
My Saviour or My Destroyer?

I don’t know if he helped me or if he is using me against my family for money or something else. “Why are you doing this?” No answer huh fine two can play at that game, I can also look hot in a completely drenched whit top......wait what am I thinking, I mean he did save me, but what if he actually saved me to sell me um.....I don’t think that’s why right...... yeah I have to be wrong. I see him staring at me so intensely like he wants to eat me or something however there is this feeling about him that intrigues me to him, that draws me toward him what is it that I am feeling? Or what is this feeling? What has he done to me? I just hope he doesn’t do anything. I didn’t know what to put here sorry ? I hope you can forgive me I am not very good at writing books nor is my grammar good however I hope you enjoyed it and leave a comment saying or letting me know how I can improve my writing thank you. Also sorry if I don’t put any of what you read here I the book.

Sabrina_Correia · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Return Notice

Hey guys it's Sabrina again just with a heads up that I am going to add a few more chapters until I reach to chapter 20 and no the important notice and this one don't count as chapters and I happy to see that the number is growing as well as shocked to see it grow so much, I won't tell you when I will add them or how many chapters per day or stuff like that because I am still trying to figure that out myself, I hope you all understand that as well, I will see you then.