... I want to talk about my feeling with him tonight. I don't think it's the right time to share happy moments."

Cintya smirked at her daughter.

"Sherly....you don't need useless talk at this important dinner."

Angry that her mother always thought her wishes were unimportant, Sherly said loudly to Cintya.

"Mom... What is more important than my feelings? Popularity?"

Cintya who had been trying so hard not shouting at her, finally couldn't hold it in anymore.

"He will ask you to be his wife tonight Sher!"

Sherly who was about to step in her room stopped hearing her mother's words.

"What did you said mom? Who proposed to whom?"

Cintya who has managed to get her attention, doesn't want to waste this opportunity to persuade Sherly again.

"Honey, Keith called me earlier. He told me his plan to propose you tonight."

Sherly didn't believe her mother's words. Seeing Sherly have a doubt to her, make her try so hard to convinced Sherly more.

"Sherly what happened to Keith, when he had prepared to propose you with all his heart but you rejected him."

Sherly wavering when she think about Keith being sad.

"Mom... But Sherly..."

Her mom still trying to convince Sherly that her decision to break with Keith is wrong choice.

"Honey, imagine how sad Keith will be when you break your engagement when everything is going well."

Sherly look feel doubt about her choice. So different with her mother triumph smile.

"Sherly, I know you still have doubt in your heart. It's only temporary dear. I don't want you to regret it later."

Sherly was still silent. Thousand of possibilities were spinning in her head. By the time she wanted to sort out her heart, Keith had already made up his mind with his choice.

"What will happen if I reject him?"

Cintya know her daughter very well, Sherly will never have the heart to hurt other person, even if that person had hurt Sherly first.

"Keith will be very sad honey... I ask you to think about it carefully. Maybe after you accept his proposal, you will feel more relieved dear."

Sherly looked into her mother's eyes. Cintya knew very well what that look meant.

"Mom already told me what you think."

Nodding slowly Sherly still trying to organize her emotion.

"Sherly you love to act in movies. You have to have a partner who understand your passion. And Keith is the right person."

Sherly nodded again and without realizing it her mother smiled with satisfaction.

"Let's get ready, mom will help you."

Her mother thought Sherly would accept Keith's proposal but she didn't know that Sherly didn't decided anything yet, whether accept his proposal or not.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Keith checked his appearance once again that night in the mirror. Wearing a navy suit and white shirt, his usual combed hair style this time was neatly slicked back. His usually preppy looks even more charming wearing a suit that night.

He took the ring box in front of him, there was a gold ring with a simple design. There are two rings that have different size from each other.

The larger ring is slightly wider while the other is slimmer with a single gem adorned on it. It looks simple but if the two rings are arranged it will show the word "SK" that carved in the top of the rings and encircle around the ring.

Those are their initials names. On the inside of the ring it craved with the same intials.

He watched the ring for a long time while playing with his engagement ring. When he looked at his watch he finally put the wedding ring box in his suit pocket.

"Keith you have to be sure."

He reassured himself of his decision. Keith immediately went to pick up Sherly.

Arriving at her house, she was already waiting for Keith, accompanied by her mother. Keith feels something is different from Sherly.

"Have fun, you two."

Cintya going to the house and text someone.

Along the way, Sherly kept remembering Amy's dialogue. Until she paid no attention to Keith at all.

"Sherly? Are you okay. If you're sick we can cancel our dinner."

Sherly was silent for a long time before answering his question.


Waiting for her words, Keith slowed the car's speed.

"We'd better head to the restaurant for dinner."

Keith, who was surprised by Sherly's answer, couldn't help but laugh.

"You seems to be very hungry."

Sherly smiled faintly, she canceled again her intention to tell Keith if she already knew his plan tonight.

Her mind was again filled with Amy's dialogue and her mother's words. Until her mind was split when her phone received a message.

"Dear Sherly. If you can stay at the top with the right partner like him. I'm sure your Dad will regret leaving us. And will come back to us."

Sherly's became anxious and confused at the same time. And without realizing it, they had arrived at their destination.

The restaurant was quiet, it seemed that Keith had deliberately ordered the entire restaurant.

"Since you are hungry, we should eat first."

Sherly's favorite food that is served on the table doesn't seem interesting.

"Sherly? You are not eating?"

She jolted when Keith asking her.

"Oh yes, Keith."

This time she forced to finish the food in front of her. Seeing Sherly eating make him relieved and tried to start the conversation again.

But Sherly was no longer listening to Keith. Until suddenly Keith show something to Sherly.

"Sherly, I'm sorry you always started everything..."

Sherly's gaze this time was fixed on the ring box in front of her, unable to listen to Keith. She became more panicked when she saw the two rings that carved with initials of their names.

Keith who saw Sherli being so suprised felt she had succeeded in making a surprise that night.

"This time..... I want to be the one asking you to be my life partner...."

Sherly's vision was clouded by the tear that fell from time to time.

"Will you marry me, Sherly?"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

There is someone holding his camera taking photos from inside the restaurant kitchen.



"It's really going to be a headline news tomorrow."