
My Saviour from Hell : Are we meant to be together

Her father abandoned them and her mother died of tumour leaving her with debts, she goes to jail for murder suspect, getting the harsh treatments of the world, she has a little sister to look after when her life has no direction. She meets with an angel, a billionaire who craves her but hides his feelings for her until he realize that he can't do it anymore. Tessa and Jordan who shares some identical things in common meets by coincidence would love unite them or.

naa_kallisto · Urban
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60 Chs

Chapter 56 "Untold truth "

Her eyes danced irritated by the light that was disturbing her sweet sleep, she groaned wanting to turn but felt a heavy weight arm around her waist, she shoot her eyes open "Wtf!?" she blurted and sat up only to find herself naked and a man besides, "Aaaaaaagh!" she screamed pulling the sheets and held it by her chest, she picked up a pillow and started to hit the man to hear hi. groaning with his husky voice. "You fool! you fool! how.... could.... you!?" she continued to hit him.

"Come on Sarah stop it!" said Pharell and sat up facing her, his eyes were sleepy and his hairs fell to his forehead, 'This fool how come he is handsome in the morning too?' she shook her head the next moment realising his face was going to hinder her situation, it's not time for it.

"How could you take advantage of me Pharell?" she said and hit his chest with soft punches, Pharell held her hand to stop her , "What? Advantage? of who? You?!!" he question rather shocked by her accusations, how could she accuse him like this?. "Yes you deadass!" she said struggling to get out of his hold, in the same time holding the sheets at place so it won't fall and show her bare chest .

"Joking here.. are we? you took advantage of me instead lady, if I were a girl this is where I get to say all man are dogs because you harassed and raped me! do you get it now dumbass?" he said pulling her closer to him.

Sarah gasped "What?" she bitten her lips feeling so embarrassed of what she did, he can't be lying because she knows better how savage she becomes once she gets drunk.

Seeing her looking down embarrassed he smiled , "Now now stop sulking, if I were a girl this is where I get to say I forgive you for raping me sir" he teased her and they both laughed out loud, it was such a genuine one that she wished that moment would last forever, just the two of them and nothing else. "Now what?" asked Sarah once their laughter died down, she wanted to know what would happen to them now that they already unlocked another door in thier lives.

"What else? I want you , and I'm sure you want me too, now you only have to ask your heart to be mine cause you already own my own" he said cupping her flashed face, she chuckled "Damn you Pharell! was that a confession?" she tsked "Come on now baby" he said hovering to her face, Sarah could feel her heartbeats increase "Okay!" she blurted.

Pharell smiled and gave her a peck on her lips before hugging her with a sigh "Finally!" he kissed his hairs, "Finally..... you were looking forward to this weren't you?" questioned Sarah. "Who wouldn't want a badass like yourself and.... this badass here is finally mine , I should announce it " he chuckled.

"Gosh!" Sarah felt so happy to be in his arms, she never thought of having him as a lover but now that he is, he finds him cute and worthy than that stupid ex of hers.

Meanwhile Tessa opened her eyes slowly feeling the ups and downs of Jordan's heart. "Are you up my Queen?" said Jordan looking down at her , she smiled and lifted her face and kissed him quick kiss before laying back on his chest. Oh how much she loved this feeling right now.

"Morning Mr.Brighton " she uttered teasingly, Jordan chuckled and it soon turned into a laughter "Morning Mrs.Michael " they laughed together.

It felt funny to call each other formally after last night, thinking about last night she blushed and buried her face on his chest, "Oooh, this is weird compared to the naughty girl from last night, you know.... I kept wondering... did you by any chance worked at a strip club before?" he teased her , "Jordan!" she pinched his cheeks he winced but continued to tease her , "I'm getting jealous you know... you were so awesome, no... we should get you drunk more often I think" he continued with his teases .

Tessa gave him continuous punches on his chest "Stop it you!" she uttered, "Ouch! Ouch! okay!" he flipped her and pinned her hands above her head , he kissed her , she gasped to feel him hard again "Jordan.... I lost count of how many times we did last night and now you are hard ! Again!?" she said in a worried tone, Jordan chuckled finding her so adorable. "I'm a man baby, do you know how much I've resisted you, and this all is you" he before pulling the sheets to cover both of the. up going for another round.

"Don't you ever get tired?" her voice was blurry, "Of you? Never forever!" he chuckled her curiosity and innocence was even more cuter.

The six of them had breakfast together and chit-chat until the time for them to go back arrived, the girls went up to pick up thier bags, Tessa got was coming downstairs when she ran onto Sarah coming out of Pharrell's room, Tessa pulled her and hide by the corridors.

"Girlfriend.... time to spill the beans, Why are you coming out of his room?" she questioned lifting her eyebrows up, Sarah lowered her eyes shying , this was off unlike her something must've happened for her to act this weird.

"Oh my God! don't tell me? Sarah filled in the blanks "We did it!" Tessa gasped giving her a knowing look "No way... you too?" Sarah couldn't believe that they both got laid off yesterday and together they squealed loudly "Aaaaaaagh!" they hugged each other so happy.

Hearing the screams the two man smiled , they already know what made them scream and when their gaze met thier smile fell, "Don't tell me bro?.." said Pharell, "Shit Pharell! " they got up and hugged each other brotherly.

Joel and Milly could only stare at them feeling like outcasts , "What happened to these four?" asked Joel in a low tone.

"I think I know what" said Milly, she etched closer and whispered something to his ear and they both giggled.

Since the day for family lunch was today itself, Jordan asked Tessa to yake Joel with then and told her that he had something important to take care of , and that he would pick him up later .

Pharell took them back and hurried back to his boss's study room. Jordan changed into his casual attires facing the window outside, feeling his presence he exhaled "You are back " , Pharell walked to him "They'll be here soon boss" .

"Okay let's get this over with" he said turning walking to the exit, Before he could touch the knob Pharell stopped "Boss erm..." he rubbed his nape nervously, Jordan cocked his head , Pharell was acting weird "What is it Pharell?" curiosity was eating him up. Pharell let out a sigh and walked to the table, he inserted the flash drive on his boss's laptop, "You have to see this first " he uttered opening a file .

Jordan curiously moved his legs to to see what this mischievous man was upto now, his eyebrows furrowed once Pharell played the video he clenched his fists facing the same man that he saw with Lara three years ago. When he caught her red-handed cheating him specifically.

It's exactly the same man she hooked up with again, he drew conclusion that these tow were still in touch and had their own ways, What irritated him the most was how innocent Lara was acting so as to be forgiven while she is still cheating. What an actress!

She must be the most shameless woman in the world, he felt disgusted "I'm sorry that I didn't inform you first, boss I just wanted to....." he couldn't finish his words and saw him chuckle , Pharell blinked two times , has he gone mad with anger? "Good job! you just made my lecture even more shorter " he said and pounced him with a bear hug, "Thank you man" he said in between his laughter.

"Okay" was the only word that came out, he must have done a great job with this to be thanked by Jordan the fact that's too with a hug. They were alerted to hear a screeching sound if the gates, a limousine entered his mention and other luxury cars behind. His smile fell looking at the excited Lara and her parents greeting his grandparents so lovingly, what made him amused was that even his father-in-law came with his Aunt, What q memorable lunch it's gonna be today. He couldn't wait to burst the boom in his hands to them."Pharrell... let's beat this" he uttered stepping out of his study, Pharell grinned "Yes boss!" he was the most excited person today.

Since it was already lunchtime the families settled at the dining room, the big table with many chairs seemed so lively today with all the honourable people.

Jordan greeted everyone respectively, "How have you been son?" asked Laura's mother sming at him, he smile curtly "I've never been so good and lively Mrs. Carter "

"That is all that I want to see form you son" the woman smiled holding her daughter's hand feeling si proud that her daughter's arrival made the ice King this much happy , Lara smiled. "I bet it is Lara behind that wide smile nephew " said Maurice sipping her wine.

"Sort off " he said curtly looking at his father-in-law who gave him a smile back.

That Oldman knows the reason why I'm happy though! he said in his mind chuckling.

"That is why me and my dear wife thought about the. working together, see how fruitful it became " said Grandpa Shin.

"Yes, my boy seems so hapoy" supported Grandma Shin.

Lara blushed feeling mighty with all the compliments that she absolutely knows aren't meant for her but she played alongside how Jordan was surprisingly.

"I'm glad" said Lara's father , he was always a man of few words, he never talk unless it was appropriate, he was oozing with arrogance all the time, 'Now that I think about it...Tessa's father is way more charming than Lara's father' he thought .

Jordan wasn't entirely a bad person, he left everyone to eat first before he make them taste the other flavour, a dessert would be proper scenario. The maids took away the plates and cleared the table, in a few minutes they came back with plates of dessert before going away.

"Niw let's talk about the lovebirds, where could be a perfect place for thier wedding " said Grandpa who seemed rather flattered about the matter than anybody else.

'Hold your horses Oldman ' thought Jordan.

"How about at the outskirts? it will be quite an cozy there" said Lara's mom.

"Mmmm, that would be perfect, what do you think Lara dear?" Grandma Shin uttered. "I love it!" she said overly excited, everyone laughed to see how much she wanted this.

"Aww! how adorable " said Maurice.

"What about you Jordan, what do you say?" asked Lara's mother.

This is it! Jordan was tired of all the boring chats , he took hi Stine looking at the sming Lara while his own fell quickly, Lara felt chills 'Oh oh ' she thought, feeling the wind of what 2as about to happen, but then she I prepared if Jordan was going to break up thier engagement.

"There will be no wedding " he said firmly and determined, what was even more shocking was that he was so calmed. The time stopped, no sound sound was heard but of the wind howling, Lara's eyes widely opened, her look was not much different from her parents, his grandparents frowned and Maurice except for his father-in-law, he seemed not bothered, as if he didn't exist at the dire situation sipping down his wine elegantly.

"What do you mean Jordan?" asked his Grandpa furiously, Jordan exhaled, "With all due respect....there won't be any wedding between the two of us" the gasped was heard for a second time, "Now that I think about it , it's all clear why you don't have your engagement ring on, what kind of joke is this senior Shin!" Laura father blurted loud enough.

All of them stared at Jordan's hands and he really had no ring this whole time but they only found that out now.

"What happened Jordan, why don't you have your ring ? have you two fought?" his Grandma was worried.

'Wow! I never thought this was going to be this much easier ' he thought, the questions were appropriate.

"Lara dear have you tow fought?" this time his Aunt Maurice asked, he couldn't pinpoint if she was truly concerned or that if she was just amusing herself. "No! I don't know why henis being like this?" she bursted into tears.

"Why are you humiliating us senior Shin?" said Lara's father.

The two elderly were frozen , they were too tired to even talk and just sat quietly observing thier grandson.

"Humiliating? wait.... Who is humiliating who? it's your daughter that humiliated me that's too two times, at least that is how much I'm aware of!" he blurted fuming with anger, he was loosing his shit with this man's accusations.

"Do you even know what she did to me? no right? so stop concluding here Oldman!" Lara stiffened, her mind went blank , "God this is all because of that bitch! Would Jordan say about her affairs? no right? but what did he mean about two times? Aaaaaaagh! I'm doomed!" she screamed in her own thoughts. This were about to take turn on her life and she could see it as it comes and she can't do anything about it.

"This is because he has some other woman! that is why he doesn't want me anymore!" she yelled looking for a way to save herself self from the inevitable, this was a surprising shock! .

"What? said Grandpa Shin.

"A woman? okay how about you tell them about your man? no... you won't do that do I'll do it for you hun" said Jordan standing up facing everyone, he was tired of all these bullshit of Lara , he just have to put it to rest right now nand there....